38 research outputs found

    Detecting induced subgraphs

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    An s-graph is a graph with two kinds of edges : subdivisible edges and real edges. A realisation of an s-graphB is any graph obtained by subdividing subdivisible edges of B into paths of arbitrary length (at least one). Given an s-graph B, we study the decision problem Pi(B) whose instance is a graph G and whose question is "Does G contain a realisation of B as an induced subgraph ?".Detection, induced, subgraph.

    Detecting an induced net subdivision

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    A {\em net} is a graph consisting of a triangle CC and three more vertices, each of degree one and with its neighbour in CC, and all adjacent to different vertices of CC. We give a polynomial-time algorithm to test whether an input graph has an induced subgraph which is a subdivision of a net. Unlike many similar questions, this does not seem to be solvable by an application of the "three-in-a-tree" subroutine

    The four-in-a-tree problem in triangle-free graphs

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    The three-in-a-tree algorithm of Chudnovsky and Seymour decides in time O(n4) whether three given vertices of a graph belong to an induced tree. Here, we study four-in-a-tree for triangle-free graphs. We give a structural answer to the following question : how does look like a triangle-free graph such that no induced tree covers four given vertices ? Our main result says that any such graph must have the "same structure", in a sense to be defined precisely, as a square or a cube. We provide an O(nm)-time algorithm that given a triangle-free graph G together with four vertices outputs either an induced tree that contains them or a partition of V(G) certifying that no such tree exists. We prove that the problem of deciding whether there exists a tree T covering the four vertices such that at most one vertex of T has degree at least 3 is NP-complete.Three, four, tree, algorithm, 3-in-a-tree, 4-in-a-tree, triangle-free graphs.

    Finding an induced subdivision of a digraph

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    We consider the following problem for oriented graphs and digraphs: Given an oriented graph (digraph) GG, does it contain an induced subdivision of a prescribed digraph DD? The complexity of this problem depends on DD and on whether GG must be an oriented graph or is allowed to contain 2-cycles. We give a number of examples of polynomial instances as well as several NP-completeness proofs