20 research outputs found

    Numerical study of Bose-Einstein condensation in the Kaniadakis-Quarati model for bosons

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    Kaniadakis and Quarati (1994) proposed a Fokker--Planck equation with quadratic drift as a PDE model for the dynamics of bosons in the spatially homogeneous setting. It is an open question whether this equation has solutions exhibiting condensates in finite time. The main analytical challenge lies in the continuation of exploding solutions beyond their first blow-up time while having a linear diffusion term. We present a thoroughly validated time-implicit numerical scheme capable of simulating solutions for arbitrarily large time, and thus enabling a numerical study of the condensation process in the Kaniadakis--Quarati model. We show strong numerical evidence that above the critical mass rotationally symmetric solutions of the Kaniadakis--Quarati model in 3D form a condensate in finite time and converge in entropy to the unique minimiser of the natural entropy functional at an exponential rate. Our simulations further indicate that the spatial blow-up profile near the origin follows a universal power law and that transient condensates can occur for sufficiently concentrated initial data.Comment: To appear in Kinet. Relat. Model

    Convergence of a variational Lagrangian scheme for a nonlinear drift diffusion equation

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    We study a Lagrangian numerical scheme for solution of a nonlinear drift diffusion equation on an interval. The discretization is based on the equation's gradient flow structure with respect to the Wasserstein distance. The scheme inherits various properties of the continuous flow, like entropy monotonicity, mass preservation, metric contraction and minimum/maximum principles. As the main result, we give a proof of convergence in the limit of vanishing mesh size under a CFL-type condition. We also present results from numerical experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Lecture Notes on Gradient Flows and Optimal Transport

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    We present a short overview on the strongest variational formulation for gradient flows of geodesically λ\lambda-convex functionals in metric spaces, with applications to diffusion equations in Wasserstein spaces of probability measures. These notes are based on a series of lectures given by the second author for the Summer School "Optimal transportation: Theory and applications" in Grenoble during the week of June 22-26, 2009

    Numerical simulation of continuity equations by evolving diffeomorphisms

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    In this paper we present a numerical scheme for nonlinear continuity equations, which is based on the gradient flow formulation of an energy functional with respect to the quadratic transportation distance. It can be applied to a large class of nonlinear continuity equations, whose dynamics are driven by internal energies, given external potentials and/or interaction energies. The solver is based on its variational formulation as a gradient flow with respect to the Wasserstein distance. Positivity of solutions as well as energy decrease of the semi-discrete scheme are guaranteed by its construction. We illustrate this properties with various examples in spatial dimension one and two