108,446 research outputs found

    Disease-Gene Association Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    Understanding the relationship between genetic diseases and the genes associated with them is an important problem regarding human health. The vast amount of data created from a large number of high-throughput experiments performed in the last few years has resulted in an unprecedented growth in computational methods to tackle the disease gene association problem. Nowadays, it is clear that a genetic disease is not a consequence of a defect in a single gene. Instead, the disease phenotype is a reflection of various genetic components interacting in a complex network. In fact, genetic diseases, like any other phenotype, occur as a result of various genes working in sync with each other in a single or several biological module(s). Using a genetic algorithm, our method tries to evolve communities containing the set of potential disease genes likely to be involved in a given genetic disease. Having a set of known disease genes, we first obtain a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network containing all the known disease genes. All the other genes inside the procured PPI network are then considered as candidate disease genes as they lie in the vicinity of the known disease genes in the network. Our method attempts to find communities of potential disease genes strongly working with one another and with the set of known disease genes. As a proof of concept, we tested our approach on 16 breast cancer genes and 15 Parkinson's Disease genes. We obtained comparable or better results than CIPHER, ENDEAVOUR and GPEC, three of the most reliable and frequently used disease-gene ranking frameworks

    Constructing gene association networks for rheumatoid arthritis using the backward genotype-trait association (BGTA) algorithm

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA, MIM 180300) is a common and complex inflammatory disorder. The North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium (NARAC) data, as part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 data, consists of both genome scan and candidate gene studies on RA patients. We applied the backward genotype-trait association (BGTA) algorithm to capture marginal and gene × gene interaction effects of multiple susceptibility loci on RA disease status. A two-stage screening approach was used for the genome scan, whereas a comprehensive study of all possible subsets was conducted for the candidate genes. For the genome scan, we constructed an association network among 39 genetic loci that demonstrated strong signals, 19 of which have been reported in the RA literature. For the candidate genes, we found strong signals for PTPN22 and SUMO4. Based on significant association evidence, we built an association network among the loci of PTPN22, PADI4, DLG5, SLC22A4, SUMO4, and CARD15. To control for false positives, we used permutation tests to constrain the family-wise type I error rate to 1%. Using the BGTA algorithm, we identified genetic loci and candidate genes that were associated with RA susceptibility and association networks among them. For the first time, we report possible interactions between single-nucleotide polymorphisms/genes, which may be useful for biological interpretation

    Robust Computational Tools for Multiple Testing with Genetic Association Studies

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    Resolving the interplay of the genetic components of a complex disease is a challenging endeavor. Over the past several years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have emerged as a popular approach at locating common genetic variation within the human genome associated with disease risk. Assessing genetic-phenotype associations upon hundreds of thousands of genetic markers using the GWAS approach, introduces the potentially high number of false positive signals and requires statistical correction for multiple hypothesis testing. Permutation tests are considered the gold standard for multiple testing correction in GWAS, because they simultaneously provide unbiased Type I error control and high power. However, they demand heavy computational effort, especially with large-scale data sets of modern GWAS. In recent years, the computational problem has been circumvented by using approximations to permutation tests, but several studies have posed sampling conditions in which these approximations are suggestive to be biased. We have developed an optimized parallel algorithm for the permutation testing approach to multiple testing correction in GWAS, whose implementation essentially abates the computational problem. When introduced to GWAS data, our algorithm yields rapid, precise, and powerful multiplicity adjustment, many orders of magnitude faster than existing employed GWAS statistical software. Although GWAS have identified many potentially important genetic associations which will advance our understanding of human disease, the common variants with modest effects on disease risk discovered through this approach likely account for a small proportion of the heritability in complex disease. On the other hand, interactions between genetic and environmental factors could account for a substantial proportion of the heritability in a complex disease and are overlooked within the GWAS approach. We have developed an efficient and easily implemented tool for genetic association studies, whose aim is identifying genes involved in a gene-environment interaction. Our approach is amenable to a wide range of association studies and assorted densities in sampled genetic marker panels, and incorporates resampling for multiple testing correction. Within the context of a case-control study design we demonstrate by way of simulation that our proposed method offers greater statistical power to detect gene-environment interaction, when compared to several competing approaches to assess this type of interaction

    Mining tissue specificity, gene connectivity and disease association to reveal a set of genes that modify the action of disease causing genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The tissue specificity of gene expression has been linked to a number of significant outcomes including level of expression, and differential rates of polymorphism, evolution and disease association. Recent studies have also shown the importance of exploring differential gene connectivity and sequence conservation in the identification of disease-associated genes. However, no study relates gene interactions with tissue specificity and disease association.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We adopted an <it>a priori </it>approach making as few assumptions as possible to analyse the interplay among gene-gene interactions with tissue specificity and its subsequent likelihood of association with disease. We mined three large datasets comprising expression data drawn from massively parallel signature sequencing across 32 tissues, describing a set of 55,606 true positive interactions for 7,197 genes, and microarray expression results generated during the profiling of systemic inflammation, from which 126,543 interactions among 7,090 genes were reported.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Amongst the myriad of complex relationships identified between expression, disease, connectivity and tissue specificity, some interesting patterns emerged. These include elevated rates of expression and network connectivity in housekeeping and disease-associated tissue-specific genes. We found that disease-associated genes are more likely to show tissue specific expression and most frequently interact with other disease genes. Using the thresholds defined in these observations, we develop a guilt-by-association algorithm and discover a group of 112 non-disease annotated genes that predominantly interact with disease-associated genes, impacting on disease outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that parameters such as tissue specificity and network connectivity can be used in combination to identify a group of genes, not previously confirmed as disease causing, that are involved in interactions with disease causing genes. Our guilt-by-association algorithm should be useful for the discovery of additional modifiers of genetic diseases, and more generally, for the ability to associate genes of unknown function to clusters of genes with defined functions allowing for novel biological inference that can be subsequently validated.</p

    ATHENA: A knowledge-based hybrid backpropagation-grammatical evolution neural network algorithm for discovering epistasis among quantitative trait Loci

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Growing interest and burgeoning technology for discovering genetic mechanisms that influence disease processes have ushered in a flood of genetic association studies over the last decade, yet little heritability in highly studied complex traits has been explained by genetic variation. Non-additive gene-gene interactions, which are not often explored, are thought to be one source of this "missing" heritability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Stochastic methods employing evolutionary algorithms have demonstrated promise in being able to detect and model gene-gene and gene-environment interactions that influence human traits. Here we demonstrate modifications to a neural network algorithm in ATHENA (the Analysis Tool for Heritable and Environmental Network Associations) resulting in clear performance improvements for discovering gene-gene interactions that influence human traits. We employed an alternative tree-based crossover, backpropagation for locally fitting neural network weights, and incorporation of domain knowledge obtainable from publicly accessible biological databases for initializing the search for gene-gene interactions. We tested these modifications <it>in silico </it>using simulated datasets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that the alternative tree-based crossover modification resulted in a modest increase in the sensitivity of the ATHENA algorithm for discovering gene-gene interactions. The performance increase was highly statistically significant when backpropagation was used to locally fit NN weights. We also demonstrate that using domain knowledge to initialize the search for gene-gene interactions results in a large performance increase, especially when the search space is larger than the search coverage.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show that a hybrid optimization procedure, alternative crossover strategies, and incorporation of domain knowledge from publicly available biological databases can result in marked increases in sensitivity and performance of the ATHENA algorithm for detecting and modelling gene-gene interactions that influence a complex human trait.</p

    Modelling epistasis in genetic disease using Petri nets, evolutionary computation and frequent itemset mining

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    Petri nets are useful for mathematically modelling disease-causing genetic epistasis. A Petri net model of an interaction has the potential to lead to biological insight into the cause of a genetic disease. However, defining a Petri net by hand for a particular interaction is extremely difficult because of the sheer complexity of the problem and degrees of freedom inherent in a Petri net’s architecture. We propose therefore a novel method, based on evolutionary computation and data mining, for automatically constructing Petri net models of non-linear gene interactions. The method comprises two main steps. Firstly, an initial partial Petri net is set up with several repeated sub-nets that model individual genes and a set of constraints, comprising relevant common sense and biological knowledge, is also defined. These constraints characterise the class of Petri nets that are desired. Secondly, this initial Petri net structure and the constraints are used as the input to a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm searches for a Petri net architecture that is both a superset of the initial net, and also conforms to all of the given constraints. The genetic algorithm evaluation function that we employ gives equal weighting to both the accuracy of the net and also its parsimony. We demonstrate our method using an epistatic model related to the presence of digital ulcers in systemic sclerosis patients that was recently reported in the literature. Our results show that although individual “perfect” Petri nets can frequently be discovered for this interaction, the true value of this approach lies in generating many different perfect nets, and applying data mining techniques to them in order to elucidate common and statistically significant patterns of interaction