4 research outputs found

    Efficient Evaluation of the Number of False Alarm Criterion

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    This paper proposes a method for computing efficiently the significance of a parametric pattern inside a binary image. On the one hand, a-contrario strategies avoid the user involvement for tuning detection thresholds, and allow one to account fairly for different pattern sizes. On the other hand, a-contrario criteria become intractable when the pattern complexity in terms of parametrization increases. In this work, we introduce a strategy which relies on the use of a cumulative space of reduced dimensionality, derived from the coupling of a classic (Hough) cumulative space with an integral histogram trick. This space allows us to store partial computations which are required by the a-contrario criterion, and to evaluate the significance with a lower computational cost than by following a straightforward approach. The method is illustrated on synthetic examples on patterns with various parametrizations up to five dimensions. In order to demonstrate how to apply this generic concept in a real scenario, we consider a difficult crack detection task in still images, which has been addressed in the literature with various local and global detection strategies. We model cracks as bounded segments, detected by the proposed a-contrario criterion, which allow us to introduce additional spatial constraints based on their relative alignment. On this application, the proposed strategy yields state-of the-art results, and underlines its potential for handling complex pattern detection tasks

    Detection of Masses and Architectural Distortions in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Images using Fuzzy and a Contrario Approaches

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    International audience<p>Digital breast tomosynthesis(DBT) is a new 3D imaging technique, which overcomes some limitations oftraditional digital mammography. Its development induces an increased amount of data to be processed,thus calling for a computer aided detection system to help the radiologist. Towards this aim, this paperfocuses on the detection of masses and architectural distortions in DBT images. A complete detectionscheme is proposed, consisting of two parts, called channels, each dedicated to one type of lesions, whichare then merged in a final decision step, thus handling correctly the potential overlap between the twotypes of lesions. The first detection channel exploits the dense kernel nature of masses and the intrinsicimprecision of their attributes in a fuzzy approach. The second detection channel models theconvergence characteristics of architectural distortions in an a contrario approach. The experimentalresults on 101 breasts, including 53 lesions, demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach, whichleads to a high sensitivity with a reduced number of false positives, and compares favorably to existingapproaches.</p

    Computer-aided Detection of Breast Cancer in Digital Tomosynthesis Imaging Using Deep and Multiple Instance Learning

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world. Nevertheless, early detection of breast cancer improves the chance of successful treatment. Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) as a new tomographic technique was developed to minimize the limitations of conventional digital mammography screening. A DBT is a quasi-three-dimensional image that is reconstructed from a small number of two-dimensional (2D) low-dose X-ray images. The 2D X-ray images are acquired over a limited angular around the breast. Our research aims to introduce computer-aided detection (CAD) frameworks to detect early signs of breast cancer in DBTs. In this thesis, we propose three CAD frameworks for detection of breast cancer in DBTs. The first CAD framework is based on hand-crafted feature extraction. Concerning early signs of breast cancer: mass, micro-calcifications, and bilateral asymmetry between left and right breast, the system includes three separate channels to detect each sign. Next two CAD frameworks automatically learn complex patterns of 2D slices using the deep convolutional neural network and the deep cardinality-restricted Boltzmann machines. Finally, the CAD frameworks employ a multiple-instance learning approach with randomized trees algorithm to classify DBT images based on extracted information from 2D slices. The frameworks operate on 2D slices which are generated from DBT volumes. These frameworks are developed and evaluated using 5,040 2D image slices obtained from 87 DBT volumes. We demonstrate the validation and usefulness of the proposed CAD frameworks within empirical experiments for detecting breast cancer in DBTs