2 research outputs found

    Fair Kernel Learning

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    New social and economic activities massively exploit big data and machine learning algorithms to do inference on people's lives. Applications include automatic curricula evaluation, wage determination, and risk assessment for credits and loans. Recently, many governments and institutions have raised concerns about the lack of fairness, equity and ethics in machine learning to treat these problems. It has been shown that not including sensitive features that bias fairness, such as gender or race, is not enough to mitigate the discrimination when other related features are included. Instead, including fairness in the objective function has been shown to be more efficient. We present novel fair regression and dimensionality reduction methods built on a previously proposed fair classification framework. Both methods rely on using the Hilbert Schmidt independence criterion as the fairness term. Unlike previous approaches, this allows us to simplify the problem and to use multiple sensitive variables simultaneously. Replacing the linear formulation by kernel functions allows the methods to deal with nonlinear problems. For both linear and nonlinear formulations the solution reduces to solving simple matrix inversions or generalized eigenvalue problems. This simplifies the evaluation of the solutions for different trade-off values between the predictive error and fairness terms. We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed methods in toy examples, and evaluate their performance on real world datasets to predict income using gender and/or race discrimination as sensitive variables, and contraceptive method prediction under demographic and socio-economic sensitive descriptors.Comment: Work published on ECML'17, http://ecmlpkdd2017.ijs.si/papers/paperID275.pd

    Kernel Dependence Regularizers and Gaussian Processes with Applications to Algorithmic Fairness

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    Current adoption of machine learning in industrial, societal and economical activities has raised concerns about the fairness, equity and ethics of automated decisions. Predictive models are often developed using biased datasets and thus retain or even exacerbate biases in their decisions and recommendations. Removing the sensitive covariates, such as gender or race, is insufficient to remedy this issue since the biases may be retained due to other related covariates. We present a regularization approach to this problem that trades off predictive accuracy of the learned models (with respect to biased labels) for the fairness in terms of statistical parity, i.e. independence of the decisions from the sensitive covariates. In particular, we consider a general framework of regularized empirical risk minimization over reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and impose an additional regularizer of dependence between predictors and sensitive covariates using kernel-based measures of dependence, namely the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) and its normalized version. This approach leads to a closed-form solution in the case of squared loss, i.e. ridge regression. Moreover, we show that the dependence regularizer has an interpretation as modifying the corresponding Gaussian process (GP) prior. As a consequence, a GP model with a prior that encourages fairness to sensitive variables can be derived, allowing principled hyperparameter selection and studying of the relative relevance of covariates under fairness constraints. Experimental results in synthetic examples and in real problems of income and crime prediction illustrate the potential of the approach to improve fairness of automated decisions