2 research outputs found

    Development of an automatic test bench to assess sprinkler irrigation uniformity in different wind conditions. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

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    In sprinkler irrigation the water distribution uniformity in field conditions is not always a known factor, mainly due to the many variables involved, especially the wind. The main objective of this study was to design, install and test an automatic sprinkler bench to measure the irrigation uniformity of solid set systems for multiple wind conditions in real time. The system developed measures the different wind speeds and directions while simultaneously recording the rainfall distribution automatically. Consequently, the system requires little manual intervention, thus reducing the operating costs. All the information generated is stored in a database, obtaining multiple results of irrigation uniformity for each stable wind regime. As a second step, uniformities in different situations (layouts and wind directions) were studied. In addition, this study shows the potential for assessing the influence of different variables on irrigation uniformity for several sets of sprinklers. As an example of possible applications, 12,150 results of uniformity coefficients for conventional impact rotary head sprinklers with hexagonal nozzles in windy conditions were generated. These data were used to establish comparisons between different sprinklers. To do this, a multiple linear regression methodology was applied in order to analyse the influence of the different contour variables on the irrigation uniformity. The test bench presented along with the methodology to simulate and generate multiple scenarios constitutes a powerful tool for designers, farmers and technicians both for the improvement of existing installations and for future designs. The generation of a large amount of irrigation uniformity results for sprinkler irrigation in different wind conditions will lead to a large database with the potential to be able to determine the irrigation uniformity in all common scenarios.Junta de Andaluc铆

    Evaluaci贸n de la distribuci贸n del agua en sistemas de riego por aspersi贸n estacionarios con viento

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    En la agricultura de regad铆o, el par谩metro que califica mejor la calidad del riego es la uniformidad del riego. El riego por aspersi贸n presenta una cierta dificultad para calcular la uniformidad de riego en funci贸n del dise帽o, debido a las variables que intervienen en su funcionamiento. Por tanto, estos sistemas de riego requieren de una gran atenci贸n en cuanto a la innovaci贸n sobre su an谩lisis del riego. Este trabajo se ha iniciado identificando esta necesidad y ha perseguido desarrollar una metodolog铆a de an谩lisis de la uniformidad del riego por aspersi贸n para situaciones reales que se den en campo y a trav茅s de una base experimental. Con este objetivo, se ha partido de las metodolog铆as existentes y de la tecnolog铆a disponible, para obtener una herramienta experimental que cubra las necesidades de conocimiento de la calidad de riego de los sistemas de riego por aspersi贸n estacionarios. Con estas bases, se comenz贸, en una primera fase, el dise帽o y montaje de un banco de pruebas de aspersores que de manera 谩gil simulara las condiciones reales de riego al aire libre, para as铆 tener una herramienta de an谩lisis capaz de ofrecer valores finales de la calidad de riego en todas las situaciones de riego existentes. Esta tarea ha sido la que ha ocupado la gran parte del desarrollo experimental de este trabajo y ha culminado con el prototipo de un banco autom谩tico de ensayos de aspersores con viento. Junto a ello se desarroll贸 las herramientas correspondientes de an谩lisis de los datos que se obtienen y la puesta a punto final y las necesidades de mantenimiento para el correcto funcionamiento del prototipo. Una vez dispuesto el sistema se continu贸 con la segunda fase, la adquisici贸n de informaci贸n con m煤ltiples ensayos de aspersores y cubriendo la demanda de los modelos de aspersores m谩s representativos en el sector. Gracias a la aplicaci贸n particular de las metodolog铆as y las herramientas desarrolladas para el tratamiento de datos (superposici贸n de dise帽os, simulaci贸n de m煤ltiples direcciones de viento, y de puesta a punto y calibraci贸n del propio banco autom谩tico de ensayos), se ha conseguido que el banco autom谩tico de ensayo de aspersores sea una herramienta operativa para cualquier iniciativa de mejora en la optimizaci贸n del agua en riego por aspersi贸n. Los resultados obtenidos sobre el desarrollo del banco autom谩tico de aspersores con viento fueron de 29.160 valores de uniformidad de aspersores de uso m谩s frecuente en la agricultura de cultivos herb谩ceos. Con estos resultados se gener贸 una base de datos con gran capacidad para obtener informaci贸n y facilidad de ser procesada con los resultados obtenidos directamente de los ensayos. A su vez, estos ensayos permitir谩n, para situaciones no ensayadas, utilizar una metodolog铆a de interpolaci贸n de datos experimentales que cubra todas las casu铆sticas de riego de los aspersores ensayados. En una tercera fase se cuantific贸 la influencia de las variables que afectan al riego por aspersi贸n en funci贸n al tipo de aspersor utilizando el modelo estad铆stico de regresi贸n lineal m煤ltiple. Al poder ser aplicada a cualquier grupo de aspersores o de situaciones, esta metodolog铆a permitir谩 tomar decisiones estrat茅gicas en relaci贸n con dise帽os, presiones de trabajo, localizaciones 贸ptimas, reg铆menes de viento, etc. En el estudio abordado se analizaron de manera independiente los siguientes grupos de aspersores: de impacto convencionales con boquillas hexagonales, de impacto con boquillas de bayoneta y rotativos. Para ello, se estudiaron los comportamientos de distintos grupos en relaci贸n con todas las variables m谩s relevantes: presencia de boquilla secundaria, velocidad y direcci贸n del viento, presi贸n, distancia entre aspersores y ramales de riego y disposici贸n del marco de riego. En una fase final, y habiendo caracterizado el funcionamiento de gran n煤mero de aspersores y detectada la demanda del sector de riego por el ahorro energ茅tico, se complet贸 el trabajo con una l铆nea espec铆fica e innovadora, en la cual se us贸 el banco autom谩tico de ensayo de aspersores para estudiar el riego por aspersi贸n en condiciones de baja presi贸n. El objetivo perseguido en este desarrollo fue la selecci贸n de aquellos aspersores y circunstancias en las con presiones m谩s bajas a las convencionales, obteni茅ndose buenos valores de uniformidad de riego. El estudio, no s贸lo se limit贸 a un an谩lisis de la base de datos de los resultados generados con el banco autom谩tico de ensayos, sino que adem谩s se hicieron ensayos en campo con evaluaciones m煤ltiples y simult谩neas de los aspersores seleccionados para la baja presi贸n (250 y 200 kPa). Finalmente, se estudi贸 el comportamiento de los aspersores seleccionados en toda una campa帽a de riego con presiones de 200 kPa frente a aspersores en r茅gimen de presi贸n de 300 kPa aproximadamente. La conclusi贸n de esta fase fue la viabilidad del riego a baja presi贸n con aquellos aspersores obtenidos de la base de datos de ensayos del banco autom谩tico de ensayos de aspersores con viento.In irrigated agriculture, the parameter that best qualifies the quality of irrigation is the uniformity of irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation has a certain difficulty to calculate irrigation uniformity depending on the design, due to the variables involved in its operation. Therefore, these irrigation systems have great attention in terms of innovation in their analysis of irrigation. This work has begun by identifying this need and has pursued a methodology for analyzing the uniformity of sprinkler irrigation for real situations that occur in the field and through an experimental base. With this objective, it has been based on the existing methodologies and the available technology, to obtain an experimental tool that covers the knowledge needs of the irrigation quality of the stationary sprinkler irrigation systems. With these bases, the design and assembly of a sprinkler test bench that agilely simulates real outdoor irrigation conditions began in a first phase, in order to have an analysis tool capable of offering final values of irrigation quality in all affected irrigation situations. This task has been the one that has occupied most of the experimental development of this work and has culminated with the prototype of an automatic sprinkler test bench with wind. Along with this, the corresponding tools for analyzing the required data and the final set-up and maintenance needs for the correct functioning of the prototype are needed. Once the system is arranged, the second phase is required, the acquisition of information with multiple sprinkler tests and covering the demand of the most representative sprinkler models in the sector. Thanks to the particular application of the methodologies and tools developed for data processing (design overlays, simulation of multiple wind directions, and commissioning and calibration of the automatic test bench), it has been achieved that the automatic sprinkler test bench is an operational tool for any improvement initiative in the optimization of water in sprinkler irrigation. The results obtained on the development of the automatic wind sprinkler bank were 29,160 values of uniformity of sprinklers most frequently used in arable crops. With these results, a database with great capacity to obtain information and ease of processing with the results directly from the trials was generated. In turn, these test methods, for situations not tested, use an experimental data interpolation methodology that covers all the irrigation cases of the sprinklers tested. In a third phase, the influence of the variables that affect sprinkler irrigation is quantified according to the type of sprinkler using the multiple linear regression statistical model. Being able to be applied to any group of sprinklers or situations, this methodology can make strategic decisions in relation to designs, work pressures, optimal locations, wind regimes, etc. In the study addressed, the following groups of sprinklers were analyzed independently: specific impact with hexagonal nozzles, impact with bayonet and rotary nozzles. For this, the behaviors of different groups were studied in relation to all the most relevant variables: presence of secondary nozzle, wind speed and direction, pressure, distance between sprinklers and irrigation branches and arrangement of the irrigation frame. In a final phase, having specified the operation of the large number of sprinklers and detected the demand of the irrigation sector for energy savings, the work was completed with a specific and innovative line, in which the automatic sprinkler test bench was used to study sprinkler irrigation in low pressure conditions. The objective pursued in this development was the selection of those sprinklers and circumstances in the lower pressures at the frequencies, we obtained good values of irrigation uniformity. The study will not only be limited to an analysis of the database of the results generated with the automatic test bench, but also field tests will be carried out with multiple and simultaneous evaluations of the selected sprinklers for low pressure (250 and 200 kPa). Finally, the behavior of the selected sprinklers in an entire irrigation campaign with pressures of 200 kPa compared to sprinklers under a pressure regime of approximately 300 kPa was studied. The conclusion of this phase was the feasibility of low pressure irrigation with those sprinklers that may have the test database of the automatic sprinkler test bench with wind