30,664 research outputs found

    Designing heterogeneous porous tissue scaffolds for additive manufacturing processes

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    A novel tissue scaffold design technique has been proposed with controllable heterogeneous architecture design suitable for additive manufacturing processes. The proposed layer-based design uses a bi-layer pattern of radial and spiral layers consecutively to generate functionally gradient porosity, which follows the geometry of the scaffold. The proposed approach constructs the medial region from the medial axis of each corresponding layer, which represents the geometric internal feature or the spine. The radial layers of the scaffold are then generated by connecting the boundaries of the medial region and the layer's outer contour. To avoid the twisting of the internal channels, reorientation and relaxation techniques are introduced to establish the point matching of ruling lines. An optimization algorithm is developed to construct sub-regions from these ruling lines. Gradient porosity is changed between the medial region and the layer's outer contour. Iso-porosity regions are determined by dividing the subregions peripherally into pore cells and consecutive iso-porosity curves are generated using the isopoints from those pore cells. The combination of consecutive layers generates the pore cells with desired pore sizes. To ensure the fabrication of the designed scaffolds, the generated contours are optimized for a continuous, interconnected, and smooth deposition path-planning. A continuous zig-zag pattern deposition path crossing through the medial region is used for the initial layer and a biarc fitted isoporosity curve is generated for the consecutive layer with C-1 continuity. The proposed methodologies can generate the structure with gradient (linear or non-linear), variational or constant porosity that can provide localized control of variational porosity along the scaffold architecture. The designed porous structures can be fabricated using additive manufacturing processes

    Modeling of multifunctional porous tissue scaffolds with continuous deposition path plan

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    A novel modeling technique for porous tissue scaffolds with targeting the functionally gradient variational porosity with continuous material deposition planning has been proposed. To vary the porosity of the designed scaffold functionally, medial axis transformation is used. The medial axis of each layers of the scaffold is calculated and used as an internal feature. The medial axis is then used connected to the outer contour using an optimum matching. The desired pore size and hence the porosity have been achieved by discretizing the sub-regions along its peripheral direction based on the pore size while meeting the tissue scaffold design constraints. This would ensure the truly porous nature of the structure in every direction as well as controllable porosity with interconnected pores. Thus the desired controlled variational porosity along the scaffold architecture has been achieved with the combination of two geometrically oriented consecutive layers. A continuous, interconnected and optimized tool-path has been generated for successive layers for additive-manufacturing or solid free form fabrication process. The proposed methodology has been computationally implemented with illustrative examples. Furthermore, the designed example scaffolds with the desired pore size and porosity has been fabricated with an extrusion based bio-fabrication process

    Multi-directional Geodesic Neural Networks via Equivariant Convolution

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    We propose a novel approach for performing convolution of signals on curved surfaces and show its utility in a variety of geometric deep learning applications. Key to our construction is the notion of directional functions defined on the surface, which extend the classic real-valued signals and which can be naturally convolved with with real-valued template functions. As a result, rather than trying to fix a canonical orientation or only keeping the maximal response across all alignments of a 2D template at every point of the surface, as done in previous works, we show how information across all rotations can be kept across different layers of the neural network. Our construction, which we call multi-directional geodesic convolution, or directional convolution for short, allows, in particular, to propagate and relate directional information across layers and thus different regions on the shape. We first define directional convolution in the continuous setting, prove its key properties and then show how it can be implemented in practice, for shapes represented as triangle meshes. We evaluate directional convolution in a wide variety of learning scenarios ranging from classification of signals on surfaces, to shape segmentation and shape matching, where we show a significant improvement over several baselines

    Ultrafast optical switching of three-dimensional Si inverse opal photonic band gap crystals

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    We present ultrafast optical switching experiments on 3D photonic band gap crystals. Switching the Si inverse opal is achieved by optically exciting free carriers by a two-photon process. We probe reflectivity in the frequency range of second order Bragg diffraction where the photonic band gap is predicted. We find good experimental switching conditions for free-carrier plasma frequencies between 0.3 and 0.7 times the optical frequency: we thus observe a large frequency shift of up to D omega/omega= 1.5% of all spectral features including the peak that corresponds to the photonic band gap. We deduce a corresponding large refractive index change of Dn'_Si/n'_Si= 2.0% and an induced absorption length that is longer than the sample thickness. We observe a fast decay time of 21 ps, which implies that switching could potentially be repeated at GHz rates. Such a high switching rate is relevant to future switching and modulation applications
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