11 research outputs found

    Mixing formal specifications using ICL (interconnection language)

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    There is an increasing need and desire to develop systems by combining components that are written in different languages and/or run on different kinds of machines. Success largely depends on the ability of their components to communicate and work together despite their differing backgrounds. This thesis addresses the problem of mixing two formal specification languages, SDL and LOTOS. Various approaches to mixing specification languages are examined including the SPECS approach which is presented in more detail. A unique feature of the SPECS approach is the support of multiple specification languages, including the ability to mix specifications languages within a given system design. This area of research investigates the SPECS specific mixing language ICL (Interconnection Language). The thesis looks at two formal languages, one of an asynchronous nature (SDL) and one of a synchronous nature (LOTOS), which can be combined using the Interconnection Language. Also a set of rules are given to produce this formal mixing specification from less formal descriptions. These rules use a range of informal representations and rigorous models of the required system to produce of the ICL specification. An application of these rules is presented. This research work was carried out as part of DCU鈥檚 contribution to the SPECS (Specification and Programming Environment for Communication Software) project, part of the RACE program of the EC. SPECS鈥檚 aim was to, as much as possible, automate the software development process by using formal languages. An overview of the SPECS project is presented in chapter 1 of this thesis

    M茅todos y Herramientas para el Dise帽o y Verificaci贸n de Sistemas de Comunicaciones M贸viles

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    El objetivo de esta Tesis ha sido la consecuci贸n de tecnolog铆a para el dise帽o y mantenimiento eficientes, en coste temporal y econ贸mico, de Sistemas de Pruebas para equipos de comunicaciones inal谩mbricas. El proceso de dise帽o elaborado se ha basado en un conjunto de principios b谩sicos: uso de lenguajes y notaciones ITU, independencia de la plataforma de ejecuci贸n y uso de herramientas comerciales. En esta Tesis se describe: a) Una arquitectura gen茅rica para Sistemas de Pruebas. b) Una Metodolog铆a de Dise帽o de Sistemas de Pruebas. c) Un conjunto de herramientas de soporte. d) Una propuesta de metodolog铆a para el modelado con SDL. e) La aplicaci贸n a Sistemas de Pruebas de capa f铆sica de la arquitectura, m茅todos y herramientas utilizados en el 谩rea de protocolos. f) Un conjunto de implementaciones que validan las aportaciones anteriores

    Protocol security for third generation telecommunication systems

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    In this thesis, a novel protocol stack architecture is presented. The Future Core Networks System (FCNS) forms a secure reference model for use in packet-switched structures, with its applicability ranging from computer to telecommunication networks. An insight on currently used network protocol systems is given, analysing standardised sets of communication rules with respect to the security they afford to the messages exchanged. The lack of protection schemes for the internal protocol stack messages and the implementation pitfalls of their security architectures are described, in relation to the effects they have on the communication process. The OSI security model is also considered, with disadvantages identified in the placement of security functionality and its management. The drawbacks depicted for currently used systems form the motivation behind this work. The analysis of the FCNS follows, which is composed of three parts. In the first part, the FCNS communication layers are examined, with respect to the mechanisms used to establish, maintain and tear down a connection between peer entities. In the second part, the security mechanisms of the proposed reference architecture are given, including details on the FCNS keystream generator used for the security of the internal FCNS messages. Finally, the FCNS Error Protocol is depicted, illustrating the modes of operation and advantages it exhibits over currently used systems. The work then moves into presenting details of the software FCNS implementation, followed by the presentation of the results and measurements obtained by the case studies created. Comparisons are given in relation to the TCP/IP suite, to provide the means of identifying the FCNS applicability in various network environments. The work is concluded by presenting the FCNS functionality in delivering information for the UMTS, together with further work that may enhance the flexibility and use of the proposed architecture

    Protocol security for third generation telecommunication systems

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    In this thesis, a novel protocol stack architecture is presented. The Future Core Networks System (FCNS) forms a secure reference model for use in packet-switched structures, with its applicability ranging from computer to telecommunication networks. An insight on currently used network protocol systems is given, analysing standardised sets of communication rules with respect to the security they afford to the messages exchanged. The lack of protection schemes for the internal protocol stack messages and the implementation pitfalls of their security architectures are described, in relation to the effects they have on the communication process. The OSI security model is also considered, with disadvantages identified in the placement of security functionality and its management. The drawbacks depicted for currently used systems form the motivation behind this work. The analysis of the FCNS follows, which is composed of three parts. In the first part, the FCNS communication layers are examined, with respect to the mechanisms used to establish, maintain and tear down a connection between peer entities. In the second part, the security mechanisms of the proposed reference architecture are given, including details on the FCNS keystream generator used for the security of the internal FCNS messages. Finally, the FCNS Error Protocol is depicted, illustrating the modes of operation and advantages it exhibits over currently used systems. The work then moves into presenting details of the software FCNS implementation, followed by the presentation of the results and measurements obtained by the case studies created. Comparisons are given in relation to the TCP/IP suite, to provide the means of identifying the FCNS applicability in various network environments. The work is concluded by presenting the FCNS functionality in delivering information for the UMTS, together with further work that may enhance the flexibility and use of the proposed architecture.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium

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    As in all fields of work, an unmanageable number of abbreviations are used today in aviation for terms, definitions, commands, standards and technical descriptions. This applies in general to the areas of aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance, cockpit and air traffic control working positions, passenger and cargo transport, and all other areas of flight planning, organization and guidance. In addition, many abbreviations are used more than once or have different meanings in different languages. In order to obtain an overview of the most common abbreviations used in air traffic management, organizations like EUROCONTROL, FAA, DWD and DLR have published lists of abbreviations in the past, which have also been enclosed in this document. In addition, abbreviations from some larger international projects related to aviation have been included to provide users with a directory as complete as possible. This means that the second edition of the Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium includes now around 16,500 abbreviations and acronyms from the field of aviation

    Una herramienta de gesti贸n de redes virtuales

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    154 p谩ginas. Maestr铆a en Ciencias de la Computaci贸n.En el trabajo de tesis se desarrolla una Herramienta de Gesti贸n de Redes Virtuales con el fin de monitorear, configurar/reconfigurar VLAN鈥檚, consta de varios m贸dulos tales como: SNMP GET, SNMP SET, SNMP GETNEXT, MONITOREO, SNMP visualizador y estad铆sticas de red. La herramienta es gratuita y de libre uso por parte de la comunidad de redes versus las herramientas propias de cada proveedor de VLAN, que valen de cientos a miles de pesos. Los m贸dulos de la herramienta de Gesti贸n de Redes Virtuales pueden trabajar de forma local o remota, a trav茅s de la pila de protocolos TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). El protocolo que se emplea para acceder a las bases de datos de configuraci贸n de los equipos o nodos, es el protocolo de administraci贸n simple de red, basado en UDP (User Datagram Protocol), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), los puertos en uso son el 160 y 161 que son los que permiten el env铆o y recepci贸n de informaci贸n entre la estaci贸n de administraci贸n y la estaci贸n administrada. Para analizar la red: a) se capturan los paquetes de datos; b) se desencapsula el paquete en los elementos de inter茅s para el an谩lisis de red y finalmente se presenta la informaci贸n en pantalla, por lo que es posible capturar: Paquetes, cuyo origen o destino sea un host determinado. Paquetes, cuya direcci贸n origen o destino corresponda a una red determinada. Paquetes, cuyo puerto de origen sea alg煤n n煤mero de puerto. Paquetes, TCP, UDP y los puertos correspondientes. Paquetes, cuya direcci贸n destino corresponda a una red determinada. Cualquier combinaci贸n de los anteriores. El desarrollo modular de la herramienta permite que la integraci贸n de nuevos m贸dulos, que brinda nuevas funcionalidades, sea flexible sin afectar a los que ya est谩n en funci贸n, por mencionar un ejemplo: El m贸dulo de seguridad SSH (Security Shell) y el m贸dulo de Cortafuegos, para la seguridad de la informaci贸n que se extrae de los equipos y del an谩lisis de red. Informaci贸n adicional acerca del detalle de la herramienta de gesti贸n de redes virtuales se encuentra en el desarrollo capitular de la tesis.The thesis to provide a tool for monitoring, configuration or reconfiguration of VLANs through software. The tool has several modules, such as: SNMP GET, SNMP SET, SNMP GETNEXT, MONITOR, SNMP VIEWER and NETSTATISTICS. The porpuse was made a tool free, because each vendor has developed its own proprietary VLAN product. The parts of the tool, modules, work in local and remote environments. Tha tool use the TCP/IP and UDP protocols for analizing traffic statistics of the network. There is a protocol called SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), the protocol is used to manage, monitor and configurate nodes in local or remote form. The protocol use the ports 160 and 161 to communicate information about nodes confgurations. For analizing the network the tool capture frames and dispaly information about network performance, the tool provide filtering, security and traffic flow management, for example: a) Capture frames about a particular node. b) Capture frames about a particular network. c) Capture frames with a particular evaluation criteria. d) Whatever criteria. The tool can enhance modular scalability, security, and network management without problem. The modular architecture permit to increase modules for security, for example a firewall or SSH protocol, so, the information from nodes will be protected. Therefore, the tool is flexible due to simplify task when additions, moves or changes to the architecture are necessary. Additional Information is given in the structure of the thesis which is divided in several chapters

    Framework for Automated Functional Tests within Value-Added Service Environments

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.Recent years have witnessed that standard telecommunication services evolved more and more to next generation value-added services. This fact is accompanied by a change of service characteristics as new services are designed to fulfil the customer鈥檚 demands instead of just focussing on technologies and protocols. These demands can be very specific and, therefore, diverse potential service functionalities have to be considered by the service providers. To make matters worse for service providers, a fast transition from concept to market product and low price of a new service is required due to the increasing competition in the telecommunication industry. Therefore, effective test solutions need to be developed that can be integrated in current value-added service development life-cycles. Besides, these solutions should support the involvement of all participating stakeholders such as the service provider, the test developers as well as the service developers, and, in order to consider an agile approach, also the service customer. This thesis proposes a novel framework for functional testing that is based on a new sort of description language for value-added services (Service Test Description). Based on instances of the Service Test Description, sets of reusable test components described by means of an applied Statecharts notation are automatically selected and composed to so-called behaviour models. From the behaviour models, abstract test cases can be automatically generated which are then transformed to TTCN-3 test cases and then assembled to an Executable Test Suite. Within a TTCN-3 test system, the Executable Test Suite can be executed against the corresponding value-added service referred to as System Under Test. One benefit of the proposed framework is its application within standard development life-cycles. Therefore, the thesis presents a methodology that considers both service development and test development as parallel tasks and foresees procedures to synchronise the tasks and to allow an agile approach with customer involvement. The novel framework is validated through a proof-of-concept working prototype. Example value-added services have been chosen to illustrate the whole process from compiling instances of the Service Test Description until the execution of automated tests. Overall, this thesis presents a novel solution for service providers to improve the quality of their provided value-added services through automated functional testing procedures. It enables the early involvement of the customers into the service development life-cycle and also helps test developers and service developers to collaborate

    ACP : algebra of communicating processes : workshop : proceedings, 2nd, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1995

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