711 research outputs found

    Deterministic Conditions for Subspace Identifiability from Incomplete Sampling

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    Consider a generic rr-dimensional subspace of Rd\mathbb{R}^d, r<dr<d, and suppose that we are only given projections of this subspace onto small subsets of the canonical coordinates. The paper establishes necessary and sufficient deterministic conditions on the subsets for subspace identifiability.Comment: To appear in Proc. of IEEE ISIT, 201

    New Guarantees for Blind Compressed Sensing

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    Blind Compressed Sensing (BCS) is an extension of Compressed Sensing (CS) where the optimal sparsifying dictionary is assumed to be unknown and subject to estimation (in addition to the CS sparse coefficients). Since the emergence of BCS, dictionary learning, a.k.a. sparse coding, has been studied as a matrix factorization problem where its sample complexity, uniqueness and identifiability have been addressed thoroughly. However, in spite of the strong connections between BCS and sparse coding, recent results from the sparse coding problem area have not been exploited within the context of BCS. In particular, prior BCS efforts have focused on learning constrained and complete dictionaries that limit the scope and utility of these efforts. In this paper, we develop new theoretical bounds for perfect recovery for the general unconstrained BCS problem. These unconstrained BCS bounds cover the case of overcomplete dictionaries, and hence, they go well beyond the existing BCS theory. Our perfect recovery results integrate the combinatorial theories of sparse coding with some of the recent results from low-rank matrix recovery. In particular, we propose an efficient CS measurement scheme that results in practical recovery bounds for BCS. Moreover, we discuss the performance of BCS under polynomial-time sparse coding algorithms.Comment: To appear in the 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 201

    A Characterization of Deterministic Sampling Patterns for Low-Rank Matrix Completion

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    Low-rank matrix completion (LRMC) problems arise in a wide variety of applications. Previous theory mainly provides conditions for completion under missing-at-random samplings. This paper studies deterministic conditions for completion. An incomplete d×Nd \times N matrix is finitely rank-rr completable if there are at most finitely many rank-rr matrices that agree with all its observed entries. Finite completability is the tipping point in LRMC, as a few additional samples of a finitely completable matrix guarantee its unique completability. The main contribution of this paper is a deterministic sampling condition for finite completability. We use this to also derive deterministic sampling conditions for unique completability that can be efficiently verified. We also show that under uniform random sampling schemes, these conditions are satisfied with high probability if O(max{r,logd})O(\max\{r,\log d\}) entries per column are observed. These findings have several implications on LRMC regarding lower bounds, sample and computational complexity, the role of coherence, adaptive settings and the validation of any completion algorithm. We complement our theoretical results with experiments that support our findings and motivate future analysis of uncharted sampling regimes.Comment: This update corrects an error in version 2 of this paper, where we erroneously assumed that columns with more than r+1 observed entries would yield multiple independent constraint

    Tensor Methods for Nonlinear Matrix Completion

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    In the low rank matrix completion (LRMC) problem, the low rank assumption means that the columns (or rows) of the matrix to be completed are points on a low-dimensional linear algebraic variety. This paper extends this thinking to cases where the columns are points on a low-dimensional nonlinear algebraic variety, a problem we call Low Algebraic Dimension Matrix Completion (LADMC). Matrices whose columns belong to a union of subspaces (UoS) are an important special case. We propose a LADMC algorithm that leverages existing LRMC methods on a tensorized representation of the data. For example, a second-order tensorization representation is formed by taking the outer product of each column with itself, and we consider higher order tensorizations as well. This approach will succeed in many cases where traditional LRMC is guaranteed to fail because the data are low-rank in the tensorized representation but not in the original representation. We also provide a formal mathematical justification for the success of our method. In particular, we show bounds of the rank of these data in the tensorized representation, and we prove sampling requirements to guarantee uniqueness of the solution. Interestingly, the sampling requirements of our LADMC algorithm nearly match the information theoretic lower bounds for matrix completion under a UoS model. We also provide experimental results showing that the new approach significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods for matrix completion in many situations