2 research outputs found

    A study of a kanban based assembly line feeding system through integration of simulation and particle swarm optimization

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    With increase in differentiation and decreasing batch size of products, feeding the assembly line at regular intervals is considered to be a critical problem in today's manufacturing sector. Yet no clear solution has been developed for this problem; therefore, the main focus of this research is to discuss the different aspects of line feeding, the latest trend in literature, and to propose an innovative method to support solving the problem. A discrete event simulation model is developed and a mathematical model based on particle swarm optimization is used to support the simulation. The hybrid model is finally applied to practical situations. Results show how different settings of kanban influence the performance of the assembly line feeding system. The biggest novelty item is certainly the recognition of the trade-off between kanban size and number of kanban and the importance of investigating its behaviour during the design of the system. (C) 2019 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canad

    Desenvolvimento de um processo de abastecimento de componentes à produção numa indústria de calçado

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialA presente dissertação resultou de um projeto individual em ambiente empresarial, no âmbito do 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial. O objetivo do projeto consistiu na melhoria do sistema de abastecimento de componentes à produção, numa indústria de calçado. O projeto seguiu a metodologia Action Research, iniciando pela revisão bibliográfica, focando-se em logística, Lean Production e políticas de abastecimento interno. Em simultâneo, procedeu-se à análise do sistema de abastecimento de componentes à produção em vigor na empresa. Esta análise consistiu na caracterização e descrição detalhada do processo, resultando na identificação de problemas, como a inexistência de trabalho standard por parte dos operadores logísticos, deslocações excessivas e faltas de componentes na produção. Para além disso, existe uma grande dificuldade no abastecimento quando há mudanças de produto e foram encontrados desperdícios em certos postos de trabalho, devido à forma como os componentes eram abastecidos. O layout e organização do supermercado, onde ocorre o picking dos componentes, mostrou-se ineficiente, resultando em grandes distâncias percorridas, erros de picking e situações de perigo para os operadores logísticos. Foi proposto um sistema híbrido kitting-kanban, com o apoio de mizusumashi, para o abastecimento de componentes à produção, que não foi possível implementar. No entanto, foi alterado o modo como os componentes eram abastecidos em dois postos de trabalho, assim como o layout do supermercado, tendo sido introduzidas práticas de gestão visual. A implementação do sistema de abastecimento traria a redução de 60% na distância percorrida pelos operadores logísticos e um ganho de 6,8 horas por dia para a realização de outras atividades. Assume-se que este sistema traria reduções significativas nas faltas de componentes nas linhas de produção e facilitaria o abastecimento aquando da mudança de produto, entre outras melhorias. A alteração da forma de abastecimento em dois postos de trabalho reduziu o tempo de reposição dos componentes no bordo de linha (83% e 91%) e o stock de shanks em 37%. A mudança no layout tornou o picking mais rápido e seguro, e a introdução de gestão visual eliminou erros e tempo perdido à procura dos componentes.This dissertation is the result of an individual project developed in an industrial environment, as part of the Integrated Master in Industrial Engineering and Management. The main objective of this project was the improvement of the part-feeding system to the production lines, in a footwear industry. The methodology used was Action-Research, beginning with the bibliographic review, which focus was logistics, Lean Production and part-feeding policies. Simultaneously, a diagnosis and analysis of the company's current part-feeding system was carried out, consisting in the characterization and detailed description of this process. This analysis resulted in the identification of problems, such as the lack of standard work by logistical operators, excessive motion and lack of components in production. Furthermore, there are difficulties in part supply to the production lines when there are changes in production, and waste was found in workstations due to the way components are supplied. The layout and organization of the supermarket, where the picking occurs, was inefficient, resulting in excess motion, picking errors and danger situations to the logistic operators. As a proposed improvement, a hybrid kitting-kanban part-feeding system, with the support of mizusumashi, was developed, but it was not possible to implement it. However, the way components were supplied to two workstations was changed, as well as the supermarket’s layout, that also benefited with the introduction of visual management techniques. The implementation of the new part-feeding system would bring to the company a 60% reduction in the distance travelled by the logistic operators and 6,8 hours gain a day to the execution of other activities. It is assumed that this system would also bring significant reductions to the lack of components in the production lines and facilitate the supply when there are changes in production, among other improvements. The change of the way components are supplied to two workstations reduced the restitution time of this components to the line side (83% and 91%), and the stock of shanks in 37%. The layout change allowed for a faster and safer picking process, and the introduction of visual management techniques eradicated picking errors and wasted time searching for components