2 research outputs found

    Discriminatively trained features using fMPE for multi-stream audio-visual speech recognition

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    Abstract fMPE is a recently introduced discriminative training technique that uses the Minimum Phone Error (MPE) discriminative criterion to train a feature-level transformation. In this paper we investigate fMPE trained audio/visual features for multistream HMM-based audio-visual speech recognition. A flexible, layer-based implementation of fMPE allows us to combine the the visual information with the audio stream using the discriminative traning process, and dispense with the multiple stream approach. Experiments are reported on the IBM infrared headset audio-visual database. On average of 20-speaker 1 hour speaker independent test data, the fMPE trained acoustic features achieve 33% relative gain. Adding video layers on top of audio layers gives additional 10% gain over fMPE trained features from the audio stream alone. The fMPE trained visual features achieve 14% relative gain, while the decision fusion of audio/visual streams with fMPE trained features achieves 29% relative gain. However, fMPE trained models do not improve over the original models on the mismatched noisy test data