9 research outputs found

    Security and Privacy for Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Big data is currently a hot research topic, with four million hits on Google scholar in October 2016. One reason for the popularity of big data research is the knowledge that can be extracted from analyzing these large data sets. However, data can contain sensitive information, and data must therefore be sufficiently protected as it is stored and processed. Furthermore, it might also be required to provide meaningful, proven, privacy guarantees if the data can be linked to individuals. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic overview of the overlap between big data and the area of security and privacy. Consequently, this review aims to explore security and privacy research within big data, by outlining and providing structure to what research currently exists. Moreover, we investigate which papers connect security and privacy with big data, and which categories these papers cover. Ultimately, is security and privacy research for big data different from the rest of the research within the security and privacy domain? To answer these questions, we perform a systematic literature review (SLR), where we collect recent papers from top conferences, and categorize them in order to provide an overview of the security and privacy topics present within the context of big data. Within each category we also present a qualitative analysis of papers representative for that specific area. Furthermore, we explore and visualize the relationship between the categories. Thus, the objective of this review is to provide a snapshot of the current state of security and privacy research for big data, and to discover where further research is required

    Differentially-Private Decision Trees with Probabilistic Robustness to Data Poisoning

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    Decision trees are interpretable models that are well-suited to non-linear learning problems. Much work has been done on extending decision tree learning algorithms with differential privacy, a system that guarantees the privacy of samples within the training data. However, current state-of-the-art algorithms for this purpose sacrifice much utility for a small privacy benefit. These solutions create random decision nodes that reduce decision tree accuracy or spend an excessive share of the privacy budget on labeling leaves. Moreover, many works do not support or leak information about feature values when data is continuous. We propose a new method called PrivaTree based on private histograms that chooses good splits while consuming a small privacy budget. The resulting trees provide a significantly better privacy-utility trade-off and accept mixed numerical and categorical data without leaking additional information. Finally, while it is notoriously hard to give robustness guarantees against data poisoning attacks, we prove bounds for the expected success rates of backdoor attacks against differentially-private learners. Our experimental results show that PrivaTree consistently outperforms previous works on predictive accuracy and significantly improves robustness against backdoor attacks compared to regular decision trees

    Security and Privacy for Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Abstract-Big data is currently a hot research topic, with four million hits on Google scholar in October 2016. One reason for the popularity of big data research is the knowledge that can be extracted from analyzing these large data sets. However, data can contain sensitive information, and data must therefore be sufficiently protected as it is stored and processed. Furthermore, it might also be required to provide meaningful, proven, privacy guarantees if the data can be linked to individuals. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic overview of the overlap between big data and the area of security and privacy. Consequently, this review aims to explore security and privacy research within big data, by outlining and providing structure to what research currently exists. Moreover, we investigate which papers connect security and privacy with big data, and which categories these papers cover. Ultimately, is security and privacy research for big data different from the rest of the research within the security and privacy domain? To answer these questions, we perform a systematic literature review (SLR), where we collect recent papers from top conferences, and categorize them in order to provide an overview of the security and privacy topics present within the context of big data. Within each category we also present a qualitative analysis of papers representative for that specific area. Furthermore, we explore and visualize the relationship between the categories. Thus, the objective of this review is to provide a snapshot of the current state of security and privacy research for big data, and to discover where further research is required

    Differentially private random forest with high utility

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    Privacy-preserving data mining has become an active focus of the research community in the domains where data are sensitive and personal in nature. For example, highly sensitive digital repositories of medical or financial records offer enormous values for risk prediction and decision making. However, prediction models derived from such repositories should maintain strict privacy of individuals. We propose a novel random forest algorithm under the framework of differential privacy. Unlike previous works that strictly follow differential privacy and keep the complete data distribution approximately invariant to change in one data instance, we only keep the necessary statistics (e.g. variance of the estimate) invariant. This relaxation results in significantly higher utility. To realize our approach, we propose a novel differentially private decision tree induction algorithm and use them to create an ensemble of decision trees. We also propose feasible adversary models to infer about the attribute and class label of unknown data in presence of the knowledge of all other data. Under these adversary models, we derive bounds on the maximum number of trees that are allowed in the ensemble while maintaining privacy. We focus on binary classification problem and demonstrate our approach on four real-world datasets. Compared to the existing privacy preserving approaches we achieve significantly higher utility