3,582 research outputs found

    Discrete differential forms and applications to surface tiling

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    The geometry of manifolds has been extensively studied for centuries — though almost exclusively from a differential point of view. Unfortunately, well-established theoretical geometric foundations do not directly translate to discrete meshes: discretizations of inherently-continuous notions such as curvatures and geodesics may lose their geometric and/or variational properties. In this talk, we will introduce the notion of discrete differential forms and show how they provide differential, yet readily discretizable computational foundations [1]. We will describe how key geometric properties built into their description can more readily yield robust numerical computations which are true to the underlying continuous equations: they exactly preserve invariants of continuous models in the discrete computational realm. These discrete forms will be put to good use, first for surface flows and conformal parameterizations, then for the design of pure quadrilateral tiling of arbitrary 2-manifolds [2]. We will also briefly mention other applications (fluid animation, vector field design) benefiting greatly from this principled, discrete approach to geometry and computations

    Cohomology of matching rules

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    Quasiperiodic patterns described by polyhedral "atomic surfaces" and admitting matching rules are considered. It is shown that the cohomology ring of the continuous hull of such patterns is isomorphic to that of the complement of a torus TNT^N to an arrangement AA of thickened affine tori of codimension two. Explicit computation of Betti numbers for several two-dimensional tilings and for the icosahedral Ammann-Kramer tiling confirms in most cases the results obtained previously by different methods. The cohomology groups of TN\AT^N \backslash A have a natural structure of a right module over the group ring of the space symmetry group of the pattern and can be decomposed in a direct sum of its irreducible representations. An example of such decomposition is shown for the Ammann-Kramer tiling

    Exclusion processes: short range correlations induced by adhesion and contact interactions

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    We analyze the out-of-equilibrium behavior of exclusion processes where agents interact with their nearest neighbors, and we study the short-range correlations which develop because of the exclusion and other contact interactions. The form of interactions we focus on, including adhesion and contact-preserving interactions, is especially relevant for migration processes of living cells. We show the local agent density and nearest-neighbor two-point correlations resulting from simulations on two dimensional lattices in the transient regime where agents invade an initially empty space from a source and in the stationary regime between a source and a sink. We compare the results of simulations with the corresponding quantities derived from the master equation of the exclusion processes, and in both cases, we show that, during the invasion of space by agents, a wave of correlations travels with velocity v(t) ~ t^(-1/2). The relative placement of this wave to the agent density front and the time dependence of its height may be used to discriminate between different forms of contact interactions or to quantitatively estimate the intensity of interactions. We discuss, in the stationary density profile between a full and an empty reservoir of agents, the presence of a discontinuity close to the empty reservoir. Then, we develop a method for deriving approximate hydrodynamic limits of the processes. From the resulting systems of partial differential equations, we recover the self-similar behavior of the agent density and correlations during space invasion

    Boundary Value Problems on Planar Graphs and Flat Surfaces with integer cone singularities, I: The Dirichlet Problem

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    Consider a planar, bounded, mm-connected region Ω\Omega, and let \bord\Omega be its boundary. Let T\mathcal{T} be a cellular decomposition of \Omega\cup\bord\Omega, where each 2-cell is either a triangle or a quadrilateral. From these data and a conductance function we construct a canonical pair (S,f)(S,f) where SS is a genus (m1)(m-1) singular flat surface tiled by rectangles and ff is an energy preserving mapping from T(1){\mathcal T}^{(1)} onto SS.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2 - revised definition (now denoted by the flux-gradient metric (1.9)) in section 1 and minor modifications of proofs; corrected typo

    A nodal domain theorem for integrable billiards in two dimensions

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    Eigenfunctions of integrable planar billiards are studied - in particular, the number of nodal domains, ν\nu, of the eigenfunctions are considered. The billiards for which the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation (Helmholtz equation) is separable admit trivial expressions for the number of domains. Here, we discover that for all separable and non-separable integrable billiards, ν\nu satisfies certain difference equations. This has been possible because the eigenfunctions can be classified in families labelled by the same value of mmodknm\mod kn, given a particular kk, for a set of quantum numbers, m,nm, n. Further, we observe that the patterns in a family are similar and the algebraic representation of the geometrical nodal patterns is found. Instances of this representation are explained in detail to understand the beauty of the patterns. This paper therefore presents a mathematical connection between integrable systems and difference equations.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure