3,528 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Parsing Strategies

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    We present new results on the relation between purely symbolic context-free parsing strategies and their probabilistic counter-parts. Such parsing strategies are seen as constructions of push-down devices from grammars. We show that preservation of probability distribution is possible under two conditions, viz. the correct-prefix property and the property of strong predictiveness. These results generalize existing results in the literature that were obtained by considering parsing strategies in isolation. From our general results we also derive negative results on so-called generalized LR parsing.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur

    Efficient Tabular LR Parsing

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    We give a new treatment of tabular LR parsing, which is an alternative to Tomita's generalized LR algorithm. The advantage is twofold. Firstly, our treatment is conceptually more attractive because it uses simpler concepts, such as grammar transformations and standard tabulation techniques also know as chart parsing. Secondly, the static and dynamic complexity of parsing, both in space and time, is significantly reduced.Comment: 8 pages, uses aclap.st

    An Efficient Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Algorithm that Computes Prefix Probabilities

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    We describe an extension of Earley's parser for stochastic context-free grammars that computes the following quantities given a stochastic context-free grammar and an input string: a) probabilities of successive prefixes being generated by the grammar; b) probabilities of substrings being generated by the nonterminals, including the entire string being generated by the grammar; c) most likely (Viterbi) parse of the string; d) posterior expected number of applications of each grammar production, as required for reestimating rule probabilities. (a) and (b) are computed incrementally in a single left-to-right pass over the input. Our algorithm compares favorably to standard bottom-up parsing methods for SCFGs in that it works efficiently on sparse grammars by making use of Earley's top-down control structure. It can process any context-free rule format without conversion to some normal form, and combines computations for (a) through (d) in a single algorithm. Finally, the algorithm has simple extensions for processing partially bracketed inputs, and for finding partial parses and their likelihoods on ungrammatical inputs.Comment: 45 pages. Slightly shortened version to appear in Computational Linguistics 2

    LHIP: Extended DCGs for Configurable Robust Parsing

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    We present LHIP, a system for incremental grammar development using an extended DCG formalism. The system uses a robust island-based parsing method controlled by user-defined performance thresholds.Comment: 10 pages, in Proc. Coling9

    Efficient Algorithms for Parsing the DOP Model

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    Excellent results have been reported for Data-Oriented Parsing (DOP) of natural language texts (Bod, 1993). Unfortunately, existing algorithms are both computationally intensive and difficult to implement. Previous algorithms are expensive due to two factors: the exponential number of rules that must be generated and the use of a Monte Carlo parsing algorithm. In this paper we solve the first problem by a novel reduction of the DOP model to a small, equivalent probabilistic context-free grammar. We solve the second problem by a novel deterministic parsing strategy that maximizes the expected number of correct constituents, rather than the probability of a correct parse tree. Using the optimizations, experiments yield a 97% crossing brackets rate and 88% zero crossing brackets rate. This differs significantly from the results reported by Bod, and is comparable to results from a duplication of Pereira and Schabes's (1992) experiment on the same data. We show that Bod's results are at least partially due to an extremely fortuitous choice of test data, and partially due to using cleaner data than other researchers.Comment: 10 page
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