15,174 research outputs found

    A theory of L1L^1-dissipative solvers for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux

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    We propose a general framework for the study of L1L^1 contractive semigroups of solutions to conservation laws with discontinuous flux. Developing the ideas of a number of preceding works we claim that the whole admissibility issue is reduced to the selection of a family of "elementary solutions", which are certain piecewise constant stationary weak solutions. We refer to such a family as a "germ". It is well known that (CL) admits many different L1L^1 contractive semigroups, some of which reflects different physical applications. We revisit a number of the existing admissibility (or entropy) conditions and identify the germs that underly these conditions. We devote specific attention to the anishing viscosity" germ, which is a way to express the "Γ\Gamma-condition" of Diehl. For any given germ, we formulate "germ-based" admissibility conditions in the form of a trace condition on the flux discontinuity line x=0x=0 (in the spirit of Vol'pert) and in the form of a family of global entropy inequalities (following Kruzhkov and Carrillo). We characterize those germs that lead to the L1L^1-contraction property for the associated admissible solutions. Our approach offers a streamlined and unifying perspective on many of the known entropy conditions, making it possible to recover earlier uniqueness results under weaker conditions than before, and to provide new results for other less studied problems. Several strategies for proving the existence of admissible solutions are discussed, and existence results are given for fluxes satisfying some additional conditions. These are based on convergence results either for the vanishing viscosity method (with standard viscosity or with specific viscosities "adapted" to the choice of a germ), or for specific germ-adapted finite volume schemes

    Well-posedness for a monotone solver for traffic junctions

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    In this paper we aim at proving well-posedness of solutions obtained as vanishing viscosity limits for the Cauchy problem on a traffic junction where mm incoming and nn outgoing roads meet. The traffic on each road is governed by a scalar conservation law ρh,t+fh(ρh)x=0 \rho_{h,t} + f_h(\rho_h)_x = 0, for h{1,,m+n}h\in \{1,\ldots, m+n\}. Our proof relies upon the complete description of the set of road-wise constant solutions and its properties, which is of some interest on its own. Then we introduce a family of Kruzhkov-type adapted entropies at the junction and state a definition of admissible solution in the same spirit as in \cite{diehl, ColomboGoatinConstraint, scontrainte, AC_transmission, germes}

    Transportation-cost inequalities for diffusions driven by Gaussian processes

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    We prove transportation-cost inequalities for the law of SDE solutions driven by general Gaussian processes. Examples include the fractional Brownian motion, but also more general processes like bifractional Brownian motion. In case of multiplicative noise, our main tool is Lyons' rough paths theory. We also give a new proof of Talagrand's transportation-cost inequality on Gaussian Fr\'echet spaces. We finally show that establishing transportation-cost inequalities implies that there is an easy criterion for proving Gaussian tail estimates for functions defined on that space. This result can be seen as a further generalization of the "generalized Fernique theorem" on Gaussian spaces [Friz-Hairer 2014; Theorem 11.7] used in rough paths theory.Comment: The paper was completely revised. In particular, we gave a new proof for Theorem 1.

    Lyapunov Theorems for Systems Described by Retarded Functional Differential Equations

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    Lyapunov-like characterizations for non-uniform in time and uniform robust global asymptotic stability of uncertain systems described by retarded functional differential equations are provided

    Uniqueness in Rough Almost Complex Structures and Differential Inequalities

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    We prove that for almost complex structures of H\"older class at least 1/2, any J-holomorphic disc, that is constant on some non empty open set, is constant. This is in striking contrast with well known, trivial, non-uniqueness results. We also investigate uniqueness questions (do vanishing on some open set, or vanishing to infinite order, or having a non isolated zero, imply vanishing) in connection with differential inequalities that arise in the theory of almost complex manifolds. The case of vector valued functions is different from the case of scalar valued functions