16 research outputs found

    Analysis of Software Implemented Low Entropy Masking Schemes

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    Low Entropy Masking Schemes (LEMS) are countermeasure techniques to mitigate the high performance overhead of masked hardware and software implementations of symmetric block ciphers by reducing the entropy of the mask sets. The security of LEMS depends on the choice of the mask sets. Previous research mainly focused on searching balanced mask sets for hardware implementations. In this paper, we find that those balanced mask sets may have vulnerabilities in terms of absolute difference when applied in software implemented LEMS. The experiments verify that such vulnerabilities certainly make the software LEMS implementations insecure. To fix the vulnerabilities, we present a selection criterion to choose the mask sets. When some feasible mask sets are already picked out by certain searching algorithms, our selection criterion could be a reference factor to help decide on a more secure one for software LEMS

    An investigation into the signals leakage from a smartcard based on different runtime code

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    This paper investigates the power leakage of a smartcard. It is intended to answer two vital questions: what information is leaked out when different characters are used as output; and does the length of the output affect the amount of the information leaked. The investigation determines that as the length of the output is increased more bus lines are switched from a precharge state to a high state. This is related to the output array in the code increasing its length. Furthermore, this work shows that the output for different characters generates a different pattern. This is due to the fact that various characters needs different amount of bytes to be executed since they have different binary value. Additionally, the information leaked out can be directly linked to the smartcard’s interpreter

    Channel Equalization for Side Channel Attacks

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    This paper introduces the use of channel equalization as a method of simplifying side channel analysis attacks, by effectively collapsing all points in a power measurement trace into a single random variable. This uses a simple Finite Impulse Response (FIR) linear equalizer, which has been studied extensively in communications systems. In addition the estimation of a channel model is used in developing the Channel Estimation Analysis (CEA), which is a generic attack requiring similar assumptions to the Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attack. Both channel equalization and the CEA attack are straight-forward to apply to real systems, and Python examples are provided. Results of attacking unprotected AES-128 and protected AES-256RSM on a microcontroller are provided

    Deep Neural Network Attribution Methods for Leakage Analysis and Symmetric Key Recovery

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have recently received significant attention in the side-channel community due to their state-of-the-art performance in security testing of embedded systems. However, research on the subject mostly focused on techniques to improve the attack efficiency in terms of the number of traces required to extract secret parameters. What has not been investigated in detail is a constructive approach of DNNs as a tool to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of countermeasures against side-channel attacks. In this work, we try to close this gap by applying attribution methods that aim for interpreting DNN decisions, in order to identify leaking operations in cryptographic implementations. In particular, we investigate three different approaches that have been proposed for feature visualization in image classification tasks and compare them regarding their suitability to reveal Points of Interests (POIs) in side-channel traces. We show by experiments with three separate data sets that Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) proposed by Bach et al. provides the best result in most cases. Finally, we demonstrate that attribution can also serve as a powerful side-channel distinguisher in DNN-based attack setups

    Boosting Higher-Order Correlation Attacks by Dimensionality Reduction

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    Multi-variate side-channel attacks allow to break higher-order masking protections by combining several leakage samples. But how to optimally extract all the information contained in all possible dd-tuples of points? In this article, we introduce preprocessing tools that answer this question. We first show that maximizing the higher-order CPA coefficient is equivalent to finding the maximum of the covariance. We apply this equivalence to the problem of trace dimensionality reduction by linear combination of its samples. Then we establish the link between this problem and the Principal Component Analysis. In a second step we present the optimal solution for the problem of maximizing the covariance. We also theoretically and empirically compare these methods. We finally apply them on real measurements, publicly available under the DPA Contest v4, to evaluate how the proposed techniques improve the second-order CPA (2O-CPA)

    Near Collision Side Channel Attacks

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    Side channel collision attacks are a powerful method to exploit side channel leakage. Otherwise than a few exceptions, collision attacks usually combine leakage from distinct points in time, making them inherently bivariate. This work introduces the notion of near collisions to exploit the fact that values depending on the same sub-key can have similar while not identical leakage. We show how such knowledge can be exploited to mount a key recovery attack. The presented approach has several desirable features when compared to other state-of-the-art collision attacks: Near collision attacks are truly univariate. They have low requirements on the leakage functions, since they work well for leakages that are linear in the bits of the targeted intermediate state. They are applicable in the presence of masking countermeasures if there exist distinguishable leakages, as in the case of leakage squeezing. Results are backed up by a broad range of simulations for unprotected and masked implementations, as well as an analysis of the measurement set provided by DPA Contest v4

    How Far Can We Reach? Breaking Masked AES Smartcard Implementation Using One Trace

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    Rotating Sbox Masking (RSM) scheme is a highly efficient masking scheme proposed to protect cryptographic implementations from side channel attacks. It is a Low Entropy Masking Scheme and has attracted special attention for its low overhead but high performance. The two public targets of international academic competition DPA Contest v4 are both RSM-masked AES implementations, specifically, RSM-AES-256 for v4.1 and RSM-AES-128 for v4.2 respectively. The side channel security of RSM-AES-256 was intensively studied by researchers worldwide under the framework of DPA Contest and several flaws were identified, while the security of RSM-AES-128 is still not thoroughly studied. In this paper, we focus on analyzing the practical security of RSM-AES-128 from a profiling attack point of view. Specifically, we firstly present a Multivariate Template Attack (MTA) to maximize the success rates of key recovery attack. Next, we propose a new Depth-First Key Enumeration Algorithm (DFKEA) that could be applied to find the correct key efficiently after a side channel attack. By integrating the DFKEA to our MTA, we propose a novel multivariate profiling attack which could recover the whole secret key of RSM-AES-128 with over 95% possibility only using one electromagnetic trace. It is the best attack among all attacks submitted to DPA Contest Official up to now. Finally, we present one proposal to further improve the practical security of RSM-AES-128 at an acceptable overhead

    Kilroy was here: The First Step Towards Explainability of Neural Networks in Profiled Side-channel Analysis

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    While several works have explored the application of deep learning for efficient profiled side-channel analysis, explainability or in other words what neural networks learn remains a rather untouched topic. As a first step, this paper explores the Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis (SVCCA) tool to interpret what neural networks learn while training on different side-channel datasets, by concentrating on deep layers of the network. Information from SVCCA can help, to an extent, with several practical problems in a profiled side-channel analysis like portability issue and criteria to choose a number of layers/neurons to fight portability, provide insight on the correct size of training dataset and detect deceptive conditions like over-specialization of networks

    Side-Channel Leakage and Trace Compression using Normalized Inter-Class Variance

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    Security and safety critical devices must undergo penetration testing including Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) before certification. SCA are powerful and easy to mount but often need huge computation power, especially in the presence of countermeasures. Few efforts have been done to reduce the computation complexity of SCA by selecting a small subset of points where leakage prevails. In this paper, we propose a method to detect relevant leakage points in side-channel traces. The method is based on Normalized Inter-Class Variance (NICV). A key advantage of NICV over state-of-the-art is that NICV does neither need a clone device nor the knowledge of secret parameters of the crypto-system. NICV has a low computation requirement and it detects leakage using public information like input plaintexts or output ciphertexts only. It is shown that NICV can be related to Pearson correlation and signal to noise ratio (SNR) which are standard metrics. NICV can be used to theoretically compute the minimum number of traces required to attack an implementation. A theoretical rationale of NICV with some practical application on real crypto-systems are provided to support our claims

    Achilles\u27 Heel: the Unbalanced Mask Sets May Destroy a Masking Countermeasure

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    Low Entropy Masking Scheme (LEMS) has attracted wide attention for its low-cost feature of small fixed mask sets in Side-Channel-Analysis (SCA). To achieve the expected side channel security, it is necessary to find a balanced mask set to reduce the correlations between key dependent variables and their corresponding leakages. However, the security proof of LEMS, based on an inadequate assumption, might lead to consequent mask sets proposed without balance property, which could cause vulnerable LEMS implementations. This paper focusing on correcting and improving this scheme, first gives the formal definitions of univariate balance property on mask sets and extends it to multivariate settings. From these definitions, we propose three fundamental properties to analyze the balance of mask sets in Rotating Sbox Masking (RSM), the most popular LEMS implementations. To demonstrate the definitions and properties, three state-of-the-art RSM mask sets were selected as research objects. The corresponding attacks when any properties violated distinctly indicate the necessity of evaluating the balance property of the mask set in advance (during the design phase). However, it is found impossible to get a mask set for the RSM with all three properties satisfied, which means the vulnerabilities of RSM scheme in its unbalanced mask set are unavoidable. Thus, this promising masking scheme may be broken for its unqualified mask set