2,954 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Representation Learning for Unsynchronized Audio-Visual Events

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    Audio-visual representation learning is an important task from the perspective of designing machines with the ability to understand complex events. To this end, we propose a novel multimodal framework that instantiates multiple instance learning. We show that the learnt representations are useful for classifying events and localizing their characteristic audio-visual elements. The system is trained using only video-level event labels without any timing information. An important feature of our method is its capacity to learn from unsynchronized audio-visual events. We achieve state-of-the-art results on a large-scale dataset of weakly-labeled audio event videos. Visualizations of localized visual regions and audio segments substantiate our system's efficacy, especially when dealing with noisy situations where modality-specific cues appear asynchronously

    DCAR: A Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation to Improve Event Detection

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    This paper presents a novel two-phase method for audio representation, Discriminative and Compact Audio Representation (DCAR), and evaluates its performance at detecting events in consumer-produced videos. In the first phase of DCAR, each audio track is modeled using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) that includes several components to capture the variability within that track. The second phase takes into account both global structure and local structure. In this phase, the components are rendered more discriminative and compact by formulating an optimization problem on Grassmannian manifolds, which we found represents the structure of audio effectively. Our experiments used the YLI-MED dataset (an open TRECVID-style video corpus based on YFCC100M), which includes ten events. The results show that the proposed DCAR representation consistently outperforms state-of-the-art audio representations. DCAR's advantage over i-vector, mv-vector, and GMM representations is significant for both easier and harder discrimination tasks. We discuss how these performance differences across easy and hard cases follow from how each type of model leverages (or doesn't leverage) the intrinsic structure of the data. Furthermore, DCAR shows a particularly notable accuracy advantage on events where humans have more difficulty classifying the videos, i.e., events with lower mean annotator confidence.Comment: An abbreviated version of this paper will be published in ACM Multimedia 201

    A Comprehensive Survey on Cross-modal Retrieval

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    In recent years, cross-modal retrieval has drawn much attention due to the rapid growth of multimodal data. It takes one type of data as the query to retrieve relevant data of another type. For example, a user can use a text to retrieve relevant pictures or videos. Since the query and its retrieved results can be of different modalities, how to measure the content similarity between different modalities of data remains a challenge. Various methods have been proposed to deal with such a problem. In this paper, we first review a number of representative methods for cross-modal retrieval and classify them into two main groups: 1) real-valued representation learning, and 2) binary representation learning. Real-valued representation learning methods aim to learn real-valued common representations for different modalities of data. To speed up the cross-modal retrieval, a number of binary representation learning methods are proposed to map different modalities of data into a common Hamming space. Then, we introduce several multimodal datasets in the community, and show the experimental results on two commonly used multimodal datasets. The comparison reveals the characteristic of different kinds of cross-modal retrieval methods, which is expected to benefit both practical applications and future research. Finally, we discuss open problems and future research directions.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 9 table

    Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features

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    This work presents a novel method of exploring human brain-visual representations, with a view towards replicating these processes in machines. The core idea is to learn plausible computational and biological representations by correlating human neural activity and natural images. Thus, we first propose a model, EEG-ChannelNet, to learn a brain manifold for EEG classification. After verifying that visual information can be extracted from EEG data, we introduce a multimodal approach that uses deep image and EEG encoders, trained in a siamese configuration, for learning a joint manifold that maximizes a compatibility measure between visual features and brain representations. We then carry out image classification and saliency detection on the learned manifold. Performance analyses show that our approach satisfactorily decodes visual information from neural signals. This, in turn, can be used to effectively supervise the training of deep learning models, as demonstrated by the high performance of image classification and saliency detection on out-of-training classes. The obtained results show that the learned brain-visual features lead to improved performance and simultaneously bring deep models more in line with cognitive neuroscience work related to visual perception and attention

    VideoStory Embeddings Recognize Events when Examples are Scarce

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    This paper aims for event recognition when video examples are scarce or even completely absent. The key in such a challenging setting is a semantic video representation. Rather than building the representation from individual attribute detectors and their annotations, we propose to learn the entire representation from freely available web videos and their descriptions using an embedding between video features and term vectors. In our proposed embedding, which we call VideoStory, the correlations between the terms are utilized to learn a more effective representation by optimizing a joint objective balancing descriptiveness and predictability.We show how learning the VideoStory using a multimodal predictability loss, including appearance, motion and audio features, results in a better predictable representation. We also propose a variant of VideoStory to recognize an event in video from just the important terms in a text query by introducing a term sensitive descriptiveness loss. Our experiments on three challenging collections of web videos from the NIST TRECVID Multimedia Event Detection and Columbia Consumer Videos datasets demonstrate: i) the advantages of VideoStory over representations using attributes or alternative embeddings, ii) the benefit of fusing video modalities by an embedding over common strategies, iii) the complementarity of term sensitive descriptiveness and multimodal predictability for event recognition without examples. By it abilities to improve predictability upon any underlying video feature while at the same time maximizing semantic descriptiveness, VideoStory leads to state-of-the-art accuracy for both few- and zero-example recognition of events in video

    Event Specific Multimodal Pattern Mining with Image-Caption Pairs

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    In this paper we describe a novel framework and algorithms for discovering image patch patterns from a large corpus of weakly supervised image-caption pairs generated from news events. Current pattern mining techniques attempt to find patterns that are representative and discriminative, we stipulate that our discovered patterns must also be recognizable by humans and preferably with meaningful names. We propose a new multimodal pattern mining approach that leverages the descriptive captions often accompanying news images to learn semantically meaningful image patch patterns. The mutltimodal patterns are then named using words mined from the associated image captions for each pattern. A novel evaluation framework is provided that demonstrates our patterns are 26.2% more semantically meaningful than those discovered by the state of the art vision only pipeline, and that we can provide tags for the discovered images patches with 54.5% accuracy with no direct supervision. Our methods also discover named patterns beyond those covered by the existing image datasets like ImageNet. To the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm developed to automatically mine image patch patterns that have strong semantic meaning specific to high-level news events, and then evaluate these patterns based on that criteria

    Automatic Spatially-aware Fashion Concept Discovery

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    This paper proposes an automatic spatially-aware concept discovery approach using weakly labeled image-text data from shopping websites. We first fine-tune GoogleNet by jointly modeling clothing images and their corresponding descriptions in a visual-semantic embedding space. Then, for each attribute (word), we generate its spatially-aware representation by combining its semantic word vector representation with its spatial representation derived from the convolutional maps of the fine-tuned network. The resulting spatially-aware representations are further used to cluster attributes into multiple groups to form spatially-aware concepts (e.g., the neckline concept might consist of attributes like v-neck, round-neck, etc). Finally, we decompose the visual-semantic embedding space into multiple concept-specific subspaces, which facilitates structured browsing and attribute-feedback product retrieval by exploiting multimodal linguistic regularities. We conducted extensive experiments on our newly collected Fashion200K dataset, and results on clustering quality evaluation and attribute-feedback product retrieval task demonstrate the effectiveness of our automatically discovered spatially-aware concepts.Comment: ICCV 201

    Deep Multimodal Feature Analysis for Action Recognition in RGB+D Videos

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    Single modality action recognition on RGB or depth sequences has been extensively explored recently. It is generally accepted that each of these two modalities has different strengths and limitations for the task of action recognition. Therefore, analysis of the RGB+D videos can help us to better study the complementary properties of these two types of modalities and achieve higher levels of performance. In this paper, we propose a new deep autoencoder based shared-specific feature factorization network to separate input multimodal signals into a hierarchy of components. Further, based on the structure of the features, a structured sparsity learning machine is proposed which utilizes mixed norms to apply regularization within components and group selection between them for better classification performance. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our cross-modality feature analysis framework by achieving state-of-the-art accuracy for action classification on five challenging benchmark datasets

    Multimodal sparse representation learning and applications

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    Unsupervised methods have proven effective for discriminative tasks in a single-modality scenario. In this paper, we present a multimodal framework for learning sparse representations that can capture semantic correlation between modalities. The framework can model relationships at a higher level by forcing the shared sparse representation. In particular, we propose the use of joint dictionary learning technique for sparse coding and formulate the joint representation for concision, cross-modal representations (in case of a missing modality), and union of the cross-modal representations. Given the accelerated growth of multimodal data posted on the Web such as YouTube, Wikipedia, and Twitter, learning good multimodal features is becoming increasingly important. We show that the shared representations enabled by our framework substantially improve the classification performance under both unimodal and multimodal settings. We further show how deep architectures built on the proposed framework are effective for the case of highly nonlinear correlations between modalities. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated experimentally in image denoising, multimedia event detection and retrieval on the TRECVID dataset (audio-video), category classification on the Wikipedia dataset (image-text), and sentiment classification on PhotoTweet (image-text)

    Predicting Human Intentions from Motion Only: A 2D+3D Fusion Approach

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    In this paper, we address the new problem of the prediction of human intents. There is neuro-psychological evidence that actions performed by humans are anticipated by peculiar motor acts which are discriminant of the type of action going to be performed afterwards. In other words, an actual intent can be forecast by looking at the kinematics of the immediately preceding movement. To prove it in a computational and quantitative manner, we devise a new experimental setup where, without using contextual information, we predict human intents all originating from the same motor act. We posit the problem as a classification task and we introduce a new multi-modal dataset consisting of a set of motion capture marker 3D data and 2D video sequences, where, by only analysing very similar movements in both training and test phases, we are able to predict the underlying intent, i.e., the future, never observed action. We also present an extensive experimental evaluation as a baseline, customizing state-of-the-art techniques for either 3D and 2D data analysis. Realizing that video processing methods lead to inferior performance but show complementary information with respect to 3D data sequences, we developed a 2D+3D fusion analysis where we achieve better classification accuracies, attesting the superiority of the multimodal approach for the context-free prediction of human intents.Comment: accepted as poster at the 25th ACM Multimedia (ACM MM) 2017, Mountain View, California, US
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