326 research outputs found

    On the Wiener Index of Orientations of Graphs

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    The Wiener index of a strong digraph DD is defined as the sum of the distances between all ordered pairs of vertices. This definition has been extended to digraphs that are not necessarily strong by defining the distance from a vertex aa to a vertex bb as 00 if there is no path from aa to bb in DD. Knor, \u{S}krekovski and Tepeh [Some remarks on Wiener index of oriented graphs. Appl.\ Math.\ Comput.\ {\bf 273}] considered orientations of graphs with maximum Wiener index. The authors conjectured that for a given tree TT, an orientation DD of TT of maximum Wiener index always contains a vertex vv such that for every vertex uu, there is either a (u,v)(u,v)-path or a (v,u)(v,u)-path in DD. In this paper we disprove the conjecture. We also show that the problem of finding an orientation of maximum Wiener index of a given graph is NP-complete, thus answering a question by Knor, \u{S}krekovski and Tepeh [Orientations of graphs with maximum Wiener index. Discrete Appl.\ Math.\ 211]. We briefly discuss the corresponding problem of finding an orientation of minimum Wiener index of a given graph, and show that the special case of deciding if a given graph on mm edges has an orientation of Wiener index mm can be solved in time quadratic in nn

    The average solution of a TSP instance in a graph

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    We define the average kk-TSP distance μtsp,k\mu_{tsp,k} of a graph GG as the average length of a shortest walk visiting kk vertices, i.e. the expected length of the solution for a random TSP instance with kk uniformly random chosen vertices. We prove relations with the average kk-Steiner distance and characterize the cases where equality occurs. We also give sharp bounds for μtsp,k(G)\mu_{tsp,k}(G) given the order of the graph.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Wiener index in graphs with given minimum degree and maximum degree

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    Let GG be a connected graph of order nn.The Wiener index W(G)W(G) of GG is the sum of the distances between all unordered pairs of vertices of GG. In this paper we show that the well-known upper bound (nδ+1+2)(n2)\big( \frac{n}{\delta+1}+2\big) {n \choose 2} on the Wiener index of a graph of order nn and minimum degree δ\delta [M. Kouider, P. Winkler, Mean distance and minimum degree. J. Graph Theory 25 no. 1 (1997)] can be improved significantly if the graph contains also a vertex of large degree. Specifically, we give the asymptotically sharp bound W(G)≤(n−Δ+δ2)n+2Δδ+1+2n(n−1)W(G) \leq {n-\Delta+\delta \choose 2} \frac{n+2\Delta}{\delta+1}+ 2n(n-1) on the Wiener index of a graph GG of order nn, minimum degree δ\delta and maximum degree Δ\Delta. We prove a similar result for triangle-free graphs, and we determine a bound on the Wiener index of C4C_4-free graphs of given order, minimum and maximum degree and show that it is, in some sense, best possible
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