4 research outputs found

    DFSMN-SAN with Persistent Memory Model for Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Self-attention networks (SAN) have been introduced into automatic speech recognition (ASR) and achieved state-of-the-art performance owing to its superior ability in capturing long term dependency. One of the key ingredients is the self-attention mechanism which can be effectively performed on the whole utterance level. In this paper, we try to investigate whether even more information beyond the whole utterance level can be exploited and beneficial. We propose to apply self-attention layer with augmented memory to ASR. Specifically, we first propose a variant model architecture which combines deep feed-forward sequential memory network (DFSMN) with self-attention layers to form a better baseline model compared with a purely self-attention network. Then, we propose and compare two kinds of additional memory structures added into self-attention layers. Experiments on large-scale LVCSR tasks show that on four individual test sets, the DFSMN-SAN architecture outperforms vanilla SAN encoder by 5% relatively in character error rate (CER). More importantly, the additional memory structure provides further 5% to 11% relative improvement in CER.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, subbmitted to ICASSP 202

    SAN-M: Memory Equipped Self-Attention for End-to-End Speech Recognition

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    End-to-end speech recognition has become popular in recent years, since it can integrate the acoustic, pronunciation and language models into a single neural network. Among end-to-end approaches, attention-based methods have emerged as being superior. For example, Transformer, which adopts an encoder-decoder architecture. The key improvement introduced by Transformer is the utilization of self-attention instead of recurrent mechanisms, enabling both encoder and decoder to capture long-range dependencies with lower computational complexity.In this work, we propose boosting the self-attention ability with a DFSMN memory block, forming the proposed memory equipped self-attention (SAN-M) mechanism. Theoretical and empirical comparisons have been made to demonstrate the relevancy and complementarity between self-attention and the DFSMN memory block. Furthermore, the proposed SAN-M provides an efficient mechanism to integrate these two modules. We have evaluated our approach on the public AISHELL-1 benchmark and an industrial-level 20,000-hour Mandarin speech recognition task. On both tasks, SAN-M systems achieved much better performance than the self-attention based Transformer baseline system. Specially, it can achieve a CER of 6.46% on the AISHELL-1 task even without using any external LM, comfortably outperforming other state-of-the-art systems.Comment: submitted to INTERSPEECH202

    Distortionless Multi-Channel Target Speech Enhancement for Overlapped Speech Recognition

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    Speech enhancement techniques based on deep learning have brought significant improvement on speech quality and intelligibility. Nevertheless, a large gain in speech quality measured by objective metrics, such as perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), does not necessarily lead to improved speech recognition performance due to speech distortion in the enhancement stage. In this paper, a multi-channel dilated convolutional network based frequency domain modeling is presented to enhance target speaker in the far-field, noisy and multi-talker conditions. We study three approaches towards distortionless waveforms for overlapped speech recognition: estimating complex ideal ratio mask with an infinite range, incorporating the fbank loss in a multi-objective learning and finetuning the enhancement model by an acoustic model. Experimental results proved the effectiveness of all three approaches on reducing speech distortions and improving recognition accuracy. Particularly, the jointly tuned enhancement model works very well with other standalone acoustic model on real test data

    Latency-Controlled Neural Architecture Search for Streaming Speech Recognition

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    Neural architecture search (NAS) has attracted much attention and has been explored for automatic speech recognition (ASR). In this work, we focus on streaming ASR scenarios and propose the latency-controlled NAS for acoustic modeling. First, based on the vanilla neural architecture, normal cells are altered to causal cells to control the total latency of the architecture. Second, a revised operation space with a smaller receptive field is proposed to generate the final architecture with low latency. Extensive experiments show that: 1) Based on the proposed neural architecture, the neural networks with a medium latency of 550ms (millisecond) and a low latency of 190ms can be learned in the vanilla and revised operation space respectively. 2) For the low latency setting, the evaluation network can achieve more than 19\% (average on the four test sets) relative improvements compared with the hybrid CLDNN baseline, on a 10k-hour large-scale dataset