4 research outputs found

    Deterministic parallel algorithms for bilinear objective functions

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    Many randomized algorithms can be derandomized efficiently using either the method of conditional expectations or probability spaces with low independence. A series of papers, beginning with work by Luby (1988), showed that in many cases these techniques can be combined to give deterministic parallel (NC) algorithms for a variety of combinatorial optimization problems, with low time- and processor-complexity. We extend and generalize a technique of Luby for efficiently handling bilinear objective functions. One noteworthy application is an NC algorithm for maximal independent set. On a graph GG with mm edges and nn vertices, this takes O~(log2n)\tilde O(\log^2 n) time and (m+n)no(1)(m + n) n^{o(1)} processors, nearly matching the best randomized parallel algorithms. Other applications include reduced processor counts for algorithms of Berger (1997) for maximum acyclic subgraph and Gale-Berlekamp switching games. This bilinear factorization also gives better algorithms for problems involving discrepancy. An important application of this is to automata-fooling probability spaces, which are the basis of a notable derandomization technique of Sivakumar (2002). Our method leads to large reduction in processor complexity for a number of derandomization algorithms based on automata-fooling, including set discrepancy and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma

    Deterministic algorithms for the Lovasz Local Lemma: simpler, more general, and more parallel

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    The Lov\'{a}sz Local Lemma (LLL) is a keystone principle in probability theory, guaranteeing the existence of configurations which avoid a collection B\mathcal B of "bad" events which are mostly independent and have low probability. In its simplest "symmetric" form, it asserts that whenever a bad-event has probability pp and affects at most dd bad-events, and epd<1e p d < 1, then a configuration avoiding all B\mathcal B exists. A seminal algorithm of Moser & Tardos (2010) gives nearly-automatic randomized algorithms for most constructions based on the LLL. However, deterministic algorithms have lagged behind. We address three specific shortcomings of the prior deterministic algorithms. First, our algorithm applies to the LLL criterion of Shearer (1985); this is more powerful than alternate LLL criteria and also removes a number of nuisance parameters and leads to cleaner and more legible bounds. Second, we provide parallel algorithms with much greater flexibility in the functional form of of the bad-events. Third, we provide a derandomized version of the MT-distribution, that is, the distribution of the variables at the termination of the MT algorithm. We show applications to non-repetitive vertex coloring, independent transversals, strong coloring, and other problems. These give deterministic algorithms which essentially match the best previous randomized sequential and parallel algorithms.Comment: This superseded arxiv:1807.0667