4 research outputs found

    Determining the factors which engender customer trust in business-to-consumer (B2C) electronic commerce

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    This paper presents a study that focuses on the initial trust that is developed even before the occurrence of the first transaction between a consumer and an online company. The study reveals how initial trust is formed without any previous experience by interacting with the Web site interface. This study analyzes how important it is for the Web site to have a trusted interface to keep the customer interested in their business. The study tests the premise that consumer initial trust is positively related to a trust inducing user interface and investigates what other features are important in assessing whether or not purchase

    Highlighting the issues in making an informed interaction-based decision in industrial ecosystems

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    In the literature, the notion of trust has been widely discussed and various approaches have been proposed to assess and quantify it, in order to take it into consideration when making an interaction-based decision in industrial ecosystems. At the same time, the notion and importance of risk have been widely ignored and not been acknowledged as an important factor to consider, along with trust; while making an interaction-based decision. Although there are approaches in the literature which attempt to quantify risk in the domain of a business interaction in industrial ecosystems, none of them proposes a methodology by which the initiating agent of the interaction can ascertain and determine all the various concepts that are expressed by risk in that domain, and then utilize it to make an informed interaction-based decision. In this paper we present an evaluation of the approaches from the literature and highlight the issues which need to be addressed in order to assist the initiating agent of the interaction in making an informed interaction-based decision with another agent in Industrial ecosystems

    A methodology for transactional risk assessment and decision making in e-business interactions

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    The development and advancement of technologies have enabled users to complete their tasks efficiently. They have also provided them with various options and alternatives to complete and achieve their tasks. In such an environment, it is imperative for a user to make informed decisions that would ensure that its aims or objectives are achieved and its interaction experience is maximized. In the literature, various approaches for decision making have been proposed. But among those approaches, the notion of risk has been considerably ignored in the domain of e-business, despite its having been acknowledged as an important concept related to decision-making in any domain. In this paper, we propose a methodology by which users in an e-business domain can assess and analyze the level of transactional risk in the domain of e-business and then take it into consideration when making an informed interaction-based decision

    Trust, felt trust, and e-government adoption: a theoretical perspective

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    The level of trust citizens have in e-government has been proposed as an important impediment to increased utilization of e-government. Although there is a large amount of literature on online trust, the impact of felt trust - the feeling of being trusted - on the adoption of electronic business in general, or online government services in particular has never been investigated. This felt trust construct, which is new to the IS literature, has received the attention of scholars in other disciplines; their empirical works have shown that perceptions of felt trust lead to trust-related behavior and other considerations (e.g., satisfaction and loyalty). This article introduces felt trust as a construct to the IS community by extending traditional adoption models currently used in predicting adoption intentions