4 research outputs found

    ROBI’: A prototype mobile manipulator for agricultural applications

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    The design of ROBI', a prototype mobile manipulator for agricultural applications devised following low-cost, low-weight, simplicity, flexibility and modularity requirements, is presented in this work. The mechanical design and the selection of the main components of the motion control system, including sensors and in-wheel motors, is described. The kinematic and dynamic models of the robot are also derived, with the aim to support the design of a trajectory tracking system and to make a preliminary assessment of the design choices, as well. Finally, two simulations, one~specifically related to a realistic trajectory in an agricultural field, show the validity of these choices

    Workspace analysis of Cartesian robot system for kiwifruit harvesting

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    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate if a Cartesian robot system for kiwifruit harvesting works more effectively and efficiently than an articulated robot system. The robot is a key component in agricultural automation. For instance, multiple robot arm system has been developed for kiwifruit harvesting recently because of the significant labor shortage issue. The industrial robots for factory automation usually have articulated configuration which is suitable for the tasks in the manufacturing and production environment. However, this articulated configuration may not fit for agricultural application due to the large outdoor environment. Design/methodology/approach – The kiwifruit harvesting tasks are completed step by step so that the robot workspace covers the canopy completely. A two-arm, Cartesian kiwifruit harvesting robot system and several field experiments are developed for the investigation. The harvest cycle time of the Cartesian robot system is compared to that of an articulated robot system. The difference is analyzed based on the workspace geometries of these two robot configurations. Findings – It is found that the kiwifruit harvesting productivity is increased by using a multiple robot system with Cartesian configuration owing to its regular workspace geometry. Originality/value – An articulated robot is a common configuration for manufacturing because of its simple structure and the relatively static factory environment. Most of the agricultural robotics research studies use single articulated robot for their implementation. This paper pinpoints how the workspace of a multiple robot system affects the harvest cycle time for kiwifruit harvesting in a pergola style kiwifruit orchard

    Simulação Computacional de um Rover Robótico Agrícola para Pulverização Controlada de Infestantes e Recolha de Frutos Caídos

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    O contínuo aumento da população mundial tem avultado a necessidade de bens alimentares, levando a um aumento das explorações agrícolas para garantir o fornecimento destes bens, de uma forma direta, às populações e de uma forma indireta a todas as indústrias transformadoras do ramo alimentar. Esta condição tem levado a agricultura a reinventar-se e a introduzir novas técnicas e ferramentas para garantir um maior controlo das colheitas e um aumento dos rendimentos na produção alimentar. No entanto, a falta de mão-de-obra aliada à evolução de infestantes resistentes a herbicidas, tem levado a crescentes constrangimentos numa produção agrícola que a cada dia que passa se pretende mais elevada e de melhor qualidade. Porém, com a crescente evolução das áreas da eletrónica, da automação e da robótica, surgem novos caminhos para responder a estes problemas. Nesse sentido, o Grupo Operacional PrunusBot desenvolveu um rover robótico para otimizar as tarefas de controlo de infestantes e de recolha de frutos caídos no chão de pomares. Em que, para o caso do controlo de infestantes é proposto um sistema de pulverização de precisão, reduzindo a quantidade de herbicida a aplicar. A recolha de frutos caídos ambiciona promover a sustentabilidade do processo, dirigindo os frutos caídos para alimentação animal e com a perspetiva de analisar o efeito desta atividade na redução da atividade microbiana nas culturas da campanha seguinte, evitando consequentes danos. No sentido de dar continuidade a esta investigação, a presente dissertação propõe a recriação deste rover robótico num software de simulação robótico e propõe ainda a criação de um modelo de simulação semelhante ao de uma exploração agrícola. Pretende-se deste modo desenvolver um algoritmo de controlo do rover robótico nas tarefas de pulverização controlada e de recolha de frutos caídos. Este trabalho sugere o desenvolvimento e teste através de um simulador robótico por este apresentar benefícios em relação aos métodos tradicionais, nomeadamente a nível de rapidez, facilidade de implementação e teste de diferentes cenários e hipóteses de operação podendo até efetuar simulações de forma simultânea. O uso de simuladores robóticos apresenta ainda um maior grau de liberdade e criatividade, uma vez que não existem preocupações relativas à danificação do hardware. De referir também que os custos de desenvolvimento são muito reduzidos.The continuous rise in world population has increased the need for food, leading to a rise of agricultural holdings to ensure de supply of these goods, directly to the populations and indirectly to all the processing industries in the food business. This situation has led agriculture to reinvent itself and introduce new technics and tools to ensure a tighter control of the crops and increase yields in food production. However, the lack of labour coupled with the evolution of weeds resistant to herbicides, created a crisis in agricultural food production. However, with the growing evolution in electronics, automation, and robotics, new paths are emerging to solve these problems. With this in mind, the Operational Group PrunusBot developed a robotic rover, to optimize the tasks of weed control and collection of fallen fruits of an orchard. In weed control, it is proposed a localized spraying system, therefore, reducing the amount of applied herbicides. With fruit collection, it’s possible to direct the fallen fruits for animal feeding, and aims to reduce the microbial activity on the next campaign crops, therefore avoiding damage. To continue this research, this dissertation proposes the recreation of this robotic rover on a robotic simulation software. It also proposes the recreation of a similar environment to that of a agricultural exploration, in order to later create and algorithm that controls the rover on the tasks of localized spraying and fallen fruit collection. This dissertation suggests the creation and testing of these algorithms through a robotic simulador, because of the benefits in relation to a more traditional method, namely the speed and ease of testing different scenarios and hypothesis, with the added benefit of being able to test the two tasks simultaneously. This method also allows for greater freedom and creativity because there are no concerns about hardware damage. It should also be noted that the development costs are very low