11 research outputs found

    Detecting Violations of Differential Privacy for Quantum Algorithms

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    Quantum algorithms for solving a wide range of practical problems have been proposed in the last ten years, such as data search and analysis, product recommendation, and credit scoring. The concern about privacy and other ethical issues in quantum computing naturally rises up. In this paper, we define a formal framework for detecting violations of differential privacy for quantum algorithms. A detection algorithm is developed to verify whether a (noisy) quantum algorithm is differentially private and automatically generate bugging information when the violation of differential privacy is reported. The information consists of a pair of quantum states that violate the privacy, to illustrate the cause of the violation. Our algorithm is equipped with Tensor Networks, a highly efficient data structure, and executed both on TensorFlow Quantum and TorchQuantum which are the quantum extensions of famous machine learning platforms -- TensorFlow and PyTorch, respectively. The effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm are confirmed by the experimental results of almost all types of quantum algorithms already implemented on realistic quantum computers, including quantum supremacy algorithms (beyond the capability of classical algorithms), quantum machine learning models, quantum approximate optimization algorithms, and variational quantum eigensolvers with up to 21 quantum bits

    Quantum differentially private sparse regression learning

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    Differentially private (DP) learning, which aims to accurately extract patterns from the given dataset without exposing individual information, is an important subfield in machine learning and has been extensively explored. However, quantum algorithms that could preserve privacy, while outperform their classical counterparts, are still lacking. The difficulty arises from the distinct priorities in DP and quantum machine learning, i.e., the former concerns a low utility bound while the latter pursues a low runtime cost. These varied goals request that the proposed quantum DP algorithm should achieve the runtime speedup over the best known classical results while preserving the optimal utility bound. The Lasso estimator is broadly employed to tackle the high dimensional sparse linear regression tasks. The main contribution of this paper is devising a quantum DP Lasso estimator to earn the runtime speedup with the privacy preservation, i.e., the runtime complexity is O~(N3/2d)\tilde{O}(N^{3/2}\sqrt{d}) with a nearly optimal utility bound O~(1/N2/3)\tilde{O}(1/N^{2/3}), where NN is the sample size and dd is the data dimension with N≪dN\ll d. Since the optimal classical (private) Lasso takes Ω(N+d)\Omega(N+d) runtime, our proposal achieves quantum speedups when N<O(d1/3)N<O(d^{1/3}). There are two key components in our algorithm. First, we extend the Frank-Wolfe algorithm from the classical Lasso to the quantum scenario, {where the proposed quantum non-private Lasso achieves a quadratic runtime speedup over the optimal classical Lasso.} Second, we develop an adaptive privacy mechanism to ensure the privacy guarantee of the non-private Lasso. Our proposal opens an avenue to design various learning tasks with both the proven runtime speedups and the privacy preservation

    Quantum R\'enyi and ff-divergences from integral representations

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    Smooth Csisz\'ar ff-divergences can be expressed as integrals over so-called hockey stick divergences. This motivates a natural quantum generalization in terms of quantum Hockey stick divergences, which we explore here. Using this recipe, the Kullback-Leibler divergence generalises to the Umegaki relative entropy, in the integral form recently found by Frenkel. We find that the R\'enyi divergences defined via our new quantum ff-divergences are not additive in general, but that their regularisations surprisingly yield the Petz R\'enyi divergence for α<1\alpha < 1 and the sandwiched R\'enyi divergence for α>1\alpha > 1, unifying these two important families of quantum R\'enyi divergences. Moreover, we find that the contraction coefficients for the new quantum ff divergences collapse for all ff that are operator convex, mimicking the classical behaviour and resolving some long-standing conjectures by Lesniewski and Ruskai. We derive various inequalities, including new reverse Pinsker inequalites with applications in differential privacy and also explore various other applications of the new divergences.Comment: 44 pages. v2: improved results on reverse Pinsker inequalities + minor clarification

    Quantum Pufferfish Privacy: A Flexible Privacy Framework for Quantum Systems

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    We propose a versatile privacy framework for quantum systems, termed quantum pufferfish privacy (QPP). Inspired by classical pufferfish privacy, our formulation generalizes and addresses limitations of quantum differential privacy by offering flexibility in specifying private information, feasible measurements, and domain knowledge. We show that QPP can be equivalently formulated in terms of the Datta-Leditzky information spectrum divergence, thus providing the first operational interpretation thereof. We reformulate this divergence as a semi-definite program and derive several properties of it, which are then used to prove convexity, composability, and post-processing of QPP mechanisms. Parameters that guarantee QPP of the depolarization mechanism are also derived. We analyze the privacy-utility tradeoff of general QPP mechanisms and, again, study the depolarization mechanism as an explicit instance. The QPP framework is then applied to privacy auditing for identifying privacy violations via a hypothesis testing pipeline that leverages quantum algorithms. Connections to quantum fairness and other quantum divergences are also explored and several variants of QPP are examined.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure