366 research outputs found


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    The author of the paper discusses rules relating to will execution formalities, and rules relating to interpretation of wills in order to show the importance of legal policy and general legal values for interpretation of wills. Aharon Barak’s theory of purposive interpretation is a starting point for the discussion because this theory emphasizes the importance of objective elements for interpretation of wills. The author analyses the main problems that arise in connection with interpretation of wills and indicates possible policy considerations underlying different approaches to interpretation. The author concludes that courts have a justifiably large freedom to interpret the words of the will and that there is convergence between civil law and common law approach to interpretation of wills, and this interpretation is often based on objective rules not connected to the most likely intent of the testator.U ovom radu autor analizira pravila o formi oporuke i pravila o tumačenju oporuke s ciljem da pokaže značaj pravnopolitičkih odluka i općih pravnih vrijednosti za tumačenje oporuka. Teorija Aharona Baraka o ciljnom tumačenju koristi se kao polazna točka, budući da ova teorija naglašava važnost objektivnih elemenata za tumačenje oporuke. Autor analizira glavne probleme koji se javljaju u vezi s tumačenjem oporuke i ukazuje na moguće pravnopolitičke obzire koji podupiru različite pristupe tumačenju. Autor zaključuje da sudovi imaju opravdano veliku slobodu da tumače riječi korištene u oporuci, da postoji približavanje između kontinentalnoeuropskog i anglosaksonskog pristupa tumačenju oporuke i da se tumačenje često zasniva na objektivnim pravilima koja nisu povezana s najvjerovatnijom namjerom oporučitelja

    Musicology 22 (I /2017)

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    Тема броја 22 Урбана звучна екологија инспирисана је међународним пројектом City Sonic Ecology – Urban Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade [Звучна екологија града – Урбани звучни пејзажи Берна, Љубљане и Београда], који финансира Швајцарска национална фондација за науку (SNSF) у оквиру програма сарадње са земљама источне Европе (SCOPES). Музиколошки институт САНУ један је од три учесника на пројекту, уз Департман за музикологију Универзитета у Берну, Швајцарска, и Институт за интердисциплинарне студије Словеначке академије наука и уметности у Љубљани, Словенија. Овај иновативан трогодишњи пројекат, у оквиру којег су први пут паралелно снимани и анализирани звучни амбијенти три европске престонице, као и начини на које се ови амбијенти мењају под утицајем транзиционих и других друштвених промена, започет је 2014. године и сада улази у завршну фазу. Резултати истраживања спроведених током ове три године презентовани су на великом броју конгреса и конференција широм света; један део радова проистеклих из овог пројекта публикован је 2016. године у специјалном броју словеначког часописа Muzikološki zbornik / Musicological Annual, а други део се објављује сада. Финални резултати овог пројекта биће колективна монографија и звучне мапе све три престонице. Као уредница часописа Музикологија и руководилац београдског тима пројекта Звучна екологија града, захваљујем се фондацији SNSF на финансијској подршци, а Универзитету у Берну и проф. др Брити Сверс (Britta Sweers) на логистичкој и свакој другој помоћи. Радови у рубрици Varia посвећени су разнородним темама везаним за широк дијапазон српске и иностране уметничке музике од средњег века до данас. Поред звучних панорама урбаних средина, још једна иновативна област истраживања отворена овом приликом јесте проучавање акустике средњовековних српских цркава; троје аутора, различитих специјализација, бавило се истраживањем црквене акустике. Катарина Томашевић се осврће на делатност Драгутина Гостушког у вези са првим конгресом семиотичара музике, организованим пре 44 године у Београду, у чијој је организацији Гостушки, тадашњи директор Музиколошког института САНУ, активно учествовао и чије су идеје у великој мери бојиле овај конгрес. Колега са Универзитета у Косовској Митровици, Саша Божидаревић, разматра делатност наследника Стевана Мокрањца – композитора хорске музике који су стварали руковети и сродне форме у деценијама после Другог светског рата. Америчка ауторка Ерика Хаскел проучавала је моделе финансирања музичких фестивала у Сарајеву, главном граду суседне Босне и Херцеговине, у деценијама након потписивања Дејтонског споразума, и закључила да су иностране амбасаде, као главни спонзори фестивала, инсистирале на интернационалним програмима и заобилажењу деликатних тема, у циљу регионалног помирења. Најзад, Милена Медић проучава појам меланхолије у ренесансним италијанским мадригалима, користећи велики број примера из остварења најзначајнијих стваралаца ове, данас помало заборављене, епохе. Рубрика Научна критика и полемика доноси пет осврта на најновија издања везана за српску културу и традицију, односно за делатност наших научника у иностранству, док се у рубрици In memoriam Мелита Милин опрашта од академика Властимира Трајковића, великана српске музике ХХ и XXI века. У име чланова редакције и своје лично, захваљујем се колегама из Србије и иностранства који су, у својству рецензената, читали радове припремљене за овај број и дали велики број корисних сугестија за њихово побољшање. Такође, желим срдачну добродошлицу новим члановима међународног издавачког савета Музикологије.The main theme of the volume No. 22 Urban Sonic Ecology is inspired by the international project City Sonic Ecology -- Urban Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) within their SCOPES program. The Institute of Musicology SASA is one of the participants in this project, together with the Institute of Musicology, University of Bern, Switzerland, and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Centre for Scientific Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia. This highly innovative three-year project, during which the soundscapes of three European capital cities (Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade) were recorded and analyzed comparatively for the first time, demonstrated how soundscapes and ambiances were transformed under the influence of transitional and other social and cultural changes. The project began in 2014, and it is now entering its final stage. Results of the research conducted over the three-year span were presented in a number of international congresses and conferences all over the world, from Japan to Brazil. Several articles were published in the Slovenian journal Muzikološki zbornik / Musicological Annual. in 2016, and the second group of articles is published in the present volume. The final results of this project will include a group monograph and sound maps of all three cities. As the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal Musicology and Head of the Belgrade team of the project City Sonic Ecology, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the SNSF for their generous financial assistance, and to Head of the project Prof. Dr Britta Sweers for her immense support and numerous exceptionally productive professional exchanges. Articles in the rubric Varia are dedicated to various topics related to a wide range of music from the Middle Ages to the present day. Aside from the sound panoramas of the urban environments, another innovative area of research opened on this occasion is the research on the acoustic of Serbian medieval churches. Three authors with different specializations studied the church acoustics, and they are presenting results of their joint investigations for the first time. Katarina Tomašević writes about the activities of Dragutin Gostuški in relation to the First Congress of Semioticians of Music, organized 44 years ago in Belgrade. As the Director of the Institute of Musicology SASA at that time, Gostuški actively participated in organizing this congress and his ideas greatly influenced its structure and scope. Saša Božidarević studies professional activities of the successors of Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac – Serbian composers of choral music who wrote Rukoveti (Garlands) and other similar forms in the decades after World War II. Erica Haskell has analyzed the models of financing festivals in Sarajevo, the capital city of the neighboring Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the decades after the signing of the Dayton Agreement, and concluded that foreign embassies, as the main sponsors of the festival, insisted on international programs and the avoidance of delicate issues, aiming towards regional reconciliation. Finally, Milena Medić researches the notion of melancholy in the Renaissance Italian madrigals, using a large number of examples from the works written by the most prominent composers of this epoch. The volume also contains five reviews of the latest books, including both those related to Serbian culture and tradition, and to the activities of our scientists working abroad. In the section In memoriam Melita Milin says goodbye to the Academician Vlastimir Trajković, Fellow of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and one of the greatest Serbian composers of the twentieth century. On behalf of the members of the Editorial Board and my own, I am grateful to all colleagues from Serbia and abroad who served as peer reviewers for the articles published in this volume and gave a large number of constructive suggestions for their improvement. Furthermore, I would like to express a heartfelt welcome to the new members of the International Editorial Council of the journal Musicology.Teма броја: Урбана звучна екологија / The main theme: Urban sonic ecology Објављивање часописа финансијски су помогли Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја и Министарство културе и информисања Републике Србије, СОКОЈ r Организација музичких аутора Србије и Швајцарска национална фондација за науку (SNSF) у оквиру програма SCOPES. / The publication of this volume was financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, SOKOJ – Serbian Music Authors’ Organization, and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) within its SCOPES programme

    Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

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    This is a unique and groundbreaking collection of questions and answers coming from higher education institutions on diverse fields and across a wide spectrum of countries and cultures. It creates routes for further innovation, collaboration amidst the Sciences (both Natural and Social) and the Humanities and the private and the public sectors of society. The chapters speak across socio-cultural concerns, education, welfare and artistic sectors under the common desire for direct responses in more effective ways by means of interaction across societal structures

    Yugoslavia: from wars to European integration: perspectives from university students in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo

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    What are the conditions for meaningful reconciliation in post-conflict societies? This was the departure research question for this research project focusing on the former Yugoslavia, in particular on the territories of the three largest former republics: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo, due to the latter’s respective specificities. Starting out from a general hypothesis: the fulfilment of a set of political, social and economic conditions fosters and enables tolerant and peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the former Yugoslavia, this then shaped and thus defined the main research objectives: understanding the way in which the post-war educational systems have or have not contributed to reconciliation between the various nations and peoples of the region; the prospects of European integration as an engine for pacification; the role of hate speech formulated in the media and culture and as well as the means of overcoming it. Through research that interweaves with the professional activity of the author – a journalist with extensive experience in coverage of the region – and deploying a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods (a survey answered by over 270 students from the countries under study), this dissertation strives to provide new clues for approaching nationalist phenomena and perspectives (taking into account the responses of students to the survey this thesis put forward) on reconstructing post-conflict societies and furthermore identifying a set of conditions that must first be verified before ever achieving what this dissertation defines as reconcivicnation, a civic reconciliation of nations.Quais as condições para a reconciliação em sociedades pós-conflito? Esta foi a pergunta central de partida que orientou a investigação, que incide sobre a antiga Jugoslávia, em particular sobre os territórios das três maiores antigas repúblicas: Bósnia-Herzegovina, Croácia, Sérvia, acrescentando o Kosovo, pelas especificidades que encerra. Partindo de uma hipótese geral: a concretização de um conjunto de condições políticas, sociais e económicas permitirá um convívio mais tolerante e pacífico entre os povos da antiga Jugoslávia, foram considerados e definidos os objetivos principais da pesquisa: a compreensão da forma como a educação – o sistema educativo dos vários países e entidades constituintes – contribuiu ou não, após as guerras, para a reconciliação entre as várias nações e povos da região; as perspetivas de integração europeia como motor, ou não, de pacificação da região; o papel do discurso do ódio formulado nos media e na cultura e formas de o superar. Através de uma investigação que se cruza com a actividade profissional do autor – jornalista com vasta experiência na cobertura da região – e utilizando uma combinação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos (um inquérito que foi respondido por mais de 270 estudantes dos países em estudo), esta dissertação pretende trazer novas pistas para a abordagem dos fenómenos nacionalistas e perspectivas de reconstrução de sociedades pósconflito, considerando as perspetivas dos estudantes que responderam ao inquérito e apontando um conjunto de condições que se devem verificar para que seja atingido aquilo que esta dissertação definirá como “reconcivicnation”, uma reconciliação cívica das nações

    Contemporary music festivals as micronational spaces : articulations of national identity in Serbia’s Exit and Guča trumpet festivals in the post-Milošević era

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    In this study, I address issues of national identity articulations in post-Milošević Serbia (i.e. from 2000 onwards) using two major Serbian music festivals as case studies – the Exit and Guča trumpet festivals. The Exit and Guča festivals are particularly instructive for this line of inquiry because of fundamental aesthetic and ideological differences they are said to embody; namely, the two festivals are often narrated domestically as representing Two Serbias, thereby evoking the recurring West-East hermeneutic and its familiar taxonomy of binaries. The study first documents in detail the various ways in which Exit and Guča both reflect and construct the perceived schisms in Serbia’s national identity imaginary. Second, the study challenges the polarized representations of Exit and Guča by pointing to internal contradictions inherent in each festival. To achieve both objectives, I develop a new approach to festival research on national identity – one which arises from the idea of contemporary music festivals as micronational spaces. Informed by the larger framework of critical cultural theory and using rich research material from a wide variety of sources (including ethnographic evidence), the study ultimately illuminates the discursive practices underpinning the social production of Exit and Guča as particular types of micronational spaces, specifically, as a counter- and as an organic space respectively. Of special analytical interest is also the perception of each festival, both native and foreign, within the symbolic geographies of Serbia and the world beyond. The study concludes with a discussion on the transformation of Exit and Guča into (national) brandscapes and the effects this conceptual change has produced on the local perception of each festival as well as of the interrelated fields of popular music and national identity more generally. The final argument of the study is that the branding talk in two Serbian festivals ultimately recasts the earlier Balkanist discourse on Serbia’s indeterminate position between the West and the East, but in a way which provides little hope for alternative visions of the nation’s future. One solution to this problem is arguably the key concept of the study – specifically, the ideas of the festival microcitizenship and coming community – which may be used as an alternative perspective for exploring the political function of music festivals as much in Serbia as elsewhere.Tutkimuksessa tarkastelen kansallisen identiteetin rakentumista Miloševićin jälkeisessä Serbiassa (vuodesta 2000 alkaen) käyttäen tapaustutkimuksena kahta merkittävää serbialaista musiikkifestivaalia, Exitiä sekä Guča torvisoittokuntafestivaalia. Exit- ja Guča-festivaali toimivat havainnollistavina esimerkkeinä, sillä niiden välillä katsotaan yleisesti olevan huomattavia esteettisideologisia eroja; kansallisissa narratiiveissa festivaalien kuvaillaan edustavan kahta Serbiaa, mikä toisintaa länsi-itä-hermeneutiikkaa ja sen vastakohtaisuusajatteluun perustuvaa arvomaailmaa. Tutkimus kuvaa ensinnäkin yksityiskohtaisesti niitä keinoja, joiden avulla Exit ja Guča heijastavat ja rakentavat Serbian kansallisen itseymmärryksen osaksi miellettyjä kiistoja. Toisekseen tutkimus haastaa Exitin ja Gučan vastakkaisuutta korostavia representaatioita keskittämällä huomion kummankin festivaalin sisäisiin ristiriitoihin. Tätä varten kehitän tutkimuksessa uuden lähestymistavan kansallisen identiteetin tarkasteluun festivaalitutkimuksen kautta, joka nojaa ajatukseen nykyajan musiikkifestivaaleista mikrokansallisina tiloina. Tutkimuksen pohjana toimivat kriittisen kulttuurintutkimuksen teoriat sekä monipuolinen tutkimusaineisto (mukaan lukien etnografinen materiaali), joiden avulla tutkimus valottaa Exit- ja Guča-festivaaleja ympäröiviä diskurssin tuottamisen tapoja ja miten ne sosiaalisesti rakentavat kuvaa kyseisistä festivaaleista mikrokansallisina tiloina, ensin mainittua vastakulttuurisena ja jälkimmäistä orgaanisena tilana. Analyyttisen huomion kohteena ovat niin ikään kotimaiset ja ulkomaiset mielikuvat ja käsitykset kyseisistä festivaaleista osina Serbian symbolista maantiedettä sekä muuta maailmaa. Tutkimuksen perusteella Exit- ja Guča-festivaalien voidaan todeta muodostuneen (kansallisiksi) brändikokonaisuuksiksi (brandscape) ja että tämä käsitteellinen muutos on vaikuttanut paikallisiin mielikuviin molemmista festivaaleista sekä yleisemmin populaarimusiikin ja kansallisidentiteetin kytköksiin. Tutkimuksen johtopäätös on, että kahden festivaalin brändäyspuhe toistaa aiempaa balkanistista diskurssia Serbian häilyvästä positiosta lännen ja idän välillä, mutta tekee sen tavalla, joka ei tarjoa vaihtoehtoisia näkemyksiä maan tulevaisuudesta. Yhtenä ratkaisuna tutkimus esittää, että siinä kehitettyjä keskeisiä teoreettisia käsitteitä, festivaalien mikrokansalaisuutta ja yhteisöksi tulemista, on mahdollista käyttää vaihtoehtoisina lähestymistapoina musiikkifestivaalien poliittisten funktioiden tutkimisessa sekä Serbiassa että muualla maailmassa

    The Holocaust and Mass Atrocity: The Continuing Challenge for Decision

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    This article begins with an appraisal of a report published by the United States Institute for Peace and authored by the former Secretary of State, Albright, and former Secretary of Defense, Cohen. This Report generated a great deal of interest and reaction from scholars across the globe. The article will introduce the broad outline of this Report and provide a summary of the principal criticisms that it has generated. This sets the stage for approaching the problem that is sensitive to the issue that this phenomenon be explore with a view to developing usable insights and data as well as methods and guidelines that may be of value to policy makers who have responsibility for acting in response to the problems of genocide and mass atrocity. The article then explores the problem with the specific emphasis on a better understanding of the Holocaust. It reviews anti-Semitism from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It focuses on the influence of American anti-Semitism on the German Nazis, it explores the endurance of anti-Semitism in Germany via its intellectual and scholastic elite, and it explores the political psychology of Hitlerism prior to the Second World War. The article then explores the problem that anti-Semitism may be a necessary condition of genocide but it is not sufficient. This requires us to understand the jump from anti-Semitism that is repressive and dominating to the decision to exterminate a population of human beings completely. This requires us to more carefully explore specific features of the Nazi decision process as well as its framework of social control. The Article then seeks to underline the unique aspects of the Holocaust, it also identifies the specific lessons which make the Holocaust uniquely distinctive, and it explores the intellectual and policy challenges generated by this experience. Among the issues which have driven Holocaust-like outcomes is the way in which emotion shapes human political behavior in both benign and lethal ways. It explores the tradition of political psychology and its relationship to character and social structure. It also explores the important revelations that quantum physics provides for understanding the influence of emotion and consciousness on the behavior of subatomic particles. From this perspective the article develops a theory that contextualizes the social processes of emotion in terms of social processes of positive and negative sentiment. These are factors that influence the possibility of destructive behaviors or constructive social outcomes. The article then shifts the focus to recurrent genocide and uses the tragedy in the former Yugoslavia as a contemporary case study. With this background the article focuses on developing the theoretical and methodological intellectual skills that have been developed in the context of the policy sciences to provide an approach to the challenges generated by the problems of mass murder and genocide which will guide a policy maker to more realistic, timely, and effective interventions. The article then explores five distinctive but interrelated intellectual tasks required of research to guide inquiry and policy making. These intellectual tasks include a disciplined commitment to the clarification of the value goals implicated by the problems of mass murder and genocide; it focus as well on the intellectual task which requires a careful specification of the trends in past decision that have sought in some measure of efficacy to respond to these problems; it focuses of the third intellectual task which is to understand the scientific conditions that have shaped the nature of the trends; it then focuses on the fourth intellectual task which is the task of forecasting the prospect of mass murder and genocide and the possibility of constraining it. Finally theory requires an element of creativity. That would be expressed in terms of the forecast about the prospect of genocide and mass murder which could be understood as a tentative forecast of an optimistic and a pessimistic nature. The creative aspect of this would be the invention off strategies that might direct intervention of a trend in the direction of the optimistic possible future

    Controversies of Multi/Ethnic Democracy: The Case of Republic of Macedonia

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    This paper aims to demystify the multi-ethnic model of the democratic form of government, which has been strongly promoted in the international political discourse toward Third World countries. In political science, this concept is actually so controversial and paradoxical, that its (pseudo) scientific use can be interpreted only as an instrument of geopolitical strategies. The author renames it "multi/ethnic democracy" to reveal that its ethnocratic and destabilizing potential overpowers its cooperative intentions. Recent empirical studies have proven the unreliability of this model, but the case study of the Republic of Macedonia has not been included yet. The combined qualitative and quantitative research in this paper shows that in the last 17 years (2001-2018) this inconsistent cross between ethnocracy and democracy in the Republic of Macedonia resulted in a series of conflicting social, political, religious, and cultural circumstances. Instead of improving the civil (trans-ethnical) concept of the state, the ethnic concept grew stronger. In a short time and with hasty constitutional revisions the former stable national and civil structure was transformed into an entropic structure full of divisions and tensions on ethnic grounds and of fragmentations and isolations on territorial, institutional, linguistic, and cultural grounds, while the existence of the Macedonian ethnos, nation, and state was brought into question