1,183 research outputs found

    Rethinking Initialization of the Sinkhorn Algorithm

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    While the optimal transport (OT) problem was originally formulated as a linear program, the addition of entropic regularization has proven beneficial both computationally and statistically, for many applications. The Sinkhorn fixed-point algorithm is the most popular approach to solve this regularized problem, and, as a result, multiple attempts have been made to reduce its runtime using, e.g., annealing in the regularization parameter, momentum or acceleration. The premise of this work is that initialization of the Sinkhorn algorithm has received comparatively little attention, possibly due to two preconceptions: since the regularized OT problem is convex, it may not be worth crafting a good initialization, since any is guaranteed to work; secondly, because the outputs of the Sinkhorn algorithm are often unrolled in end-to-end pipelines, a data-dependent initialization would bias Jacobian computations. We challenge this conventional wisdom, and show that data-dependent initializers result in dramatic speed-ups, with no effect on differentiability as long as implicit differentiation is used. Our initializations rely on closed-forms for exact or approximate OT solutions that are known in the 1D, Gaussian or GMM settings. They can be used with minimal tuning, and result in consistent speed-ups for a wide variety of OT problems

    Self-Ordering Point Clouds

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    In this paper we address the task of finding representative subsets of points in a 3D point cloud by means of a point-wise ordering. Only a few works have tried to address this challenging vision problem, all with the help of hard to obtain point and cloud labels. Different from these works, we introduce the task of point-wise ordering in 3D point clouds through self-supervision, which we call self-ordering. We further contribute the first end-to-end trainable network that learns a point-wise ordering in a self-supervised fashion. It utilizes a novel differentiable point scoring-sorting strategy and it constructs an hierarchical contrastive scheme to obtain self-supervision signals. We extensively ablate the method and show its scalability and superior performance even compared to supervised ordering methods on multiple datasets and tasks including zero-shot ordering of point clouds from unseen categories

    Fast, Differentiable and Sparse Top-k: a Convex Analysis Perspective

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    The top-k operator returns a sparse vector, where the non-zero values correspond to the k largest values of the input. Unfortunately, because it is a discontinuous function, it is difficult to incorporate in neural networks trained end-to-end with backpropagation. Recent works have considered differentiable relaxations, based either on regularization or perturbation techniques. However, to date, no approach is fully differentiable and sparse. In this paper, we propose new differentiable and sparse top-k operators. We view the top-k operator as a linear program over the permutahedron, the convex hull of permutations. We then introduce a p-norm regularization term to smooth out the operator, and show that its computation can be reduced to isotonic optimization. Our framework is significantly more general than the existing one and allows for example to express top-k operators that select values in magnitude. On the algorithmic side, in addition to pool adjacent violator (PAV) algorithms, we propose a new GPU/TPU-friendly Dykstra algorithm to solve isotonic optimization problems. We successfully use our operators to prune weights in neural networks, to fine-tune vision transformers, and as a router in sparse mixture of experts.Comment: ICML 2023 18 page

    About latent roles in forecasting players in team sports

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    Forecasting players in sports has grown in popularity due to the potential for a tactical advantage and the applicability of such research to multi-agent interaction systems. Team sports contain a significant social component that influences interactions between teammates and opponents. However, it still needs to be fully exploited. In this work, we hypothesize that each participant has a specific function in each action and that role-based interaction is critical for predicting players' future moves. We create RolFor, a novel end-to-end model for Role-based Forecasting. RolFor uses a new module we developed called Ordering Neural Networks (OrderNN) to permute the order of the players such that each player is assigned to a latent role. The latent role is then modeled with a RoleGCN. Thanks to its graph representation, it provides a fully learnable adjacency matrix that captures the relationships between roles and is subsequently used to forecast the players' future trajectories. Extensive experiments on a challenging NBA basketball dataset back up the importance of roles and justify our goal of modeling them using optimizable models. When an oracle provides roles, the proposed RolFor compares favorably to the current state-of-the-art (it ranks first in terms of ADE and second in terms of FDE errors). However, training the end-to-end RolFor incurs the issues of differentiability of permutation methods, which we experimentally review. Finally, this work restates differentiable ranking as a difficult open problem and its great potential in conjunction with graph-based interaction models. Project is available at: https://www.pinlab.org/aboutlatentrolesComment: AI4ABM@ICLR2023 Worksho
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