10 research outputs found

    Incorporating Weak Statistics for Low-Resource Language Modeling

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) requires a strong language model to guide the acoustic model and favor likely utterances. While many tasks enjoy billions of language model training tokens, many domains which require ASR do not have readily available electronic corpora.The only source of useful language modeling data is expensive and time-consuming human transcription of in-domain audio. This dissertation seeks to quickly and inexpensively improve low-resource language modeling for use in automatic speech recognition. This dissertation first considers efficient use of non-professional human labor to best improve system performance, and demonstrate that it is better to collect more data, despite higher transcription error, than to redundantly transcribe data to improve quality. In the process of developing procedures to collect such data, this work also presents an efficient rating scheme to detect poor transcribers without gold standard data. As an alternative to this process, automatic transcripts are generated with an ASR system and explore efficiently combining these low-quality transcripts with a small amount of high quality transcripts. Standard n-gram language models are sensitive to the quality of the highest order n-gram and are unable to exploit accurate weaker statistics. Instead, a log-linear language model is introduced, which elegantly incorporates a variety of background models through MAP adaptation. This work introduces marginal class constraints which effectively capture knowledge of transcriber error and improve performance over n-gram features. Finally, this work constrains the language modeling task to keyword search of words unseen in the training text. While overall system performance is good, these words suffer the most due to a low probability in the language model. Semi-supervised learning effectively extracts likely n-grams containing these new keywords from a large corpus of audio. By using a search metric that favors recall over precision, this method captures over 80% of the potential gain

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Acoustic model selection for recognition of regional accented speech

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    Accent is cited as an issue for speech recognition systems. Our experiments showed that the ASR word error rate is up to seven times greater for accented speech compared with standard British English. The main objective of this research is to develop Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) techniques that are robust to accent variation. We applied different acoustic modelling techniques to compensate for the effects of regional accents on the ASR performance. For conventional GMM-HMM based ASR systems, we showed that using a small amount of data from a test speaker to choose an accent dependent model using an accent identification system, or building a model using the data from N neighbouring speakers in AID space, will result in superior performance compared to that obtained with unsupervised or supervised speaker adaptation. In addition we showed that using a DNN-HMM rather than a GMM-HMM based acoustic model would improve the recognition accuracy considerably. Even if we apply two stages of accent followed by speaker adaptation to the GMM-HMM baseline system, the GMM-HMM based system will not outperform the baseline DNN-HMM based system. For more contemporary DNN-HMM based ASR systems we investigated how adding different types of accented data to the training set can provide better recognition accuracy on accented speech. Finally, we proposed a new approach for visualisation of the AID feature space. This is helpful in analysing the AID recognition accuracies and analysing AID confusion matrices

    Reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite en-ligne par approche combinant systèmes à vastes marges et modèles de Markov cachés

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    Handwriting recognition is one of the leading applications of pattern recognition and machine learning. Despite having some limitations, handwriting recognition systems have been used as an input method of many electronic devices and helps in the automation of many manual tasks requiring processing of handwriting images. In general, a handwriting recognition system comprises three functional components; preprocessing, recognition and post-processing. There have been improvements made within each component in the system. However, to further open the avenues of expanding its applications, specific improvements need to be made in the recognition capability of the system. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has been the dominant methods of recognition in handwriting recognition in offline and online systems. However, the use of Gaussian observation densities in HMM and representational model for word modeling often does not lead to good classification. Hybrid of Neural Network (NN) and HMM later improves word recognition by taking advantage of NN discriminative property and HMM representational capability. However, the use of NN does not optimize recognition capability as the use of Empirical Risk minimization (ERM) principle in its training leads to poor generalization. In this thesis, we focus on improving the recognition capability of a cursive online handwritten word recognition system by using an emerging method in machine learning, the support vector machine (SVM). We first evaluated SVM in isolated character recognition environment using IRONOFF and UNIPEN character databases. SVM, by its use of principle of structural risk minimization (SRM) have allowed simultaneous optimization of representational and discriminative capability of the character recognizer. We finally demonstrate the various practical issues in using SVM within a hybrid setting with HMM. In addition, we tested the hybrid system on the IRONOFF word database and obtained favourable results.Nos travaux concernent la reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite qui est l'un des domaines de prédilection pour la reconnaissance des formes et les algorithmes d'apprentissage. Dans le domaine de l'écriture en-ligne, les applications concernent tous les dispositifs de saisie permettant à un usager de communiquer de façon transparente avec les systèmes d'information. Dans ce cadre, nos travaux apportent une contribution pour proposer une nouvelle architecture de reconnaissance de mots manuscrits sans contrainte de style. Celle-ci se situe dans la famille des approches hybrides locale/globale où le paradigme de la segmentation/reconnaissance va se trouver résolu par la complémentarité d'un système de reconnaissance de type discriminant agissant au niveau caractère et d'un système par approche modèle pour superviser le niveau global. Nos choix se sont portés sur des Séparateurs à Vastes Marges (SVM) pour le classifieur de caractères et sur des algorithmes de programmation dynamique, issus d'une modélisation par Modèles de Markov Cachés (HMM). Cette combinaison SVM/HMM est unique dans le domaine de la reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite. Des expérimentations ont été menées, d'abord dans un cadre de reconnaissance de caractères isolés puis sur la base IRONOFF de mots cursifs. Elles ont montré la supériorité des approches SVM par rapport aux solutions à bases de réseaux de neurones à convolutions (Time Delay Neural Network) que nous avions développées précédemment, et leur bon comportement en situation de reconnaissance de mots

    Learning representations for speech recognition using artificial neural networks

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    Learning representations is a central challenge in machine learning. For speech recognition, we are interested in learning robust representations that are stable across different acoustic environments, recording equipment and irrelevant inter– and intra– speaker variabilities. This thesis is concerned with representation learning for acoustic model adaptation to speakers and environments, construction of acoustic models in low-resource settings, and learning representations from multiple acoustic channels. The investigations are primarily focused on the hybrid approach to acoustic modelling based on hidden Markov models and artificial neural networks (ANN). The first contribution concerns acoustic model adaptation. This comprises two new adaptation transforms operating in ANN parameters space. Both operate at the level of activation functions and treat a trained ANN acoustic model as a canonical set of fixed-basis functions, from which one can later derive variants tailored to the specific distribution present in adaptation data. The first technique, termed Learning Hidden Unit Contributions (LHUC), depends on learning distribution-dependent linear combination coefficients for hidden units. This technique is then extended to altering groups of hidden units with parametric and differentiable pooling operators. We found the proposed adaptation techniques pose many desirable properties: they are relatively low-dimensional, do not overfit and can work in both a supervised and an unsupervised manner. For LHUC we also present extensions to speaker adaptive training and environment factorisation. On average, depending on the characteristics of the test set, 5-25% relative word error rate (WERR) reductions are obtained in an unsupervised two-pass adaptation setting. The second contribution concerns building acoustic models in low-resource data scenarios. In particular, we are concerned with insufficient amounts of transcribed acoustic material for estimating acoustic models in the target language – thus assuming resources like lexicons or texts to estimate language models are available. First we proposed an ANN with a structured output layer which models both context–dependent and context–independent speech units, with the context-independent predictions used at runtime to aid the prediction of context-dependent states. We also propose to perform multi-task adaptation with a structured output layer. We obtain consistent WERR reductions up to 6.4% in low-resource speaker-independent acoustic modelling. Adapting those models in a multi-task manner with LHUC decreases WERRs by an additional 13.6%, compared to 12.7% for non multi-task LHUC. We then demonstrate that one can build better acoustic models with unsupervised multi– and cross– lingual initialisation and find that pre-training is a largely language-independent. Up to 14.4% WERR reductions are observed, depending on the amount of the available transcribed acoustic data in the target language. The third contribution concerns building acoustic models from multi-channel acoustic data. For this purpose we investigate various ways of integrating and learning multi-channel representations. In particular, we investigate channel concatenation and the applicability of convolutional layers for this purpose. We propose a multi-channel convolutional layer with cross-channel pooling, which can be seen as a data-driven non-parametric auditory attention mechanism. We find that for unconstrained microphone arrays, our approach is able to match the performance of the comparable models trained on beamform-enhanced signals

    Structured Named Entities

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    The names of people, locations, and organisations play a central role in language, and named entity recognition (NER) has been widely studied, and successfully incorporated, into natural language processing (NLP) applications. The most common variant of NER involves identifying and classifying proper noun mentions of these and miscellaneous entities as linear spans in text. Unfortunately, this version of NER is no closer to a detailed treatment of named entities than chunking is to a full syntactic analysis. NER, so construed, reflects neither the syntactic nor semantic structure of NE mentions, and provides insufficient categorical distinctions to represent that structure. Representing this nested structure, where a mention may contain mention(s) of other entities, is critical for applications such as coreference resolution. The lack of this structure creates spurious ambiguity in the linear approximation. Research in NER has been shaped by the size and detail of the available annotated corpora. The existing structured named entity corpora are either small, in specialist domains, or in languages other than English. This thesis presents our Nested Named Entity (NNE) corpus of named entities and numerical and temporal expressions, taken from the WSJ portion of the Penn Treebank (PTB, Marcus et al., 1993). We use the BBN Pronoun Coreference and Entity Type Corpus (Weischedel and Brunstein, 2005a) as our basis, manually annotating it with a principled, fine-grained, nested annotation scheme and detailed annotation guidelines. The corpus comprises over 279,000 entities over 49,211 sentences (1,173,000 words), including 118,495 top-level entities. Our annotations were designed using twelve high-level principles that guided the development of the annotation scheme and difficult decisions for annotators. We also monitored the semantic grammar that was being induced during annotation, seeking to identify and reinforce common patterns to maintain consistent, parsimonious annotations. The result is a scheme of 118 hierarchical fine-grained entity types and nesting rules, covering all capitalised mentions of entities, and numerical and temporal expressions. Unlike many corpora, we have developed detailed guidelines, including extensive discussion of the edge cases, in an ongoing dialogue with our annotators which is critical for consistency and reproducibility. We annotated independently from the PTB bracketing, allowing annotators to choose spans which were inconsistent with the PTB conventions and errors, and only refer back to it to resolve genuine ambiguity consistently. We merged our NNE with the PTB, requiring some systematic and one-off changes to both annotations. This allows the NNE corpus to complement other PTB resources, such as PropBank, and inform PTB-derived corpora for other formalisms, such as CCG and HPSG. We compare this corpus against BBN. We consider several approaches to integrating the PTB and NNE annotations, which affect the sparsity of grammar rules and visibility of syntactic and NE structure. We explore their impact on parsing the NNE and merged variants using the Berkeley parser (Petrov et al., 2006), which performs surprisingly well without specialised NER features. We experiment with flattening the NNE annotations into linear NER variants with stacked categories, and explore the ability of a maximum entropy and a CRF NER system to reproduce them. The CRF performs substantially better, but is infeasible to train on the enormous stacked category sets. The flattened output of the Berkeley parser are almost competitive with the CRF. Our results demonstrate that the NNE corpus is feasible for statistical models to reproduce. We invite researchers to explore new, richer models of (joint) parsing and NER on this complex and challenging task. Our nested named entity corpus will improve a wide range of NLP tasks, such as coreference resolution and question answering, allowing automated systems to understand and exploit the true structure of named entities

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2009 : Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing

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    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal

    AVATAR - Machine Learning Pipeline Evaluation Using Surrogate Model

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    © 2020, The Author(s). The evaluation of machine learning (ML) pipelines is essential during automatic ML pipeline composition and optimisation. The previous methods such as Bayesian-based and genetic-based optimisation, which are implemented in Auto-Weka, Auto-sklearn and TPOT, evaluate pipelines by executing them. Therefore, the pipeline composition and optimisation of these methods requires a tremendous amount of time that prevents them from exploring complex pipelines to find better predictive models. To further explore this research challenge, we have conducted experiments showing that many of the generated pipelines are invalid, and it is unnecessary to execute them to find out whether they are good pipelines. To address this issue, we propose a novel method to evaluate the validity of ML pipelines using a surrogate model (AVATAR). The AVATAR enables to accelerate automatic ML pipeline composition and optimisation by quickly ignoring invalid pipelines. Our experiments show that the AVATAR is more efficient in evaluating complex pipelines in comparison with the traditional evaluation approaches requiring their execution