56 research outputs found

    Bonobos extract meaning from call sequences

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    This research was funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Studies on language-trained bonobos have revealed their remarkable abilities in representational and communication tasks. Surprisingly, however, corresponding research into their natural communication has largely been neglected. We address this issue with a first playback study on the natural vocal behaviour of bonobos. Bonobos produce five acoustically distinct call types when finding food, which they regularly mix together into longer call sequences. We found that individual call types were relatively poor indicators of food quality, while context specificity was much greater at the call sequence level. We therefore investigated whether receivers could extract meaning about the quality of food encountered by the caller by integrating across different call sequences. We first trained four captive individuals to find two types of foods, kiwi (preferred) and apples (less preferred) at two different locations. We then conducted naturalistic playback experiments during which we broadcasted sequences of four calls, originally produced by a familiar individual responding to either kiwi or apples. All sequences contained the same number of calls but varied in the composition of call types. Following playbacks, we found that subjects devoted significantly more search effort to the field indicated by the call sequence. Rather than attending to individual calls, bonobos attended to the entire sequences to make inferences about the food encountered by a caller. These results provide the first empirical evidence that bonobos are able to extract information about external events by attending to vocal sequences of other individuals and highlight the importance of call combinations in their natural communication system.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Language origins viewed in spontaneous and interactive vocal rates of human and bonobo infants

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    Funding: The research for this manuscript was funded by Grants R01 DC006099, DC011027, and DC015108 from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, by NSF BCS-1529127, by ERC-Synergy grant SOMICS 609819, by the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and by the Plough Foundation.From the first months of life, human infants produce “protophones,” speech-like, non-cry sounds, presumed absent, or only minimally present in other apes. But there have been no direct quantitative comparisons to support this presumption. In addition, by 2 months, human infants show sustained face-to-face interaction using protophones, a pattern thought also absent or very limited in other apes, but again, without quantitative comparison. Such comparison should provide evidence relevant to determining foundations of language, since substantially flexible vocalization, the inclination to explore vocalization, and the ability to interact socially by means of vocalization are foundations for language. Here we quantitatively compare data on vocalization rates in three captive bonobo (Pan paniscus) mother–infant pairs with various sources of data from our laboratories on human infant vocalization. Both humans and bonobos produced distress sounds (cries/screams) and laughter. The bonobo infants also produced sounds that were neither screams nor laughs and that showed acoustic similarities to the human protophones. These protophone-like sounds confirm that bonobo infants share with humans the capacity to produce vocalizations that appear foundational for language. Still, there were dramatic differences between the species in both quantity and function of the protophone and protophone-like sounds. The bonobo protophone-like sounds were far less frequent than the human protophones, and the human protophones were far less likely to be interpreted as complaints and more likely as vocal play. Moreover, we found extensive vocal interaction between human infants and mothers, but no vocal interaction in the bonobo mother–infant pairs—while bonobo mothers were physically responsive to their infants, we observed no case of a bonobo mother vocalization directed to her infant. Our cross-species comparison focuses on low- and moderate-arousal circumstances because we reason the roots of language entail vocalization not triggered by excitement, for example, during fighting or intense play. Language appears to be founded in flexible vocalization, used to regulate comfortable social interaction, to share variable affective states at various levels of arousal, and to explore vocalization itself.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Language Origins Viewed in Spontaneous and Interactive Vocal Rates of Human and Bonobo Infants

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    From the first months of life, human infants produce “protophones,” speech-like, non-cry sounds, presumed absent, or only minimally present in other apes. But there have been no direct quantitative comparisons to support this presumption. In addition, by 2 months, human infants show sustained face-to-face interaction using protophones, a pattern thought also absent or very limited in other apes, but again, without quantitative comparison. Such comparison should provide evidence relevant to determining foundations of language, since substantially flexible vocalization, the inclination to explore vocalization, and the ability to interact socially by means of vocalization are foundations for language. Here we quantitatively compare data on vocalization rates in three captive bonobo (Pan paniscus) mother–infant pairs with various sources of data from our laboratories on human infant vocalization. Both humans and bonobos produced distress sounds (cries/screams) and laughter. The bonobo infants also produced sounds that were neither screams nor laughs and that showed acoustic similarities to the human protophones. These protophone-like sounds confirm that bonobo infants share with humans the capacity to produce vocalizations that appear foundational for language. Still, there were dramatic differences between the species in both quantity and function of the protophone and protophone-like sounds. The bonobo protophone-like sounds were far less frequent than the human protophones, and the human protophones were far less likely to be interpreted as complaints and more likely as vocal play. Moreover, we found extensive vocal interaction between human infants and mothers, but no vocal interaction in the bonobo mother–infant pairs—while bonobo mothers were physically responsive to their infants, we observed no case of a bonobo mother vocalization directed to her infant. Our cross-species comparison focuses on low- and moderate-arousal circumstances because we reason the roots of language entail vocalization not triggered by excitement, for example, during fighting or intense play. Language appears to be founded in flexible vocalization, used to regulate comfortable social interaction, to share variable affective states at various levels of arousal, and to explore vocalization itself

    Modeling psychiatric disorders for developing effective treatments

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    Recent advances in identifying risk-associated genes have provided unprecedented opportunities for developing animal models for psychiatric disease research with the goal of attaining translational utility to ultimately develop novel treatments. However, at this early stage, successful translation has yet to be achieved. Here we review recent advances in modeling psychiatric disease, discuss the utility and limitations of animal models, and emphasize the importance of shifting from behavioral analysis to identifying neurophysiological abnormalities, which are likely to be more conserved across species and thus may increase translatability. Looking forward, we envision that preclinical research will align with clinical research to build a common framework of comparable neurobiological abnormalities and to help form subgroups of patients on the basis of similar pathophysiology. Experimental neuroscience can then use animal models to discover mechanisms underlying distinct abnormalities and develop strategies for effective treatments.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant 5R01MH097104

    A multi-view CNN-based acoustic classification system for automatic animal species identification

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    Automatic identification of animal species by their vocalization is an important and challenging task. Although many kinds of audio monitoring system have been proposed in the literature, they suffer from several disadvantages such as non-trivial feature selection, accuracy degradation because of environmental noise or intensive local computation. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based acoustic classification framework for Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (WASN). The proposed framework is based on cloud architecture which relaxes the computational burden on the wireless sensor node. To improve the recognition accuracy, we design a multi-view Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to extract the short-, middle-, and long-term dependencies in parallel. The evaluation on two real datasets shows that the proposed architecture can achieve high accuracy and outperforms traditional classification systems significantly when the environmental noise dominate the audio signal (low SNR). Moreover, we implement and deploy the proposed system on a testbed and analyse the system performance in real-world environments. Both simulation and real-world evaluation demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed acoustic classification system in distinguishing species of animals

    Cultural diffusion in humans and other animals

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    This is the author's post print version of an article published in definitive form in Current Opinion in Psychology, Volume 8, April 2016, Pages 15–21.The definitive published version is available from: doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2015.09.002Available online 14 September 2015Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.Recent years have seen an enormous expansion and progress in studies of the cultural diffusion processes through which behaviour patterns, ideas and artifacts are transmitted within and between generations of humans and other animals. The first of two main approaches focuses on identifying, tracing and understanding cultural diffusion as it naturally occurs, an essential foundation to any science of culture. This endeavor has been enriched in recent years by sophisticated statistical methods and surprising new discoveries particularly in humans, other primates and cetaceans. This work has been complemented by a growing corpus of powerful, purpose-designed cultural diffusion experiments with captive and natural populations that have facilitated the rigorous identification and analysis of cultural diffusion in species from insects to humans.John Templeton Foundatio

    Personality of wild male crested macaques (Macaca nigra).

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    Animal personalities, i.e. consistent differences in behavior across time and/or context, have received increased attention of behavioral biologists over the last years. Recent research shows that personalities represent traits on which natural and sexual selection work and which can have substantial fitness consequences. The aim of this study is to establish the personality structure of crested macaque (Macaca nigra) males as foundation for future studies on its adaptive value. We collected behavioral data through focal animal sampling and additionally conducted two sets of playback experiments. Results of a factor analysis on the behavioral data revealed a four factor structure with components we labeled Anxiety, Sociability, Connectedness and Aggressiveness. Results from the experiments revealed an additional and independent Boldness factor but the absence of Neophilia. Overall, this structure resembles other macaque and animal species with the exception of Connectedness, which might be a consequence of the species' tolerant social style. Our results thus not only form the basis for future studies on the adaptive value of personality in crested macaques but also contribute an important data point for investigating the evolution of personality structure from a comparative perspective by refining, for example, which personality factors characterized the last common ancestor of hominids and macaques

    Elephants as an animal model for self-domestication

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    Humans are unique in their sophisticated culture and societal structures, their complex languages, and their extensive tool use. According to the human self-domestication hypothesis, this unique set of traits may be the result of an evolutionary process of self-induced domestication, in which humans evolved to be less aggressive and more cooperative. However, the only other species that has been argued to be self-domesticated besides humans so far is bonobos, resulting in a narrow scope for investigating this theory limited to the primate order. Here, we propose an animal model for studying self-domestication: the elephant. First, we support our hypothesis with an extensive cross-species comparison, which suggests that elephants indeed exhibit many of the features associated with self-domestication (e.g., reduced aggression, increased prosociality, extended juvenile period, increased playfulness, socially regulated cortisol levels, and complex vocal behavior). Next, we present genetic evidence to reinforce our proposal, showing that genes positively selected in elephants are enriched in pathways associated with domestication traits and include several candidate genes previously associated with domestication. We also discuss several explanations for what may have triggered a self-domestication process in the elephant lineage. Our findings support the idea that elephants, like humans and bonobos, may be self-domesticated. Since the most recent common ancestor of humans and elephants is likely the most recent common ancestor of all placental mammals, our findings have important implications for convergent evolution beyond the primate taxa, and constitute an important advance toward understanding how and why self-domestication shaped humans’ unique cultural niche

    Wild Primates in Documentary Films: Biodiversity, Behavior, and Pedagogical Applications

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    The representation of wild primates in the nature documentary genre could have important implications for conservation and education. However, no prior research has looked at the content of this genre or its use in education. To fill this gap, the current research included a content analysis of all available documentaries focused on wild primates (n = 210) and a survey of 219 college-level anthropology instructors, with an emphasis on determining how primate biodiversity was portrayed, whether primate behavior was realistically depicted in documentaries, whether mistakes and inaccuracies were common, and how college instructors use primate documentaries as resources in their teaching. Results indicate that only a small subset of primate biodiversity was represented in documentaries, and that large-bodied, diurnal primates, especially the African apes, were overrepresented while smaller-bodied and nocturnal primates were underrepresented. The accuracy of primate behavior depictions varied by species. Compared to wild primates, primates in documentaries spent proportionally greater time traveling and engaging in social behaviors. Inaccuracies were documented for all primate taxa. Finally, the survey of anthropology instructors showed that primate documentaries were widely used in the teaching of anthropology. Based on these findings, I recommend that instructors should carefully review films before sharing them with students, and that primatologists should advocate for the accurate representation of primates in documentaries

    Mirror image stimulation and behavioural development in stumptail macaques

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    Mirror image stimulation (MIS) is reported to elicit persistent social responses in monkeys, in contrast to most humans and great apes, who exhibit self-recognition. The abnormal features of a mirror image as a social stimulus have generally been ignored in monkey reports, whereas research with other animals has identified some important differences between MIS and other stimuli. Differential agitation during separations in peer-reared and mirror-reared infant stumptail monkeys suggests that even the limited opportunity for physical contact with a reflection renders it a sub- optimal attachment-eliciting stimulus. Mirror-rearing appeared to only slightly diminish responsiveness to pictures of conspecifics, compared to peer-rearing. Animals reared with no form of social stimulation exhibited less responsiveness to pictorial stimuli, and engaged in more abnormal and self-directed behaviours than mirror- or peer-reared animals, indicating that a mirror can at least partly compensate for the absence of a true social companion during rearing. The extent of abnormal behaviours in alone-reared stumptail monkeys appears to be considerably less than that reported in rhesus monkeys. The mirror was reacted to as a social partner by mirror-reared animals, and correlations between behaviours, and between measures of a single behaviour, were similar in mirror- and peer-reared groups. However, a live cagemate received 50% more social behaviour than did a reflection, with play behaviours producing group differences in rate, duration, bout length, and variability. MIS or a peer behind Perspex reduced separation agitation in pair-reared but not group-reared infants. In comparison to a peer behind Perspex, MIS received positive responses in mirror-reared and pair-reared animals, whereas group-reared animals reacted more ambivalently to the abnormal animal represented in the mirror. Those mirror-reared animals who received additional experience of a peer behind Perspex during rearing reduced responding to the mirror, whereas responsiveness in mirror-only-reared animals persisted. Peer-only-reared animals were also highly responsive to MIS, possibly due to novelty. Alone-reared subjects, when tested in a familiar setting, were the most responsive of all the subjects to MIS. None of the subjects exhibited self-recognition, even although some had approximately 3,500 hours of experience of a triple mirror image effect, and an additional six months group mirror experience. Some results were obtained with small numbers of subjects, so caution is required in interpretation
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