3 research outputs found


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    For the retinal blood vessels segmentation, we used a method, which is based on the morphological operations. The output of this process is extracted retinal binary image, where is situated main blood vessels. In this paper is used dataset of images (2800 images) from device RetCam3. Before applying the image processing, it was selected 30 images with diagnosed pre-plus diseases, and it is divided into two groups with low contrast and good contrast images. In the next part of the analysis, it was analyzing and showing blood vessels with tortuosity. Tortuosity is a symptom of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). The clinical physicians evaluate tortuosity by visual comparison of the retinal images images. For this reason, it was suggested model which can automatically indicate the tortuosity of the retinal blood vessels by setting a threshold of the blood vessels curvature

    Morphological Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels and Consequent Tortuosity Extraction

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    Investigation of a retinal blood vessel system is frequently discussed issue in the field of the clinical ophthalmology due to it serves as reliable indicator of retinal damage. The analysis deals with two coherent tasks regarding retinal blood vessels system. Firstly, the algorithm based on the morphological operations is proposed to be able to perform precise extraction and localization of individual blood vessels for further processing. On the base of this segmentation procedure, e obtain a segmentation model differentiating the retinal blood vessels from retinal background. The second step deals with the major output of the analysis it is tortuosity extraction as it is parameter describing curvature of blood vessels. The tortuosity allows for a description of each vessel element by level of a curvature. It is significantly beneficial for clinical practice, because on the base of blood vessel curvature, physiological or damaged retinal system can be recognized

    Mouse Tracking Algorithm Based on the Multiple Model Kalman Filter Design and Implementation of Ophthalmological Corrector

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    The article deals with a software implementation of the ophthalmologic corrector. The corrector is perceived as a medical device for a correction of the amblyopia. During the exercise, children are requested to draw a template, which is placed on a metal board. This therapeutic procedure has been used in clinical practice for many years. There is a big disadvantage of using the mentioned device. There is no any manageable way for storing and archiving patient’s data. Furthermore, exercise must be performed on the clinical workplace. Due to these facts, we are interested in software design and implement the ophthalmologic corrector. The proposed corrector is based on a mouse-tracking algorithm, which is able to perform the tracking of the mouse movement in the form of continuous line. Formed line overlaps the selected template. This procedure allows the identification of the real time accuracy and distance of the generated line from a given template. Furthermore, the algorithm allows for storing the achieved results for further data processing. It is a required tool for assessment and plan of therapeutic treatment in the field of ophthalmology