6 research outputs found

    Estudo sobre a utilização e interoperabilidade entre conteúdos de aprendizagem com diferentes granularidades

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    Dissertação mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoDas novas correntes da aprendizagem centradas na autonomia e ritmo dos alunos, ressalta a importância e a consequente atenção que deve ser dada à qualidade dos conteúdos de aprendizagem. Eles deverão ser estruturados de forma a considerar o perfil de cada aluno, para que este possa promover a construção eficaz do seu conhecimento. Conteúdos de qualidade com estas características são recursos muito dispendiosos. A reutilização e partilha desses recursos torna-se, por isso, numa necessidade premente. Questões como a granularidade e a interoperabilidade dos conteúdos, bem como a compatibilidade das tecnologias e plataformas de suporte, podem pôr em causa tanto a reutilização como a partilha. Daí a atenção que deve ser dada à organização dos conteúdos de aprendizagem em Bibliotecas Digitais e à sua implementação. Este trabalho aborda a problemática da organização de conteúdos de aprendizagem, de forma a promover a sua interoperabilidade, considerando a sua granularidade. São apresentadas características e vários Sistemas de Classificação e de Organização de Conteúdos. Recomendações, Especificações e Normas de compatibilidade são aqui descritas e aprofundadas, em função da sua importância, bem como o papel que cada uma desempenha para a utilização e interoperabilidade dos conteúdos de aprendizagem. É dado algum realce à norma SCORM. São analisadas duas plataformas, DSpace e Easy Education, e mostra-se como podem colaborar para salvaguardar, preservar, disponibilizar e apresentar conteúdos de aprendizagem interactivos, através da Internet. Na parte final, mostra-se como a conjugação de metadados, de sistemas de classificação, de especificações e de normas de compatibilidade contribui para a produção de conteúdos de aprendizagem compatíveis, independentemente das plataformas, desde que estas reconheçam o formato SCORM.Analysing the recent ideas about the autonomous student centred learning process, we can recognize the importance of learning issues quality and consequent attention they should be given. Those issues must be organized according to the students’ profile, so that he can build his own knowledge. Such qualified learning resources are very expensive. The reuse and share of these resources turn therefore a real need. Such issues as content granularity and interoperability, as well as technology and support platforms compatibility, can raise some problems to either contents reuse or share. Hence the attention to be given to learning contents organization inside Digital Libraries and to its implementation. This dissertation focus on the theme of learning contents organization in order to promote their interoperability considering its granularity. It shows contents features, some content classification systems and some contents organization. Recommendations, Specifications and Compatibility Standards are expained and investigated here according to their importance as well as the role of each one to the use and interoperability of learning contents. Some relief is given to the SCORM standard. Two platforms are analysed, DSpace and Easy Education, and it’s shown how they can collaborate to safeguard, preserve, offer and show interactive eLearning contents in the Web. In the last chapters, we show how the junction of metadata, classification and specification systems, besides compatibility standards, contributes to producing compatible learning contents, no matter the platforms since they recognize SCORM

    Developing a digital library of computer science teaching resources: Report of the ITiCSE\u2798 working group on the online computer science teaching center

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    We describe recommendations for how to plan and develop a web-based digital library to support computer science education, i.e., the online Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC) . This report details three facets: the identification of appropriate resources for inclusion in the CSTC, the review process for submissions, and the development and promotion of CSTC. A taxonomy of teaching resources is provided, and includes informal feedback from ITiCSE \u2798 conference participants enumerating desirable materials. Categories recommended for inclusion are: Labware / Courseware, Presentation / Exposition, On-line Course, Small Assignment, and Large Assignment. A formal review process is defined and detailed in order to insure that high quality materials are contained in the CSTC. A core set of reviewer guidelines is presented, suitable for the resources identified. Finally, recommendations for the marketing and the mechanics of the site are presented. The CSTC initially will support materials of visualizations, laboratory projects, and NSF CISE Education Innovation projects. Strong association with professional organizations, such as ACM and IEEE, is recommended. The working group unanimously recommends that access to CSTC resources should remain free of charge, to serve the widest possible audience

    Developing a digital library of computer science teaching resources: Report of the ITiCSE\u2798 working group on the online computer science teaching center

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    We describe recommendations for how to plan and develop a web-based digital library to support computer science education, i.e., the online Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC) . This report details three facets: The identification of appropriate resources for inclusion in the CSTC, the review process for submissions, and the development and promotion of CSTC. A taxonomy of teaching resources is provided, and includes. This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9752190 and by the Association for Computing Machinery Education Board. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the Association for Computing Machinery Education Board