3 research outputs found

    iMoS: intelligence monitoring system of HIV carriers in Thailand

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) launched universal strategy in HIV prevention in 2012 called “Test & treat HIV prevention”.(iMoS) Intelligence Monitoring System is developed a prototype in order to be a monitoring platform to support the medical treatment of HIV carriers by integrating information technology approaches in fields of database, communication, and mobile application. iMoS consists of three main modules: 1) The clinical module; 2) The laboratory module; and 3) The monitoring module that transfer data with each other on computer network.The Clinical module is a front office to collect a client data and medical record form registration process.The risk assessment data is fed into database by consulting process.The Laboratory module is scientific machine section to perform testing Anti-body HIV and CD4 testing with international standard to complete medical data.Morning module is the front-end application to contract with HIV carriers using wearable mobile device under privacy policy.It is important to take standardize monitoring HIV carriers by using information technology platform.The iMoS is intended to implement all HIV carriers in order to reduce new HIV infection and get into prompt medical treatment

    Development and validation of an HIV risk scorecard model

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    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Niagara Falls, Canada, 25-28 August 2013This research paper covers the development of an HIV risk scorecard using SAS Enterprise MinerTM. The HIV risk scorecard was developed using the 2007 South African annual antenatal HIV and syphilis seroprevalence data. Antenatal data contains various demographic characteristics for each pregnant woman, such as pregnant woman's age, male sexual partner's age, race, level of education, gravidity, parity, HIV and syphilis status. The purpose of this research was to use a scorecard to rank the effects of the demographic characteristics on influencing an individual's risk of acquiring an HIV infection, not the probability of being sick. The project encompassed the selection of the data sample, classing, selection of demographic characteristics, fitting of a regression model, generation of weights-of-evidence (WOE), calculation of information values (IVs), creation and validation of an HIV risk scorecard. The educational level and syphilis status of the pregnant women produced information values below 0.05 and were rejected from inclusion in the final HIV risk scorecard. Based on their respective information values, the following four demographic characteristics of the pregnant women were found to be of medium predictive strength and thus included in the final HIV risk scorecard; age, age of male sexual partner, gravidity and parity. The age of the pregnant woman had the highest information value and Gini coefficient. The HIV risk scorecard showed that the risk of contracting an HIV infection increased gradually up to the age of 30 years for females and 34 years old for their male sexual partners. Thereafter, the risk decreased gradually towards the age of 45.http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/index.htmlhttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=677971