19 research outputs found

    Inducing a map on homology from a correspondence

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    We study the homomorphism induced in homology by a closed correspondence between topological spaces, using projections from the graph of the correspondence to its domain and codomain. We provide assumptions under which the homomorphism induced by an outer approximation of a continuous map coincides with the homomorphism induced in homology by the map. In contrast to more classical results we do not require that the projection to the domain have acyclic preimages. Moreover, we show that it is possible to retrieve correct homological information from a correspondence even if some data is missing or perturbed. Finally, we describe an application to combinatorial maps that are either outer approximations of continuous maps or reconstructions of such maps from a finite set of data points

    Discrete Morse theory for computing cellular sheaf cohomology

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    Sheaves and sheaf cohomology are powerful tools in computational topology, greatly generalizing persistent homology. We develop an algorithm for simplifying the computation of cellular sheaf cohomology via (discrete) Morse-theoretic techniques. As a consequence, we derive efficient techniques for distributed computation of (ordinary) cohomology of a cell complex.Comment: 19 pages, 1 Figure. Added Section 5.

    Approximating Persistent Homology in Euclidean Space Through Collapses

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    The \v{C}ech complex is one of the most widely used tools in applied algebraic topology. Unfortunately, due to the inclusive nature of the \v{C}ech filtration, the number of simplices grows exponentially in the number of input points. A practical consequence is that computations may have to terminate at smaller scales than what the application calls for. In this paper we propose two methods to approximate the \v{C}ech persistence module. Both are constructed on the level of spaces, i.e. as sequences of simplicial complexes induced by nerves. We also show how the bottleneck distance between such persistence modules can be understood by how tightly they are sandwiched on the level of spaces. In turn, this implies the correctness of our approximation methods. Finally, we implement our methods and apply them to some example point clouds in Euclidean space

    Local cohomology and stratification

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    We outline an algorithm to recover the canonical (or, coarsest) stratification of a given finite-dimensional regular CW complex into cohomology manifolds, each of which is a union of cells. The construction proceeds by iteratively localizing the poset of cells about a family of subposets; these subposets are in turn determined by a collection of cosheaves which capture variations in cohomology of cellular neighborhoods across the underlying complex. The result is a nested sequence of categories, each containing all the cells as its set of objects, with the property that two cells are isomorphic in the last category if and only if they lie in the same canonical stratum. The entire process is amenable to efficient distributed computation.Comment: Final version, published in Foundations of Computational Mathematic