4 research outputs found

    Strategic algorithms

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 193-201).Classical algorithms from theoretical computer science arise time and again in practice. However,a practical situations typically do not fit precisely into the traditional theoretical models. Additional necessary components are, for example, uncertainty and economic incentives. Therefore, modem algorithm design is calling for more interdisciplinary approaches, as well as for deeper theoretical understanding, so that the algorithms can apply to more realistic settings and complex systems. Consider, for instance, the classical shortest path algorithm, which, given a graph with specified edge weights, seeks the path minimizing the total weight from a source to a destination. In practice, the edge weights are often uncertain and it is not even clear what we mean by shortest path anymore: is it the path that minimizes the expected weight? Or its variance, or some another metric? With a risk-averse objective function that takes into account both mean and standard deviation, we run into nonconvex optimization challenges that require new theory beyond classical shortest path algorithm design. Yet another shortest path application, routing of packets in the Internet, needs to further incorporate economic incentives to reflect the various business relationships among the Internet Service Providers that affect the choice of packet routes. Strategic Algorithms are algorithms that integrate optimization, uncertainty and economic modeling into algorithm design, with the goal of bringing about new theoretical developments and solving practical applications arising in complex computational-economic systems.(cont.) In short, this thesis contributes new algorithms and their underlying theory at the interface of optimization, uncertainty and economics. Although the interplay of these disciplines is present in various forms in our work, for the sake of presentation we have divided the material into three categories: 1. In Part I we investigate algorithms at the intersection of Optimization and Uncertainty. The key conceptual contribution in this part is discovering a novel connection between stochastic and nonconvex optimization. Traditional algorithm design has not taken into account the risk inherent in stochastic optimization problems. We consider natural objectives that incorporate risk, which tum out equivalent to certain nonconvex problems from the realm of continuous optimization. As a result, our work advances the state of art in both stochastic and in nonconvex optimization, presenting new complexity results and proposing general purpose efficient approximation algorithms, some of which have shown promising practical performance and have been implemented in a real traffic prediction and navigation system. 2. Part II proposes new algorithm and mechanism design at the intersection of Uncertainty and Economics. In Part I we postulate that the random variables in our models come from given distributions. However, determining those distributions or their parameters is a challenging and fundamental problem in itself. A tool from Economics that has recently gained momentum for measuring the probability distribution of a random variable is an information or prediction market. Such markets, most popularly known for predicting the outcomes of political elections or other events of interest, have shown remarkable accuracy in practice, though at the same time have left open the theoretical and strategic analysis of current implementations, as well as the need for new and improved designs which handle more complex outcome spaces (probability distribution functions) as opposed to binary or n-ary valued distributions. The contributions of this part include a unified strategic analysis of different prediction market designs that have been implemented in practice.(cont.) We also offer new market designs for handling exponentially large outcome spaces stemming from ranking or permutation-type outcomes, together with algorithmic and complexity analysis. 3. In Part III we consider the interplay of optimization and economics in the context of network routing. This part is motivated by the network of autonomous systems in the Internet where each portion of the network is controlled by an Internet service provider, namely by a self-interested economic agent. The business incentives do not exist merely in addition to the computer protocols governing the network. Although they are not currently integrated in those protocols and are decided largely via private contracting and negotiations, these economic considerations are a principal factor that determines how packets are routed. And vice versa, the demand and flow of network traffic fundamentally affect provider contracts and prices. The contributions of this part are the design and analysis of economic mechanisms for network routing. The mechanisms are based on first- and second-price auctions (the so-called Vickrey-Clarke-Groves, or VCG mechanisms). We first analyze the equilibria and prices resulting from these mechanisms. We then investigate the compatibility of the better understood VCG-mechanisms with the current inter-domain routing protocols, and we demonstrate the critical importance of correct modeling and how it affects the complexity and algorithms necessary to implement the economic mechanisms.by Evdokia Velinova Nikolova.Ph.D

    Convex relaxation methods for graphical models : Lagrangian and maximum entropy approaches

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-257).Graphical models provide compact representations of complex probability distributions of many random variables through a collection of potential functions defined on small subsets of these variables. This representation is defined with respect to a graph in which nodes represent random variables and edges represent the interactions among those random variables. Graphical models provide a powerful and flexible approach to many problems in science and engineering, but also present serious challenges owing to the intractability of optimal inference and estimation over general graphs. In this thesis, we consider convex optimization methods to address two central problems that commonly arise for graphical models. First, we consider the problem of determining the most probable configuration-also known as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate-of all variables in a graphical model, conditioned on (possibly noisy) measurements of some variables. This general problem is intractable, so we consider a Lagrangian relaxation (LR) approach to obtain a tractable dual problem. This involves using the Lagrangian decomposition technique to break up an intractable graph into tractable subgraphs, such as small "blocks" of nodes, embedded trees or thin subgraphs. We develop a distributed, iterative algorithm that minimizes the Lagrangian dual function by block coordinate descent. This results in an iterative marginal-matching procedure that enforces consistency among the subgraphs using an adaptation of the well-known iterative scaling algorithm. This approach is developed both for discrete variable and Gaussian graphical models. In discrete models, we also introduce a deterministic annealing procedure, which introduces a temperature parameter to define a smoothed dual function and then gradually reduces the temperature to recover the (non-differentiable) Lagrangian dual. When strong duality holds, we recover the optimal MAP estimate. We show that this occurs for a broad class of "convex decomposable" Gaussian graphical models, which generalizes the "pairwise normalizable" condition known to be important for iterative estimation in Gaussian models.(cont.) In certain "frustrated" discrete models a duality gap can occur using simple versions of our approach. We consider methods that adaptively enhance the dual formulation, by including more complex subgraphs, so as to reduce the duality gap. In many cases we are able to eliminate the duality gap and obtain the optimal MAP estimate in a tractable manner. We also propose a heuristic method to obtain approximate solutions in cases where there is a duality gap. Second, we consider the problem of learning a graphical model (both the graph and its potential functions) from sample data. We propose the maximum entropy relaxation (MER) method, which is the convex optimization problem of selecting the least informative (maximum entropy) model over an exponential family of graphical models subject to constraints that small subsets of variables should have marginal distributions that are close to the distribution of sample data. We use relative entropy to measure the divergence between marginal probability distributions. We find that MER leads naturally to selection of sparse graphical models. To identify this sparse graph efficiently, we use a "bootstrap" method that constructs the MER solution by solving a sequence of tractable subproblems defined over thin graphs, including new edges at each step to correct for large marginal divergences that violate the MER constraint. The MER problem on each of these subgraphs is efficiently solved using the primaldual interior point method (implemented so as to take advantage of efficient inference methods for thin graphical models). We also consider a dual formulation of MER that minimizes a convex function of the potentials of the graphical model. This MER dual problem can be interpreted as a robust version of maximum-likelihood parameter estimation, where the MER constraints specify the uncertainty in the sufficient statistics of the model. This also corresponds to a regularized maximum-likelihood approach, in which an information-geometric regularization term favors selection of sparse potential representations. We develop a relaxed version of the iterative scaling method to solve this MER dual problem.by Jason K. Johnson.Ph.D

    Combinatorial structures in online and convex optimization

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Operations Research Center, 2017.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 157-163).Motivated by bottlenecks in algorithms across online and convex optimization, we consider three fundamental questions over combinatorial polytopes. First, we study the minimization of separable strictly convex functions over polyhedra. This problem is motivated by first-order optimization methods whose bottleneck relies on the minimization of a (often) separable, convex metric, known as the Bregman divergence. We provide a conceptually simple algorithm, Inc-Fix, in the case of submodular base polyhedra. For cardinality-based submodular polytopes, we show that Inc-Fix can be speeded up to be the state-of-the-art method for minimizing uniform divergences. We show that the running time of Inc-Fix is independent of the convexity parameters of the objective function. The second question is concerned with the complexity of the parametric line search problem in the extended submodular polytope P: starting from a point inside P, how far can one move along a given direction while maintaining feasibility. This problem arises as a bottleneck in many algorithmic applications like the above-mentioned Inc-Fix algorithm and variants of the Frank-Wolfe method. One of the most natural approaches is to use the discrete Newton's method, however, no upper bound on the number of iterations for this method was known. We show a quadratic bound resulting in a factor of n6 reduction in the worst-case running time from the previous state-of-the-art. The analysis leads to interesting extremal questions on set systems and submodular functions. Next, we develop a general framework to simulate the well-known multiplicative weights update algorithm for online linear optimization over combinatorial strategies U in time polynomial in log /U/, using efficient approximate general counting oracles. We further show that efficient counting over the vertex set of any 0/1 polytope P implies efficient convex minimization over P. As a byproduct of this result, we can approximately decompose any point in a 0/1 polytope into a product distribution over its vertices. Finally, we compare the applicability and limitations of the above results in the context of finding Nash-equilibria in combinatorial two-player zero-sum games with bilinear loss functions. We prove structural results that can be used to find certain Nash-equilibria with a single separable convex minimization.by Swati Gupta.Ph. D