944 research outputs found

    A construction of polynomials with squarefree discriminants

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    For any integer n >= 2 and any nonnegative integers r,s with r+2s = n, we give an unconditional construction of infinitely many monic irreducible polynomials of degree n with integer coefficients having squarefree discriminant and exactly r real roots. These give rise to number fields of degree n, signature (r,s), Galois group S_n, and squarefree discriminant; we may also force the discriminant to be coprime to any given integer. The number of fields produced with discriminant in the range [-N, N] is at least c N^(1/(n-1)). A corollary is that for each n \geq 3, infinitely many quadratic number fields admit everywhere unramified degree n extensions whose normal closures have Galois group A_n. This generalizes results of Yamamura, who treats the case n = 5, and Uchida and Yamamoto, who allow general n but do not control the real place.Comment: 10 pages; v2: refereed version, minor edits onl

    Level sets and non Gaussian integrals of positively homogeneous functions

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    We investigate various properties of the sublevel set {x : g(x)≀1}\{x \,:\,g(x)\leq 1\} and the integration of hh on this sublevel set when gg and hhare positively homogeneous functions. For instance, the latter integral reduces to integrating hexp⁑(βˆ’g)h\exp(-g) on the whole space RnR^n (a non Gaussian integral) and when gg is a polynomial, then the volume of the sublevel set is a convex function of the coefficients of gg. In fact, whenever hh is nonnegative, the functional βˆ«Ο•(g(x))h(x)dx\int \phi(g(x))h(x)dx is a convex function of gg for a large class of functions Ο•:R+β†’R\phi:R_+\to R. We also provide a numerical approximation scheme to compute the volume or integrate hh (or, equivalently to approximate the associated non Gaussian integral). We also show that finding the sublevel set {x : g(x)≀1}\{x \,:\,g(x)\leq 1\} of minimum volume that contains some given subset KK is a (hard) convex optimization problem for which we also propose two convergent numerical schemes. Finally, we provide a Gaussian-like property of non Gaussian integrals for homogeneous polynomials that are sums of squares and critical points of a specific function
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