2 research outputs found

    Guided Attention Network for Object Detection and Counting on Drones

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    Object detection and counting are related but challenging problems, especially for drone based scenes with small objects and cluttered background. In this paper, we propose a new Guided Attention Network (GANet) to deal with both object detection and counting tasks based on the feature pyramid. Different from the previous methods relying on unsupervised attention modules, we fuse different scales of feature maps by using the proposed weakly-supervised Background Attention (BA) between the background and objects for more semantic feature representation. Then, the Foreground Attention (FA) module is developed to consider both global and local appearance of the object to facilitate accurate localization. Moreover, the new data argumentation strategy is designed to train a robust model in various complex scenes. Extensive experiments on three challenging benchmarks (i.e., UAVDT, CARPK and PUCPR+) show the state-of-the-art detection and counting performance of the proposed method compared with existing methods

    Perceiving Traffic from Aerial Images

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    Drones or UAVs, equipped with different sensors, have been deployed in many places especially for urban traffic monitoring or last-mile delivery. It provides the ability to control the different aspects of traffic given real-time obeservations, an important pillar for the future of transportation and smart cities. With the increasing use of such machines, many previous state-of-the-art object detectors, who have achieved high performance on front facing cameras, are being used on UAV datasets. When applied to high-resolution aerial images captured from such datasets, they fail to generalize to the wide range of objects' scales. In order to address this limitation, we propose an object detection method called Butterfly Detector that is tailored to detect objects in aerial images. We extend the concept of fields and introduce butterfly fields, a type of composite field that describes the spatial information of output features as well as the scale of the detected object. To overcome occlusion and viewing angle variations that can hinder the localization process, we employ a voting mechanism between related butterfly vectors pointing to the object center. We evaluate our Butterfly Detector on two publicly available UAV datasets (UAVDT and VisDrone2019) and show that it outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods while remaining real-time