3 research outputs found

    Sistem Monitoring Frekuensi Denyut Nadi pada Pelari Menggunakan Metode Photoplethysmographic

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    Lari merupakan olahraga yang efektif untuk membakar kalori. Namun, olahraga ini mempunyai dampak negatif bagi pelari yang mampu memicu serangan jantung sehingga dibutuhkan alat kesehatan untuk mendeteksi frekuensi denyut nadi saat berlari. Tujuan penelitian ini merancang sistem monitoring frekuensi denyut nadi secara real time pada pelari dengan menggunakan easily plugin pulse sensor berbasis photoplethysmographic. Sensor tersebut terdiri atas transmitter dan receiver infrared yang dipasang pada ujung jari tengah yang mana melalui jaringan kulit mampu mendeteksi volume darah. Fitur buzzer digunakan sebagai alarm jika denyut jantung mencapai 170 Beat Per Minute (BPM). Alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan aplikasi Android yang memudahkan pihak lain memonitoring keadaan denyut nadi pelari. Bluetooth HC-05 sebagai modul komunikasi data antara Arduino dan Android. Alat yang dirancang memiliki error maksimum sebesar 0,73% berdasarkan data percobaan dari 5 partisipan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem monitoring frekuensi denyut nadi secara real time mampu mendeteksi serangan jantung saat berlari dan adanya fitur data logger digunakan untuk rekap medis keadaan frekuensi denyut jantung saat berlari tanpa menggunakan aplikasi smartphone Android. AbstractRunning is the most popular workout around the world, because the most accessible, the cheapest and organized sport. However, running is dangerous in people suffering from heart disease. Hence, the medical device to detect heart failure for runners is required. In this paper, a monitoring system and data logger for detecting heart pulse by using easily plugin pulse sensor heart beat and its implementation for runners is newly proposed. The proposed method of sensor to detect the heart beat by using Photoplesthymograph principle. The sensor consists of transmitter and receiver infrared through to skin tissue to detect the blood volume. Different to previous work, the proposed device can be real time to monitor runners while running and have alarm when their heart beat reach 170 BPM. This device is also equipped with an Android application that facilitate other parties to monitor the runner’s heart beat. By using OMRON HEM-7203 as comparison devices, the rate error of measurement result is 0,086% within 5 participans. The proposed device is suitable for heart pulse monitoring system for runners in real time to reduce the heart attack while running

    Detecting episodes of brady- and tachycardia using photo-plethysmography at the wrist in free-living conditions

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    Detecting episodes of bradycardia and tachycardia can help identifying the clinical relevance of common cardiac symptoms. This study aimed at investigating whether an unobtrusive wrist-wearable device equipped with a photo-plethysmographic (PPG) and acceleration sensor could be used to detect such rate abnormalities in free-living conditions. Twenty patients (M=55%, age: 67 ± 13 y) reporting cardiac symptoms were monitored for 24 hours in free-living conditions using a portable Holter ECG recorder. Simultaneously, a wrist-wearable device equipped with a PPG and acceleration sensor was used to measure heart rate and the mean inter-pulse-interval (IPI) in 5-sec epochs. ECG-derived inter-beat-intervals (IBI) were used as ground truth for determining episodes of bradycardia (>1200 ms) and tachycardia (<500 ms) during the monitoring period. According to the ECG, the duration of brady- and tachycardia and normal rate lasted a total of 766 min, 64 min, and 27024 min, respectively. Average IPI during bradycardia and tachycardia was 1310 ± 80 ms and 459 ± 37 ms, respectively. IPI data correctly identified episodes of bradycardia (Se: 85.0%, Sp: 99.4%) and tachycardia (Se: 89.1%, Sp: 99.9%). In conclusion, a wrist-wearable device equipped with a PPG sensor can accurately detect rate abnormalities such as brady- and tachycardia in free-living conditions

    Detecting episodes of brady- and tachycardia using photo-plethysmography at the wrist in free-living conditions

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    \u3cp\u3eDetecting episodes of bradycardia and tachycardia can help identifying the clinical relevance of common cardiac symptoms. This study aimed at investigating whether an unobtrusive wrist-wearable device equipped with a photo-plethysmographic (PPG) and acceleration sensor could be used to detect such rate abnormalities in free-living conditions. Twenty patients (M=55%, age: 67 ± 13 y) reporting cardiac symptoms were monitored for 24 hours in free-living conditions using a portable Holter ECG recorder. Simultaneously, a wrist-wearable device equipped with a PPG and acceleration sensor was used to measure heart rate and the mean inter-pulse-interval (IPI) in 5-sec epochs. ECG-derived inter-beat-intervals (IBI) were used as ground truth for determining episodes of bradycardia (&gt;1200 ms) and tachycardia (&lt;500 ms) during the monitoring period. According to the ECG, the duration of brady- and tachycardia and normal rate lasted a total of 766 min, 64 min, and 27024 min, respectively. Average IPI during bradycardia and tachycardia was 1310 ± 80 ms and 459 ± 37 ms, respectively. IPI data correctly identified episodes of bradycardia (Se: 85.0%, Sp: 99.4%) and tachycardia (Se: 89.1%, Sp: 99.9%). In conclusion, a wrist-wearable device equipped with a PPG sensor can accurately detect rate abnormalities such as brady- and tachycardia in free-living conditions.\u3c/p\u3