4 research outputs found

    Developing an Instrument to Measure Firm-wide Dynamic IT Capability

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    In the face of increasing digitization, firms develop dynamic IT capabilities to achieve superior market positions and cope with environmental turbulence. Given the rapid evolution of IT, dynamic IT capabilities (DITC) are also evolving, leaving many scholars with outdated views of DITC and measurement instruments. Some practitioners also find it difficult to stay current and to assess DITC. This study aims to refresh our understanding of firm-wide DITC in the light of recent literature, as well as provide an effective, up-to-date measurement tool. Using the MacKenzie et al. (2011) scale development guidelines, we undertook steps to create an instrument to assess firm-wide DITC. These steps included initial item generation, additional item/dimension exploration, and the assessment of face validity, content validity, reliability, as well as nomological validity. The DITC instrument comprises eight dimensions and has 53 items. It is reliable and valid. We offer it to researchers and practitioners to use

    Desarrollo de la capacidad en tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n: Caso peque帽as empresas usuarias de servicios de computaci贸n en la nube

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    The information technology capability (ITC) involves human, physical, and organizational aspects in the leveraged of the potential of information technologies (IT) in organizations. The effects of ITC on strategic organizational variables have been extensively studied. However, the processes of ITC formation and development have been hardly addressed. This document presents the research process, based on a case study in two small companies, towards the proposal of an ITC development explanation. From a critical realist perspective and using assembly theory, the proposed explanation of the development of ITC addresses the multidimensionality of the construct, its dynamism, and the influences of the context. The proposed explanation involves ITC Assemblages of human, non-human, and expressive elements of IT from which mechanisms of change are enabled in dynamics of mutual reinforcement. These mechanisms, in turn, are triggered or reinforced by conditions of the organizational and external environment. Hence, the result of the research presents a conceptualization of the ITC from the ITC Assemblage and an integrative and dynamic explanation of the development of the ITC. The research makes conceptual and methodological contributions: first able, to the ITC conceptualization from assemblage theory, and second able, to the process to identify mechanisms. Based on the results, three general lines of action are recommended towards the development of ITC in small companies: firstly, to stimulate an encourage and trustworthy environment to use of IT, secondly, to stimulate the interaction between diverse actors and finally, to stimulate the consolidation and sustainability in the time of interactions towards the generation of benefits from IT.La capacidad en tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n (ITC) involucra aspectos humanos, f铆sicos y organizacionales hacia el aprovechamiento de las tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n (TI) en las organizaciones. Los efectos de la ITC sobre variables organizacionales estrat茅gicas han sido ampliamente estudiados, no tanto as铆 sus procesos de formaci贸n y desarrollo. En este documento se presenta el proceso investigativo, basado en un estudio de caso en dos peque帽as empresas, hacia el planteamiento de una explicaci贸n sobre el desarrollo de la ITC. Desde una perspectiva realista cr铆tica y utilizando la teor铆a del assemblage, la explicaci贸n del desarrollo de la ITC planteada aborda la multidimensionalidad del constructo, su dinamismo en el tiempo y la influencia del contexto. En la explicaci贸n propuesta confluyen ITC Assemblages de elementos humanos, no humanos y expresivos de TI desde los cuales se habilitan mecanismos de cambio en din谩micas de mutuo reforzamiento que son, a su vez, activados o reforzados por condiciones en el entorno organizacional y externo. El resultado de la investigaci贸n presenta as铆 una conceptualizaci贸n de la ITC a partir del ITC Assemblage y una explicaci贸n articulada y din谩mica del desarrollo de la ITC, contribuyendo al desarrollo te贸rico conceptual del constructo y aportando metodol贸gicamente en la identificaci贸n de mecanismos. Con base en los resultados se proponen tres l铆neas generales de acci贸n recomendadas hacia el desarrollo de la ITC en peque帽as empresas: estimular un entorno de motivaci贸n y confianza en el uso de TI, estimular la interacci贸n entre diferentes actores y estimular la consolidaci贸n y sostenimiento en el tiempo de las interacciones hacia la generaci贸n de beneficios desde las TI.L铆nea de Investigaci贸n: Sistemas y Gesti贸n de la Tecnolog铆a, la Informaci贸n, el Conocimiento y la Innovaci贸nDoctorad