32 research outputs found

    The Extraction of Social Networks from Web Using Search Engines

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    In this paper, our purpose is to create a large collection of related vocabularies and concepts to the user’s favorite field (articles, people, conferences, books, etc.) from the available information on the infinite and vast source of web which is expressed in the form of social network. In the other words, we introduced a way to help the researchers to be able to specify their favorite topic in a particular field and by this way, observe and extract the social network of the related concepts to that topic. In order to extract the nodes of this network, we used the sampling of web pages through the Google search engine, text processing techniques, and information retrieval. The topic of the extracted social network in this research is the scientific conferences in the field of computer sciences. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this method, the extracted network from the results of the search engine is compared with the scientific conferences available in the DBLP[1] database. The obtained results from the social network analysis showed that the extracted network is of very high accuracy.[1] Digital Bibliography and Library Projec


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    Expert search turn out to be a hot investigate area as commencing of TREC enterprise path. Searching experts on web is dissimilar from managerial expert search in that we believe normal web pages as well as people names. Early approach in support of expert search involves construction a knowledge base which encloses descriptions of people ability in an association. For modernizing profiles in systems in a regular manner there is requiring for intelligent knowledge. In real world, heat diffuse in a medium from arrangement with advanced temperatures to those by minor temperatures. By means of a large amount of co-occurrence information, noises may possibly be suppressed while noisy co-occurrences would not come into view regularly on web. The perception following the diffusion representation is by constructing matrix; we essentially combined co-occurrence information between people as well as words to imitate the association strength among each pair of objects. Facilitating collaboration all the way through expert discovery applications is an essential part of making sure that capability in an organization is efficiently exploited. The commence of Expert Finding task at TREC has made a lot of attention in knowledge recovery, by quick improvement being made in terms of modelling, algorithms, and assessment aspects

    An Efficient approach for finding the essential experts in Digital Library

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    Name ambiguity is a special case of identity uncertainty where one person can be referenced by multiple name variations in different situations or even share the same name with other people. In this paper, we focus on Nam e Disambiguation problem. When non - unique values are used as the identifier of Entities, due to their homonym, confusion can occur. In particular, when (part of ) "names" of entities are used as their identifier, the problem is often referred to as the name disambiguation problem, where goal is to sort out the erroneous entities due to name homonyms (e.g., if only last name is used as the identifier, one cannot distinguish "Vannevar Bush" from "George Bush"). We formalize the problem in a unified probabilistic framework and propose a algorithm for parameter estimation. We use a dynamic approach for estimating the number of people K and for finding the experts in digital library by counting the number of accesses of the paper

    Recommendation on the Web Search by Using Co-Occurrence

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    ABSTRACT: In our day to day, the usage of internet and searching the information should be increases rapidly. Because of this, now a days we have facing the problems like whether the retrieving information would be noise free or not and having many confusions with the usage of keywords to get the exact result. To avoid this problem we are going to propose the concepts called Co-Occurrence and recommendation. These two concepts increases the effectiveness and of the result. By using the recommendation concept we have multiple choices to select the desired thing. The web search increases dramatically [1] user search performance leads to large number of confusions. We examine a general expert search problem: searching experts on the web, where millions of web pages and thousands of names are considered. The two main issues are: Web pages might be of untrustworthy and have more noise; the knowledge evidences spotted in web pages are frequently unclear and ambiguous. The skilled search has been studied in different contexts, e.g., enterprises, academic communities. We propose to influence the huge quantity of co-occurrence information to calculate the significance and status of a person name for a query which is given. So this makes the recommendation system the most important and the trust worthiness of the system will be analyzed in the better way. The personalization will be depended based on the individual user process in the web search mainly worked in E-Commerce application

    Information Fusion for Entity Matching in Unstructured Data

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