1 research outputs found

    Approximation of the Double Travelling Salesman Problem with Multiple Stacks

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    The Double Travelling Salesman Problem with Multiple Stacks, DTSPMS, deals with the collect and delivery of n commodities in two distinct cities, where the pickup and the delivery tours are related by LIFO constraints. During the pickup tour, commodities are loaded into a container of k rows, or stacks, with capacity c. This paper focuses on computational aspects of the DTSPMS, which is NP-hard. We first review the complexity of two critical subproblems: deciding whether a given pair of pickup and delivery tours is feasible and, given a loading plan, finding an optimal pair of pickup and delivery tours, are both polynomial under some conditions on k and c. We then prove a (3k)/2 standard approximation for the MinMetrickDTSPMS, where k is a universal constant, and other approximation results for various versions of the problem. We finally present a matching-based heuristic for the 2DTSPMS, which is a special case with k=2 rows, when the distances are symmetric. This yields a 1/2-o(1), 3/4-o(1) and 3/2+o(1) standard approximation for respectively Max2DTSPMS, its restriction Max2DTSPMS-(1,2) with distances 1 and 2, and Min2DTSPMS-(1,2), and a 1/2-o(1) differential approximation for Min2DTSPMS and Max2DTSPMS