1,254 research outputs found

    30P. Federated Identity Management: Why is Adoption so Low?

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    As enterprises extend internal systems and applications to external users, it is important to ensure that the user experience operates seamlessly between disparate organizations. To meet this challenge, Federated Identity Management (FIM, also single sign-on) provides an economically efficient and convenient way of providing connectivity to customers, partners, suppliers, and others. FIM is a topic of widespread discussion with rapid growth predicted for almost ten years. This growth has not happened. This prescriptive study identifies some key factors contributing to the slow adoption of FIM technology, including technological complexities, lack of trust between partners, and the complications and expenditures involved in establishing and maintaining contractual agreements between partners

    Identity in research infrastructure and scientific communication: Report from the 1st IRISC workshop, Helsinki Sep 12-13, 2011

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    Motivation for the IRISC workshop came from the observation that identity and digital identification are increasingly important factors in modern scientific research, especially with the now near-ubiquitous use of the Internet as a global medium for dissemination and debate of scientific knowledge and data, and as a platform for scientific collaborations and large-scale e-science activities.

The 1 1/2 day IRISC2011 workshop sought to explore a series of interrelated topics under two main themes: i) unambiguously identifying authors/creators & attributing their scholarly works, and ii) individual identification and access management in the context of identity federations. Specific aims of the workshop included:

• Raising overall awareness of key technical and non-technical challenges, opportunities and developments.
• Facilitating a dialogue, cross-pollination of ideas, collaboration and coordination between diverse – and largely unconnected – communities.
• Identifying & discussing existing/emerging technologies, best practices and requirements for researcher identification.

This report provides background information on key identification-related concepts & projects, describes workshop proceedings and summarizes key workshop findings

    Identity management and e-learning standards for promoting the sharing of contents and services in higher education

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    In this paper, we present the status of identity management systems and e-learning standards across Europe, in order to promote the mobility and the sharing of contents and services in higher education institutions. With new requirements for authentication, authorization and identity management for Web applications, most higher education institutions implement several solutions to address these issues. At the first level, the adoption of directory Servers like LDAP, Active Directory and others, solve some problems of having multiple logins and passwords for authentication. The growing of Web applications like Learning management Systems, portals, Blogs, Wikis, and others, need a more effective way of identity management, providing security and accessibility. Web Single Sign-On (SSO) resolves some of these issues of identity management, because the authentication is managed centrally and the user can navigate through different Web applications using the same session. One example of a Web SSO system is the Central Authentication Systems (CAS). SSO systems provide an effective way to manage authentication and authorization inside institutions, but are restricted to the administrative domain of each institution. With the implementation of Bologna Process more students, lecturers and staff will be on mobility programs within European higher education institutions. The creation of identity management federations is mandatory to provide the mobility of users and to permit the exchange of contents and services between institutions. The creation of identities federations across Europe is been in discussion by TERENA (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) to provide a service federation like the EDUROAM WI-FI network that permits the mobility across Europe. This paper reports on some of the issues highlighted in the light of recent developments. To share contents and services within Europe, the adoption of standards is mandatory. IEEE LTSC (Learning Technology Standards Committee), IMS (IMS Global Learning, Inc) and ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning) are standards organizations that publish a set of standards to promote the interoperability, reusability and integration of e-learning contents and services. The most important standards that promote the sharing of contents and services across Europe are Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability and IMS Learning Design. This paper presents the main features of e-learning standards and how it can be used in conjunction with identity management systems to create collaborative learning objects repositories to promote a more effective learning experience and a more competitive European space for higher education, with respect to the requirements of knowledge based societies

    Federated identity architecture of the european eID system

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    Federated identity management is a method that facilitates management of identity processes and policies among the collaborating entities without a centralized control. Nowadays, there are many federated identity solutions, however, most of them covers different aspects of the identification problem, solving in some cases specific problems. Thus, none of these initiatives has consolidated as a unique solution and surely it will remain like that in a near future. To assist users choosing a possible solution, we analyze different federated identify approaches, showing main features, and making a comparative study among them. The former problem is even worst when multiple organizations or countries already have legacy eID systems, as it is the case of Europe. In this paper, we also present the European eID solution, a purely federated identity system that aims to serve almost 500 million people and that could be extended in midterm also to eID companies. The system is now being deployed at the EU level and we present the basic architecture and evaluate its performance and scalability, showing that the solution is feasible from the point of view of performance while keeping security constrains in mind. The results show a good performance of the solution in local, organizational, and remote environments

    The Development of a graduate course on identity management for the Department of Networking, Security, and Systems Administration

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    Digital identities are being utilized more than ever as a means to authenticate computer users in order to control access to systems, web services, and networks. To maintain these digital identities, administrators turn to Identity Management solutions to offer protection for users, business partners, and networks. This paper proposes an analysis of Identity Management to be accomplished in the form of a graduate level course of study for a ten-week period for the Networking, Security, and Systems Administration department at Rochester Institute of Technology. This course will be designed for this department because of its emphasis on securing, protecting, and managing the identities of users within and across networks. Much of the security-related courses offered by the department focus primarily on security within enterprises. Therefore, Identity Management, a topic that is becoming more popular within enterprises each day, would compliment these courses. Students that enroll in this course will be more equipped to satisfy the needs of modern enterprises when they graduate because they will have a better understanding of how to address security issues that involve managing user identities across networks, systems, and enterprises. This course will focus on several aspects of Identity Management and its use in enterprises today. Covered during the course will be the frameworks of Identity Management, for instance, Liberty Identity Federation Framework and OASIS SAML 2.0; the Identity Management models; and some of the major Identity Management solutions that are in use today such as Liberty Alliance, Microsoft Passport, and Shibboleth. This course will also provide the opportunity to gain hands on experience by facilitating exemplar technologies used in laboratory investigations

    Current Trends in Pan-European Identity Management Systems

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    The demand for electronic identity has grown as a result of governments? promotion of e-Government, in which the citizen-public administration relationship often has a strictly personal nature and requires digital identification systems that are univocal, secure, and global. The management of this identity by public administrations is an important challenge, accentuated when interoperability among public administrations of different countries become necessary. In this paper current trends in pan-euroean identity management systems are analysized and a outlook of the future European scenary is shown
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