7 research outputs found

    Differentially Private Policy Evaluation

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    We present the first differentially private algorithms for reinforcement learning, which apply to the task of evaluating a fixed policy. We establish two approaches for achieving differential privacy, provide a theoretical analysis of the privacy and utility of the two algorithms, and show promising results on simple empirical examples

    Actor Critic with Differentially Private Critic

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    Reinforcement learning algorithms are known to be sample inefficient, and often performance on one task can be substantially improved by leveraging information (e.g., via pre-training) on other related tasks. In this work, we propose a technique to achieve such knowledge transfer in cases where agent trajectories contain sensitive or private information, such as in the healthcare domain. Our approach leverages a differentially private policy evaluation algorithm to initialize an actor-critic model and improve the effectiveness of learning in downstream tasks. We empirically show this technique increases sample efficiency in resource-constrained control problems while preserving the privacy of trajectories collected in an upstream task.Comment: 6 Pages, Presented at the Privacy in Machine Learning Workshop, NeurIPS 201

    Privacy-preserving Q-Learning with Functional Noise in Continuous State Spaces

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    We consider differentially private algorithms for reinforcement learning in continuous spaces, such that neighboring reward functions are indistinguishable. This protects the reward information from being exploited by methods such as inverse reinforcement learning. Existing studies that guarantee differential privacy are not extendable to infinite state spaces, as the noise level to ensure privacy will scale accordingly to infinity. Our aim is to protect the value function approximator, without regard to the number of states queried to the function. It is achieved by adding functional noise to the value function iteratively in the training. We show rigorous privacy guarantees by a series of analyses on the kernel of the noise space, the probabilistic bound of such noise samples, and the composition over the iterations. We gain insight into the utility analysis by proving the algorithm's approximate optimality when the state space is discrete. Experiments corroborate our theoretical findings and show improvement over existing approaches.Comment: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 201

    Preventing Imitation Learning with Adversarial Policy Ensembles

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    Imitation learning can reproduce policies by observing experts, which poses a problem regarding policy privacy. Policies, such as human, or policies on deployed robots, can all be cloned without consent from the owners. How can we protect against external observers cloning our proprietary policies? To answer this question we introduce a new reinforcement learning framework, where we train an ensemble of near-optimal policies, whose demonstrations are guaranteed to be useless for an external observer. We formulate this idea by a constrained optimization problem, where the objective is to improve proprietary policies, and at the same time deteriorate the virtual policy of an eventual external observer. We design a tractable algorithm to solve this new optimization problem by modifying the standard policy gradient algorithm. Our formulation can be interpreted in lenses of confidentiality and adversarial behaviour, which enables a broader perspective of this work. We demonstrate the existence of "non-clonable" ensembles, providing a solution to the above optimization problem, which is calculated by our modified policy gradient algorithm. To our knowledge, this is the first work regarding the protection of policies in Reinforcement Learning

    Privacy-Preserving Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems to Adversaries

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    A cyber-physical system (CPS) is expected to be resilient to more than one type of adversary. In this paper, we consider a CPS that has to satisfy a linear temporal logic (LTL) objective in the presence of two kinds of adversaries. The first adversary has the ability to tamper with inputs to the CPS to influence satisfaction of the LTL objective. The interaction of the CPS with this adversary is modeled as a stochastic game. We synthesize a controller for the CPS to maximize the probability of satisfying the LTL objective under any policy of this adversary. The second adversary is an eavesdropper who can observe labeled trajectories of the CPS generated from the previous step. It could then use this information to launch other kinds of attacks. A labeled trajectory is a sequence of labels, where a label is associated to a state and is linked to the satisfaction of the LTL objective at that state. We use differential privacy to quantify the indistinguishability between states that are related to each other when the eavesdropper sees a labeled trajectory. Two trajectories of equal length will be differentially private if they are differentially private at each state along the respective trajectories. We use a skewed Kantorovich metric to compute distances between probability distributions over states resulting from actions chosen according to policies from related states in order to quantify differential privacy. Moreover, we do this in a manner that does not affect the satisfaction probability of the LTL objective. We validate our approach on a simulation of a UAV that has to satisfy an LTL objective in an adversarial environment.Comment: Accepted to the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 202

    Private Reinforcement Learning with PAC and Regret Guarantees

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    Motivated by high-stakes decision-making domains like personalized medicine where user information is inherently sensitive, we design privacy preserving exploration policies for episodic reinforcement learning (RL). We first provide a meaningful privacy formulation using the notion of joint differential privacy (JDP)--a strong variant of differential privacy for settings where each user receives their own sets of output (e.g., policy recommendations). We then develop a private optimism-based learning algorithm that simultaneously achieves strong PAC and regret bounds, and enjoys a JDP guarantee. Our algorithm only pays for a moderate privacy cost on exploration: in comparison to the non-private bounds, the privacy parameter only appears in lower-order terms. Finally, we present lower bounds on sample complexity and regret for reinforcement learning subject to JDP

    Local Differential Privacy for Regret Minimization in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement learning algorithms are widely used in domains where it is desirable to provide a personalized service. In these domains it is common that user data contains sensitive information that needs to be protected from third parties. Motivated by this, we study privacy in the context of finite-horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) by requiring information to be obfuscated on the user side. We formulate this notion of privacy for RL by leveraging the local differential privacy (LDP) framework. We establish a lower bound for regret minimization in finite-horizon MDPs with LDP guarantees which shows that guaranteeing privacy has a multiplicative effect on the regret. This result shows that while LDP is an appealing notion of privacy, it makes the learning problem significantly more complex. Finally, we present an optimistic algorithm that simultaneously satisfies ε\varepsilon-LDP requirements, and achieves K/ε\sqrt{K}/\varepsilon regret in any finite-horizon MDP after KK episodes, matching the lower bound dependency on the number of episodes KK