236 research outputs found

    Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding-based Denoising for High-Resolution Task Functional Connectivity MRI Analysis

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    We propose a novel denoising framework for task functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tfMRI) data to delineate the high-resolution spatial pattern of the brain functional connectivity via dictionary learning and sparse coding (DLSC). In order to address the limitations of the unsupervised DLSC-based fMRI studies, we utilize the prior knowledge of task paradigm in the learning step to train a data-driven dictionary and to model the sparse representation. We apply the proposed DLSC-based method to Human Connectome Project (HCP) motor tfMRI dataset. Studies on the functional connectivity of cerebrocerebellar circuits in somatomotor networks show that the DLSC-based denoising framework can significantly improve the prominent connectivity patterns, in comparison to the temporal non-local means (tNLM)-based denoising method as well as the case without denoising, which is consistent and neuroscientifically meaningful within motor area. The promising results show that the proposed method can provide an important foundation for the high-resolution functional connectivity analysis, and provide a better approach for fMRI preprocessing.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, MLMI201

    Sparse Representation-Based Framework for Preprocessing Brain MRI

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    This thesis addresses the use of sparse representations, specifically Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding, for pre-processing brain MRI, so that the processed image retains the fine details of the original image, to improve the segmentation of brain structures, to assess whether there is any relationship between alterations in brain structures and the behavior of young offenders. Denoising an MRI while keeping fine details is a difficult task; however, the proposed method, based on sparse representations, NLM, and SVD can filter noise while prevents blurring, artifacts, and residual noise. Segmenting an MRI is a non-trivial task; because normally the limits between regions in these images may be neither clear nor well defined, due to the problems which affect MRI. However, this method, from both the label matrix of the segmented MRI and the original image, yields a new improved label matrix in which improves the limits among regions.DoctoradoDoctor en IngenierĂ­a de Sistemas y ComputaciĂł

    Decoding the Encoding of Functional Brain Networks: an fMRI Classification Comparison of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and Sparse Coding Algorithms

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    Brain networks in fMRI are typically identified using spatial independent component analysis (ICA), yet mathematical constraints such as sparse coding and positivity both provide alternate biologically-plausible frameworks for generating brain networks. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) would suppress negative BOLD signal by enforcing positivity. Spatial sparse coding algorithms (L1L1 Regularized Learning and K-SVD) would impose local specialization and a discouragement of multitasking, where the total observed activity in a single voxel originates from a restricted number of possible brain networks. The assumptions of independence, positivity, and sparsity to encode task-related brain networks are compared; the resulting brain networks for different constraints are used as basis functions to encode the observed functional activity at a given time point. These encodings are decoded using machine learning to compare both the algorithms and their assumptions, using the time series weights to predict whether a subject is viewing a video, listening to an audio cue, or at rest, in 304 fMRI scans from 51 subjects. For classifying cognitive activity, the sparse coding algorithm of L1L1 Regularized Learning consistently outperformed 4 variations of ICA across different numbers of networks and noise levels (p<<0.001). The NMF algorithms, which suppressed negative BOLD signal, had the poorest accuracy. Within each algorithm, encodings using sparser spatial networks (containing more zero-valued voxels) had higher classification accuracy (p<<0.001). The success of sparse coding algorithms may suggest that algorithms which enforce sparse coding, discourage multitasking, and promote local specialization may capture better the underlying source processes than those which allow inexhaustible local processes such as ICA

    Non local spatial and angular matching : enabling higher spatial resolution diffusion MRI datasets through adaptive denoising

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets suffer from low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), especially at high b-values. Acquiring data at high b-values contains relevant information and is now of great interest for microstructural and connectomics studies. High noise levels bias the measurements due to the non-Gaussian nature of the noise, which in turn can lead to a false and biased estimation of the diffusion parameters. Additionally, the usage of in-plane acceleration techniques during the acquisition leads to a spatially varying noise distribution, which depends on the parallel acceleration method implemented on the scanner. This paper proposes a novel diffusion MRI denoising technique that can be used on all existing data, without adding to the scanning time. We first apply a statistical framework to convert both stationary and non stationary Rician and non central Chi distributed noise to Gaussian distributed noise, effectively removing the bias. We then introduce a spatially and angular adaptive denoising technique, the Non Local Spatial and Angular Matching (NLSAM) algorithm. Each volume is first decomposed in small 4D overlapping patches, thus capturing the spatial and angular structure of the diffusion data, and a dictionary of atoms is learned on those patches. A local sparse decomposition is then found by bounding the reconstruction error with the local noise variance. We compare against three other state-of-the-art denoising methods and show quantitative local and connectivity results on a synthetic phantom and on an in-vivo high resolution dataset. Overall, our method restores perceptual information, removes the noise bias in common diffusion metrics, restores the extracted peaks coherence and improves reproducibility of tractography on the synthetic dataset. On the 1.2 mm high resolution in-vivo dataset, our denoising improves the visual quality of the data and reduces the number of spurious tracts when compared to the noisy acquisition. Our work paves the way for higher spatial resolution acquisition of diffusion MRI datasets, which could in turn reveal new anatomical details that are not discernible at the spatial resolution currently used by the diffusion MRI community

    Joint Spatial-Angular Sparse Coding, Compressed Sensing, and Dictionary Learning for Diffusion MRI

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    Neuroimaging provides a window into the inner workings of the human brain to diagnose and prevent neurological diseases and understand biological brain function, anatomy, and psychology. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is an emerging medical imaging modality used to study the anatomical network of neurons in the brain, which form cohesive bundles, or fiber tracts, that connect various parts of the brain. Since about 73% of the brain is water, measuring the flow, or diffusion of water molecules in the presence of fiber bundles, allows researchers to estimate the orientation of fiber tracts and reconstruct the internal wiring of the brain, in vivo. Diffusion MRI signals can be modeled within two domains: the spatial domain consisting of voxels in a brain volume and the diffusion or angular domain, where fiber orientation is estimated in each voxel. Researchers aim to estimate the probability distribution of fiber orientation in every voxel of a brain volume in order to trace paths of fiber tracts from voxel to voxel over the entire brain. Therefore, the traditional framework for dMRI processing and analysis has been from a voxel-wise vantage point with added spatial regularization considered post-hoc. In contrast, we propose a new joint spatial-angular representation of dMRI data which pairs signals in each voxel with the global spatial environment, jointly. This has the ability to improve many aspects of dMRI processing and analysis and re-envision the core representation of dMRI data from a local perspective to a global one. In this thesis, we propose three main contributions which take advantage of such joint spatial-angular representations to improve major machine learning tasks applied to dMRI: sparse coding, compressed sensing, and dictionary learning. First, we will show that we can achieve sparser representations of dMRI by utilizing a global spatial-angular dictionary instead of a purely voxel-wise angular dictionary. As dMRI data is very large in size, we provide a number of novel extensions to popular spare coding algorithms that perform efficient optimization on a global-scale by exploiting the separability of our dictionaries over the spatial and angular domains. Next, compressed sensing is used to accelerate signal acquisition based on an underlying sparse representation of the data. We will show that our proposed representation has the potential to push the limits of the current state of scanner acceleration within a new compressed sensing model for dMRI. Finally, sparsity can be further increased by learning dictionaries directly from datasets of interest. Prior dictionary learning for dMRI learn angular dictionaries alone. Our third contribution is to learn spatial-angular dictionaries jointly from dMRI data directly to better represent the global structure. Traditionally, the problem of dictionary learning is non-convex with no guarantees of finding a globally optimal solution. We derive the first theoretical results of global optimality for this class of dictionary learning problems. We hope the core foundation of a joint spatial-angular representation will open a new perspective on dMRI with respect to many other processing tasks and analyses. In addition, our contributions are applicable to any general signal types that can benefit from separable dictionaries. We hope the contributions in this thesis may be adopted in the larger signal processing, computer vision, and machine learning communities. dMRI signals can be modeled within two domains: the spatial domain consisting of voxels in a brain volume and the diffusion or angular domain, where fiber orientation is estimated in each voxel. Computationally speaking, researchers aim to estimate the probability distribution of fiber orientation in every voxel of a brain volume in order to trace paths of fiber tracts from voxel to voxel over the entire brain. Therefore, the traditional framework for dMRI processing and analysis is from a voxel-wise, or angular, vantage point with post-hoc consideration of their local spatial neighborhoods. In contrast, we propose a new global spatial-angular representation of dMRI data which pairs signals in each voxel with the global spatial environment, jointly, to improve many aspects of dMRI processing and analysis, including the important need for accelerating the otherwise time-consuming acquisition of advanced dMRI protocols. In this thesis, we propose three main contributions which utilize our joint spatial-angular representation to improve major machine learning tasks applied to dMRI: sparse coding, compressed sensing, and dictionary learning. We will show that sparser codes are possible by utilizing a global dictionary instead of a voxel-wise angular dictionary. This allows for a reduction of the number of measurements needed to reconstruct a dMRI signal to increase acceleration using compressed sensing. Finally, instead of learning angular dictionaries alone, we learn spatial-angular dictionaries jointly from dMRI data directly to better represent the global structure. In addition, this problem is non-convex and so we derive the first theories to guarantee convergence to a global minimum. As dMRI data is very large in size, we provide a number of novel extensions to popular algorithms that perform efficient optimization on a global-scale by exploiting the separability of our global dictionaries over the spatial and angular domains. We hope the core foundation of a joint spatial-angular representation will open a new perspective on dMRI with respect to many other processing tasks and analyses. In addition, our contributions are applicable to any separable dictionary setting which we hope may be adopted in the larger image processing, computer vision, and machine learning communities

    Graph Signal Processing: Overview, Challenges and Applications

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    Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing. We then summarize recent developments in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning. We finish by providing a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas.Comment: To appear, Proceedings of the IEE

    Whole Brain Profile of Connector Hub Alteration Patterns in Focal Epilepsy When Compared to Healthy Controls

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    Using resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI), we can non-invasively measure functional connectivity (FC) between brain regions using the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal which characterizes slow fluctuations of hemodynamic processes.Through various FC analysis techniques, we can extract the resting state networks (RSNs) of the brain, and identify highly connected regions called hubs, which are important for long-range and efficient communication within the brain. In this thesis, we applied, adapted, and carefully investigated the method entitled SParsity-based Analysis of Reliable k-hubness (SPARK), introduced by our group, to identify and quantify in a reliable manner the reorganization of connector hubs for patients with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), when compared to healthy controls (HC). In this work, we used several metrics to characterize reorganization of connector hubs, aiming at generating whole-brain fingerprint models to characterize patients with epilepsy. We considered the following metrics, estimated on different parcellations of the brain in either nineteen anatomical regions or eleven functional networks: the hub disruption index (HDI), the hub emergence index (HEI), the hierarchical segregation index (HSI) and regional k-hubness. Our results are suggesting that we found more significant reorganization of hubness assessed using HDI and HEI when considering a segmentation in functional networks, as opposed to a segmentation in anatomical regions. We also reported significant decreases in regional k in epilepsy patients when compared to controls. In addition, we reported a significant decrease in HSI between epilepsy and controls as well. These preliminary results should be confirmed when applied on larger epilepsy cohorts, where we can use our proposed methodology and metrics combined with other non-invasive imaging modalities to discover potential biomarkers that could predict the postsurgical outcome of these patients

    Reorganization of functional hubs in sleep and in epilepsy

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    Resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) is a non-invasive brain imaging technique that measures brain activity non-invasively. Functional connectivity (FC) quantifies how Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent (BOLD) signal of remote brain regions correlates with each other temporally. Using variety of methodologies such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) or sparse dictionary learning, Resting-State Networks (RSNs) are consistently found in human brain connectome. Functional hubs denote the brain regions that exhibit connections denser than others, whereas connector hubs especially participate in inter-network communication. My Master thesis is based on a previously published methodology called Sparsity-based analysis of reliable k-hubness (SPARK), which estimates the functional hubs by counting the number of RSNs connected to each brain voxels. By acquiring simultaneous electroencephalogram (EEG)-fMRI, functional connectivity (FC) during sleep can also be investigated. In addition, functional connectivity has been commonly applied to find potential biomarkers for neurological disease, such as epilepsy. Therefore, in the first study of this thesis, we investigated functional segregation during a recovery nap after total sleep deprivation and its association with cognitive performance. We applied an algorithm called Hierarchical Segregation Index (HSI) based on the hubness estimated by SPARK. As a result, we found significant correlation between functional segregation during sleep and working memory performance after sleep. In the second study of this thesis, we investigated the different patterns of functional hub reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE). By applying similar methods used in the first study, we found significant and exclusive functional hub alteration both in TLE and FLE. To conclude, in sleep, functional segregation during a whole night sleep and its association between cognitive performance can be further investigated. In TLE and FLE, further research of the hub alterations in subcortical structures will be of interest, and might serve as potential biomarkers for post-surgical outcomes

    An Overview on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Modalities: Methods, Challenges, and Future Works

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    Schizophrenia (SZ) is a mental disorder that typically emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood. It reduces the life expectancy of patients by 15 years. Abnormal behavior, perception of emotions, social relationships, and reality perception are among its most significant symptoms. Past studies have revealed the temporal and anterior lobes of hippocampus regions of brain get affected by SZ. Also, increased volume of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and decreased volume of white and gray matter can be observed due to this disease. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the popular neuroimaging technique used to explore structural/functional brain abnormalities in SZ disorder owing to its high spatial resolution. Various artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been employed with advanced image/signal processing methods to obtain accurate diagnosis of SZ. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of studies conducted on automated diagnosis of SZ using MRI modalities. Main findings, various challenges, and future works in developing the automated SZ detection are described in this paper

    A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    Deep learning algorithms, in particular convolutional networks, have rapidly become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images. This paper reviews the major deep learning concepts pertinent to medical image analysis and summarizes over 300 contributions to the field, most of which appeared in the last year. We survey the use of deep learning for image classification, object detection, segmentation, registration, and other tasks and provide concise overviews of studies per application area. Open challenges and directions for future research are discussed.Comment: Revised survey includes expanded discussion section and reworked introductory section on common deep architectures. Added missed papers from before Feb 1st 201
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