27 research outputs found

    Exploring Community Building with an Awareness Display

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    In this paper, we present a field trial of a pervasive system called Panorama that is aimed at supporting social awareness in work environments. Panorama is an intelligent situated display in the staff room of an academic department. It artistically represents non-critical user generated content such as images from holidays, conferences and other social gatherings, as well as textual messages on its display. It also captures images and videos from different public spaces of the department and streams them onto the Panorama screen, using appropriate abstraction techniques. We studied the use of Panorama for two weeks and observed how Panorama affected staff members’ social awareness and community building. We report that Panorama simulated curiosity and learning, initiated new interactions and provided a mechanism for cherishing old memories

    Organizational Chart Inference

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    Nowadays, to facilitate the communication and cooperation among employees, a new family of online social networks has been adopted in many companies, which are called the "enterprise social networks" (ESNs). ESNs can provide employees with various professional services to help them deal with daily work issues. Meanwhile, employees in companies are usually organized into different hierarchies according to the relative ranks of their positions. The company internal management structure can be outlined with the organizational chart visually, which is normally confidential to the public out of the privacy and security concerns. In this paper, we want to study the IOC (Inference of Organizational Chart) problem to identify company internal organizational chart based on the heterogeneous online ESN launched in it. IOC is very challenging to address as, to guarantee smooth operations, the internal organizational charts of companies need to meet certain structural requirements (about its depth and width). To solve the IOC problem, a novel unsupervised method Create (ChArT REcovEr) is proposed in this paper, which consists of 3 steps: (1) social stratification of ESN users into different social classes, (2) supervision link inference from managers to subordinates, and (3) consecutive social classes matching to prune the redundant supervision links. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world online ESN dataset demonstrate that Create can perform very well in addressing the IOC problem.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. The paper is accepted by KDD 201

    Exploring the virtual space of academia

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    The aim of this chapter is to provide a view on how researchers present themselves in a social network specifically developed for supporting academic practices, how they share information and engage in dialogues with colleagues worldwide. We analysed data from 30,428 users who have registered on a publicly available website to study the effect of academic position, university ranking and country on people's behaviour. Results suggest that the virtual network closely mirrors physical reality, reproducing the same hierarchical structure imposed by position, ranking, and country on user behaviour. Despite the potential for bridging and bonding social capital the networks have not achieved substantial changes in structures and practices of the academic context. Furthermore, our analysis highlights the need of finding new strategies to motivate the users to contribute to the community and support equal participation, as so far the community is mainly exploited as a static website

    Podniková sociální síť jako sociální pilíř v podniku

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    V sociální oblasti se odpovědné chování podniků zaměřuje také na přístup k zaměstnancům. Psychologicko-sociální přístup v řízení lidských zdrojů vychází historicky ze školy lidských vztahů. Vymezují požadavky na osobnost řídících pracovníků, způsoby komunikace, řízení vztahů mezi zaměstnanci napříč organizační strukturou a způsoby zajištění sociálního pracovního prostředí k dosažení podnikových cílů. Příspěvek se zaměřuje na moderní informační technologii zvanou podniková sociální síť a na její možnost využití vedoucích pracovníků pro zajištění sociálního pilíře v podniku. Cílem příspěvku je zjistit kolik podniků v ČR využívá podnikovou sociální síť a zodpovědět stanovenou výzkumnou hypotézu týkající se dopadu podnikové sociální sítě na sociální aspekt pracovního prostředí. Metodologie příspěvku je na základě dotazníkového šetření, základní soubor zahrnoval podniky, využívající podnikové sociální sítě v ČR. Celková komparace získaných dat prezentuje současné trendy a doporučuje využívat moderní informační technologie

    Interactive Event Management System

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    Event is one of the activity that tmiversity students are Imstly involved. The tradifunal way in mmaging an event often causes some problems. This project objectives are to find all features needed and to develop an Event Management System, that can satiszy an need to help in mtking event rnmagement easier and more organized. This project will develop ll'ling prototype development lifu cycle becall'ie it is the Imst suitable way of developing this kind of project. ThroUgh survey and research there are some features that need to be included in the system to make sure the system work as it intended to be, fur example task management and docUirtent rnmagement, as well as features from social media such as Face book wall This project will make event mmagement much easier and Imre fim with the combination of web 2.0 and social media


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    Business processes are generally fixed and enforced strictly, as reflected by the static nature of underlying software systems and datasets. However, internal and external situations, organizational changes and various other factors trigger dynamism, which is reflected in the form of issues, complains, Q&A, opinions, reviews, etc, over a plethora of communication channels, such as email, chat, discussion forums, and internal social network. Careful and timely analysis and processing of such channels may lead to early detection of emerging trends, critical issues, opportunities, topics of interests, contributors, experts etc. Social network analytics have been successfully applied in general purpose, online social network platforms, like Facebook and Twitter. However, in order for such techniques to be useful in business context, it is mandatory to integrate them with underlying business systems, processes and practices. Such integration problem is increasingly recognized as Big Data problem. We argue that SemanticWeb technology applied with social network analytics can solve enterprise knowledge management, while achieving integration

    The Hugging Team: The Role of Technology in Business Networking Practices

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    Abstract. Technological devices for social networking are produced in droves and networking through media seems to be the way of getting ahead in business. We examine what role technology plays in the creation, development and maintenance of business relationships among entrepreneurs in Copenhagen. We find that mediated communication is useful in all stages of relational maintenance but only in a supportive role in relational development where co-presence and shared personal experiences take center-stage, generating trust necessary for business relationships to work. These trust-developing experiences take effort and hard work and although they can be successfully supported and even facilitated through the use of communication technologies, they need not be replaced or made simpler. The difficulties of creating these experiences make working business relationships viable in the uncertain and risky world of entrepreneurship

    Friend Network as Gatekeeper: A Study of WeChat Users' Consumption of Friend-Curated Contents

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    Social media enables users to publish, disseminate, and access information easily. The downside is that it has fewer gatekeepers of what content is allowed to enter public circulation than the traditional media. In this paper, we present preliminary empirical findings from WeChat, a popular messaging app of the Chinese, indicating that social media users leverage their friend networks collectively as latent, dynamic gatekeepers for content consumption. Taking a mixed-methods approach, we analyze over seven million users' information consumption behaviors on WeChat and conduct an online survey of 216216 users. Both quantitative and qualitative evidence suggests that friend network indeed acts as a gatekeeper in social media. Shifting from what should be produced that gatekeepers used to decide, friend network helps separate the worthy from the unworthy for individual information consumption, and its structure and dynamics that play an important role in gatekeeping may inspire the future design of socio-technical systems