2,255 research outputs found

    Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a smartphone-based manikin to support pain self-reporting

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    Introduction:Many people worldwide suffer from chronic pain. Improving our knowledge on chronic pain prevalence and management requires methods to collect pain self-reports in large populations. Smartphone-based tools could aid data collection by allowing people to use their own device, but the measurement properties of such tools are largely unknown.Objectives:To assess the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a smartphone-based manikin to support pain self-reporting.Methods:We recruited people with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and/or osteoarthritis and access to a smartphone and the internet. Data collection included the Global Pain Scale at baseline and follow-up, and 30 daily pain drawings completed on a 2-dimensional, gender-neutral manikin. After deriving participants' pain extent from their manikin drawings, we evaluated convergent and discriminative validity, test-retest reliability, and responsiveness and assessed findings against internationally agreed criteria for good measurement properties.Results:We recruited 131 people; 104 were included in the full sample, submitting 2185 unique pain drawings. Manikin-derived pain extent had excellent test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.94), moderate convergent validity (ρ, 0.46), and an ability to distinguish fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis (F statistics, 30.41 and 14.36, respectively; P &lt; 0.001). Responsiveness was poor (ρ, 0.2; P, 0.06) and did not meet the respective criterion for good measurement properties.Conclusion:Our findings suggest that smartphone-based manikins can be a reliable and valid method for pain self-reporting, but that further research is warranted to explore, enhance, and confirm the ability of such manikins to detect a change in pain over time.</p

    Indoor hockey officials' noise exposure, temporary hearing loss, and effect of helmet visor length on exposure to whistle noise

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    2016 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Oral application of L-menthol in the heat: From pleasure to performance

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    When menthol is applied to the oral cavity it presents with a familiar refreshing sensation and cooling mint flavour. This may be deemed hedonic in some individuals, but may cause irritation in others. This variation in response is likely dependent upon trigeminal sensitivity toward cold stimuli, suggesting a need for a menthol solution that can be easily personalised. Menthol’s characteristics can also be enhanced by matching colour to qualitative outcomes; a factor which can easily be manipulated by practitioners working in athletic or occupational settings to potentially enhance intervention efficacy. This presentation will outline the efficacy of oral menthol application for improving time trial performance to date, either via swilling or via co-ingestion with other cooling strategies, with an emphasis upon how menthol can be applied in ecologically valid scenarios. Situations in which performance is not expected to be enhanced will also be discussed. An updated model by which menthol may prove hedonic, satiate thirst and affect ventilation will also be presented, with the potential performance implications of these findings discussed and modelled. Qualitative reflections from athletes that have implemented menthol mouth swilling in competition, training and maximal exercise will also be included

    Observations on Experience and Flow in Movement-Based Interaction

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    Movement-based interfaces assume that their users move. Users have to perform exercises, they have to dance, they have to golf or football, or they want to train particular bodily skills. Many examples of those interfaces exist, sometimes asking for subtle interaction between user and interface and sometimes asking for ‘brute force’ interaction between user and interface. Often these interfaces mediate between players of a game. Obviously, one of the players may be a virtual human. We embed this interface research in ambient intelligence and entertainment computing research, and the interfaces we consider are not only mediating, but they also ‘add’ intelligence to the interaction. Intelligent movement-based interfaces, being able to know and learn about their users, should also be able to provide means to keep their users engaged in the interaction. Issues that will be discussed in this chapter are ‘flow’ and ‘immersion’ for movement-based interfaces and we look at the possible role of interaction synchrony to measure and support engagement

    Affective Umbrella – A Wearable System to Visualize Heart and Electrodermal Activity, towards Emotion Regulation through Somaesthetic Appreciation

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    In this paper, we introduce Affective Umbrella, a novel system to record, analyze and visualize physiological data in real time via an umbrella handle. We implement a biofeedback loop design in the system that triggers visualization changes to reflect and regulate emotions through somaesthetic appreciation. We report the methodology, processes, and results of data reliability and visual feedback impact on emotions. We evaluated the system using a real-life user study (n=21) in rainy weather at night. The statistical results demonstrate the potential of applying the visualization of biofeedback to regulate emotional arousal with a significantly higher (p=.0022) score, a lower (p=.0277) dominance than baseline from self-reported SAM Scale, and physiological arousal, which was shown to be significantly increased (p&lt;.0001) with biofeedback in terms of pNN50 and a significant difference in terms of RMSSD. There was no significant difference in terms of emotional valence changes from SAM scale. Furthermore, we compared the difference between two biofeedback patterns (mirror and inversion). The mirror effect was with a significantly higher emotional arousal than the inversion effect (p=.0277) from SAM results and was with a significantly lower RMSSD performance than the inversion effect (p&lt;.0001). This work demonstrates the potential for capturing physiological data using an umbrella handle and using this data to influence a user’s emotional state via lighting effects

    Effectiveness analysis of traditional and mixed reality simulations in medical training: a methodological approach for the assessment of stress, cognitive load and performance

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    La simulazione nell'educazione in medicina è considerata un metodo di formazione in grado di migliorare le competenze cliniche e il comportamento degli operatori sanitari e, di conseguenza, la qualità dell'assistenza per il paziente. Inoltre, l'utilizzo di nuove tecnologie come la Realtà Aumentata, offre ai discenti l'opportunità di esercitarsi in un ambiente immersivo. L'opportunità di sperimentare questo innovativo metodo didattico è efficace non solo nel ridurre il rischio di errori e approcci sbagliati ma anche nel provare ansia e stress simili a quelli avvertiti nella pratica reale. La sfida sta nel trovare il giusto equilibrio. I discenti devono infatti provare lo stesso stress che avvertirebbero lavorando ad un vero caso clinico ma, allo stesso tempo, devono essere controllati ed evitati possibili disturbi da stress post-traumatico, verificabili soprattutto nel campo della gestione delle emergenze (pronto soccorso). Inoltre, è fondamentale anche ottenere alte prestazioni e un apprendimento adeguato, evitando sovraccarichi cognitivi che influenzerebbero negativamente l’apprendimento. Tuttavia, ad oggi mancano ancora studi approfonditi sull'impatto che le simulazioni mediche hanno su stress, frustrazione, carico cognitivo e apprendimento dei discenti. Per questo motivo, l'obiettivo principale di questo studio è valutare l'efficacia del training tramite simulazione, analizzando prestazioni, ansia, stress e carico cognitivo durante simulazioni cliniche tradizionali (con manichino) ed avanzate (in realtà mista). A questo scopo, è stato sviluppato un approccio metodologico strutturato e completo per valutare le prestazioni, le condizioni emotive e cognitive degli studenti. Questo comprende l'acquisizione e l'analisi di parametri psicologici (valutazione soggettiva), segnali biometrici (valutazione oggettiva) e prestazioni. Questa indagine consente di evidenziare i punti deboli delle simulazioni e offre l'opportunità di definire utili linee guida per la riprogettazione e l'ottimizzazione delle stesse. La metodologia è stata applicata su tre casi studio: il primo si riferisce a simulazioni ad alta fedeltà per la gestione del paziente in pronto soccorso, il secondo si riferisce a simulazioni a bassa fedeltà per la pratica della rachicentesi. Per il terzo caso studio, è stato progettato e sviluppato un prototipo di simulatore in realtà mista per la rachicentesi, con l'obiettivo di migliorare il senso di realismo e immersione della simulazione a bassa fedeltà. 148 studenti sono stati coinvolti nei primi due casi studio osservazionali, mentre soltanto 36 studenti hanno preso parte allo studio pilota sulla simulazione in realtà mista. In tutti i casi di studio sono state effettuate analisi descrittive delle prestazioni, degli stati cognitivi ed emotivi. Per le simulazioni ad alta e bassa fedeltà, le analisi di regressione statistica hanno evidenziato quali variabili influenzano le prestazioni, lo stress e il carico cognitivo degli studenti. Per lo studio pilota sulla realtà mista, l'analisi della user experience ha sottolineato i limiti tecnici della nuova tecnologia.Simulation in medical education is considered a training method capable of improving clinical competence and practitioners’ behaviour, and, consequently quality of care and patient’s outcome. Moreover, the use of new technologies, such as augmented reality, offers to the learners the opportunity to engage themselves in an immersive environment. The opportunity to experiment with this innovative instructional method is effective not only in reducing the risk of errors and wrong approaches but also in experiencing anxiety and stress as in real practice. The challenge is to find the right stress balance: learners have to feel as if they were practicing in the real stressful clinical case, and, at the same time, post-traumatic stress disorders, verifiable especially in the emergency field, must be controlled and avoided. Moreover, it is fundamental also to obtain high performance and learning, thus avoiding cognitive overloads. However, extensive researches about the impact of medical simulations on students’ stress, frustration, cognitive load, and learning are still lacking. For this reason, the main objective of this study is to assess simulation training effectiveness by analysing performance, anxiety, stress, and cognitive load during traditional (with manikin) and advanced (with augmented reality) clinical simulations. A structured and comprehensive methodological approach to assess performance, emotional and cognitive conditions of students has been developed. It includes the acquisition and analysis of psychological parameters (subjective assessment), biometric signals (objective assessment), and task performance. This investigation allows to point out simulations’ weaknesses and offers the opportunity to define useful optimisation guidelines. The methodology has been applied to three case studies: the first one refers to high-fidelity simulations, for the patient management in the emergency room, the second one refers to low-fidelity simulation for rachicentesis. For the third case study, a prototype of a mixed reality simulator for the rachicentesis practice has been designed and developed aiming at improving the sense of realism and immersion of the low-fidelity simulation. While 148 students have been enrolled in the first two case studies, only 36 students have taken part in the pilot study about mixed reality simulation. Descriptive analysis about performance, cognitive and emotional states have been done in all the case studies. For the high-fidelity and low-fidelity simulations, the statistical regression analysis has pointed out which variables affect students’ performance, stress, and cognitive load. For the pilot study about mixed reality, the user experience analysis highlighted the technical limitations of the new technology
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