2 research outputs found

    3D analysis of different metamaterial geometry and simulation of metamaterial usage

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    Ovaj rad istražuje uticaj različitih geometrijskih struktura na nove koncepte formiranja tehničkih sistema. Sposobnost da neke geometrijske strukture budu u stanju da izdrže određeni nivo deformacije, koristilo se za zamenu zglobova u određenim sklopovima tehničkih sistema. Sada sva ta kretanja mogu da se postignu deformacijom geometrijskih struktura. Dobijeni rezultati iz simulacija, definišu nivo deformacije koje strukture mogu izdržati. Projektovanje 3D modela i simulacija sprovedeno je u SoildWorks 2016. U okviru ovog rada ispitano je nekoliko različitih struktura metamaterijala. Izvršene su 64 simulacije promenom unutrašnje strukture, debljine i orijentacije metamaterijala. Za svaki simulaciju kao rezyltat su dobijani naponi i pomeranja. Pored toga, izvršena je simulacija tri modela klješta, u kojima su upotrebljeni meta-materijali ispitivane geometrije, a rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima prethodnih simulacija.This paper investigates the influence of different geometrical structures on new concepts for the formation of technical systems. The ability of some geometric structures to withstand a certain level of deformation, was used to replace joints in certain assemblies of technical systems. Now, all movements are accomplished with deformation of geometrical structures. Obtained results from simulations define the level of deformation which structures can withstand. Designing of 3D models and simulations were conducted in SOLIDWORKS 2016. Several different structures of metamaterials will be examined. Sixty-four simulations were conducted by changing the internal structure, thickness and orientation of metamaterials. For each simulation, the results were presented as stresses and displacements. Additionally, three model of pliers have been simulated, and its results were compared with the results from previous simulations

    3D analysis of different metamaterial geometry and simulation of metamaterial usage

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    Ovaj rad istražuje uticaj različitih geometrijskih struktura na nove koncepte formiranja tehničkih sistema. Sposobnost da neke geometrijske strukture budu u stanju da izdrže određeni nivo deformacije, koristilo se za zamenu zglobova u određenim sklopovima tehničkih sistema. Sada sva ta kretanja mogu da se postignu deformacijom geometrijskih struktura. Dobijeni rezultati iz simulacija, definišu nivo deformacije koje strukture mogu izdržati. Projektovanje 3D modela i simulacija sprovedeno je u SoildWorks 2016. U okviru ovog rada ispitano je nekoliko različitih struktura metamaterijala. Izvršene su 64 simulacije promenom unutrašnje strukture, debljine i orijentacije metamaterijala. Za svaki simulaciju kao rezyltat su dobijani naponi i pomeranja. Pored toga, izvršena je simulacija tri modela klješta, u kojima su upotrebljeni meta-materijali ispitivane geometrije, a rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima prethodnih simulacija.This paper investigates the influence of different geometrical structures on new concepts for the formation of technical systems. The ability of some geometric structures to withstand a certain level of deformation, was used to replace joints in certain assemblies of technical systems. Now, all movements are accomplished with deformation of geometrical structures. Obtained results from simulations define the level of deformation which structures can withstand. Designing of 3D models and simulations were conducted in SOLIDWORKS 2016. Several different structures of metamaterials will be examined. Sixty-four simulations were conducted by changing the internal structure, thickness and orientation of metamaterials. For each simulation, the results were presented as stresses and displacements. Additionally, three model of pliers have been simulated, and its results were compared with the results from previous simulations