252 research outputs found

    A Survey on Practical Applications of Multi-Armed and Contextual Bandits

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    In recent years, multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework has attracted a lot of attention in various applications, from recommender systems and information retrieval to healthcare and finance, due to its stellar performance combined with certain attractive properties, such as learning from less feedback. The multi-armed bandit field is currently flourishing, as novel problem settings and algorithms motivated by various practical applications are being introduced, building on top of the classical bandit problem. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of top recent developments in multiple real-life applications of the multi-armed bandit. Specifically, we introduce a taxonomy of common MAB-based applications and summarize state-of-art for each of those domains. Furthermore, we identify important current trends and provide new perspectives pertaining to the future of this exciting and fast-growing field.Comment: under review by IJCAI 2019 Surve

    Meta-Learning Bandit Policies by Gradient Ascent

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    Most bandit policies are designed to either minimize regret in any problem instance, making very few assumptions about the underlying environment, or in a Bayesian sense, assuming a prior distribution over environment parameters. The former are often too conservative in practical settings, while the latter require assumptions that are hard to verify in practice. We study bandit problems that fall between these two extremes, where the learning agent has access to sampled bandit instances from an unknown prior distribution P\mathcal{P} and aims to achieve high reward on average over the bandit instances drawn from P\mathcal{P}. This setting is of a particular importance because it lays foundations for meta-learning of bandit policies and reflects more realistic assumptions in many practical domains. We propose the use of parameterized bandit policies that are differentiable and can be optimized using policy gradients. This provides a broadly applicable framework that is easy to implement. We derive reward gradients that reflect the structure of bandit problems and policies, for both non-contextual and contextual settings, and propose a number of interesting policies that are both differentiable and have low regret. Our algorithmic and theoretical contributions are supported by extensive experiments that show the importance of baseline subtraction, learned biases, and the practicality of our approach on a range problems

    Smoothness-Adaptive Contextual Bandits

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    We study a non-parametric multi-armed bandit problem with stochastic covariates, where a key complexity driver is the smoothness of payoff functions with respect to covariates. Previous studies have focused on deriving minimax-optimal algorithms in cases where it is a priori known how smooth the payoff functions are. In practice, however, the smoothness of payoff functions is typically not known in advance, and misspecification of smoothness may severely deteriorate the performance of existing methods. In this work, we consider a framework where the smoothness of payoff functions is not known, and study when and how algorithms may adapt to unknown smoothness. First, we establish that designing algorithms that adapt to unknown smoothness of payoff functions is, in general, impossible. However, under a self-similarity condition (which does not reduce the minimax complexity of the dynamic optimization problem at hand), we establish that adapting to unknown smoothness is possible, and further devise a general policy for achieving smoothness-adaptive performance. Our policy infers the smoothness of payoffs throughout the decision-making process, while leveraging the structure of off-the-shelf non-adaptive policies. We establish that for problem settings with either differentiable or non-differentiable payoff functions, this policy matches (up to a logarithmic scale) the regret rate that is achievable when the smoothness of payoffs is known a priori

    Differentiable Bandit Exploration

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    Exploration policies in Bayesian bandits maximize the average reward over problem instances drawn from some distribution P\mathcal{P}. In this work, we learn such policies for an unknown distribution P\mathcal{P} using samples from P\mathcal{P}. Our approach is a form of meta-learning and exploits properties of P\mathcal{P} without making strong assumptions about its form. To do this, we parameterize our policies in a differentiable way and optimize them by policy gradients, an approach that is general and easy to implement. We derive effective gradient estimators and introduce novel variance reduction techniques. We also analyze and experiment with various bandit policy classes, including neural networks and a novel softmax policy. The latter has regret guarantees and is a natural starting point for our optimization. Our experiments show the versatility of our approach. We also observe that neural network policies can learn implicit biases expressed only through the sampled instances

    Stochastic Structured Prediction under Bandit Feedback

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    Stochastic structured prediction under bandit feedback follows a learning protocol where on each of a sequence of iterations, the learner receives an input, predicts an output structure, and receives partial feedback in form of a task loss evaluation of the predicted structure. We present applications of this learning scenario to convex and non-convex objectives for structured prediction and analyze them as stochastic first-order methods. We present an experimental evaluation on problems of natural language processing over exponential output spaces, and compare convergence speed across different objectives under the practical criterion of optimal task performance on development data and the optimization-theoretic criterion of minimal squared gradient norm. Best results under both criteria are obtained for a non-convex objective for pairwise preference learning under bandit feedback.Comment: 30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spai

    Smooth Bandit Optimization: Generalization to H\"older Space

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    We consider bandit optimization of a smooth reward function, where the goal is cumulative regret minimization. This problem has been studied for α\alpha-H\"older continuous (including Lipschitz) functions with 0<α≤10<\alpha\leq 1. Our main result is in generalization of the reward function to H\"older space with exponent α>1\alpha>1 to bridge the gap between Lipschitz bandits and infinitely-differentiable models such as linear bandits. For H\"older continuous functions, approaches based on random sampling in bins of a discretized domain suffices as optimal. In contrast, we propose a class of two-layer algorithms that deploy misspecified linear/polynomial bandit algorithms in bins. We demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can exploit higher-order smoothness of the function by deriving a regret upper bound of O~(Td+αd+2α)\tilde{O}(T^\frac{d+\alpha}{d+2\alpha}) for when α>1\alpha>1, which matches existing lower bound. We also study adaptation to unknown function smoothness over a continuous scale of H\"older spaces indexed by α\alpha, with a bandit model selection approach applied with our proposed two-layer algorithms. We show that it achieves regret rate that matches the existing lower bound for adaptation within the α≤1\alpha\leq 1 subset.Comment: 11 main pages, 2 figures, 13 appendix page

    Learning to Actively Learn: A Robust Approach

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    This work proposes a procedure for designing algorithms for specific adaptive data collection tasks like active learning and pure-exploration multi-armed bandits. Unlike the design of traditional adaptive algorithms that rely on concentration of measure and careful analysis to justify the correctness and sample complexity of the procedure, our adaptive algorithm is learned via adversarial training over equivalence classes of problems derived from information theoretic lower bounds. In particular, a single adaptive learning algorithm is learned that competes with the best adaptive algorithm learned for each equivalence class. Our procedure takes as input just the available queries, set of hypotheses, loss function, and total query budget. This is in contrast to existing meta-learning work that learns an adaptive algorithm relative to an explicit, user-defined subset or prior distribution over problems which can be challenging to define and be mismatched to the instance encountered at test time. This work is particularly focused on the regime when the total query budget is very small, such as a few dozen, which is much smaller than those budgets typically considered by theoretically derived algorithms. We perform synthetic experiments to justify the stability and effectiveness of the training procedure, and then evaluate the method on tasks derived from real data including a noisy 20 Questions game and a joke recommendation task

    Bandit Structured Prediction for Learning from Partial Feedback in Statistical Machine Translation

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    We present an approach to structured prediction from bandit feedback, called Bandit Structured Prediction, where only the value of a task loss function at a single predicted point, instead of a correct structure, is observed in learning. We present an application to discriminative reranking in Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) where the learning algorithm only has access to a 1-BLEU loss evaluation of a predicted translation instead of obtaining a gold standard reference translation. In our experiment bandit feedback is obtained by evaluating BLEU on reference translations without revealing them to the algorithm. This can be thought of as a simulation of interactive machine translation where an SMT system is personalized by a user who provides single point feedback to predicted translations. Our experiments show that our approach improves translation quality and is comparable to approaches that employ more informative feedback in learning.Comment: In Proceedings of MT Summit XV, 2015. Miami, F

    Differentiable Linear Bandit Algorithm

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    Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) is arguably the most commonly used method for linear multi-arm bandit problems. While conceptually and computationally simple, this method highly relies on the confidence bounds, failing to strike the optimal exploration-exploitation if these bounds are not properly set. In the literature, confidence bounds are typically derived from concentration inequalities based on assumptions on the reward distribution, e.g., sub-Gaussianity. The validity of these assumptions however is unknown in practice. In this work, we aim at learning the confidence bound in a data-driven fashion, making it adaptive to the actual problem structure. Specifically, noting that existing UCB-typed algorithms are not differentiable with respect to confidence bound, we first propose a novel differentiable linear bandit algorithm. Then, we introduce a gradient estimator, which allows the confidence bound to be learned via gradient ascent. Theoretically, we show that the proposed algorithm achieves a O~(β^dT)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\hat{\beta}\sqrt{dT}) upper bound of TT-round regret, where dd is the dimension of arm features and β^\hat{\beta} is the learned size of confidence bound. Empirical results show that β^\hat{\beta} is significantly smaller than its theoretical upper bound and proposed algorithms outperforms baseline ones on both simulated and real-world datasets.Comment: 16 page

    Lifelong Learning in Multi-Armed Bandits

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    Continuously learning and leveraging the knowledge accumulated from prior tasks in order to improve future performance is a long standing machine learning problem. In this paper, we study the problem in the multi-armed bandit framework with the objective to minimize the total regret incurred over a series of tasks. While most bandit algorithms are designed to have a low worst-case regret, we examine here the average regret over bandit instances drawn from some prior distribution which may change over time. We specifically focus on confidence interval tuning of UCB algorithms. We propose a bandit over bandit approach with greedy algorithms and we perform extensive experimental evaluations in both stationary and non-stationary environments. We further apply our solution to the mortal bandit problem, showing empirical improvement over previous work
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