3 research outputs found

    InSocialNet: Interactive visual analytics for role-event videos

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    Roleā€“event videos are rich in information but challenging to be understood at the story level. The social roles and behavior patterns of characters largely depend on the interactions among characters and the background events. Understanding them requires analysis of the video contents for a long duration, which is beyond the ability of current algorithms designed for analyzing short-time dynamics. In this paper, we propose InSocialNet, an interactive video analytics tool for analyzing the contents of roleā€“event videos. It automatically and dynamically constructs social networks from roleā€“event videos making use of face and expression recognition, and provides a visual interface for interactive analysis of video contents. Together with social network analysis at the back end, InSocialNet supports users to investigate characters, their relationships, social roles, factions, and events in the input video. We conduct case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of InSocialNet in assisting the harvest of rich information from roleā€“event videos. We believe the current prototype implementation can be extended to applications beyond movie analysis, e.g., social psychology experiments to help understand crowd social behaviors

    Time-Dependent Influence Measurement in Citation Networks

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    In every scientific discipline, researchers face two common dilemmas: where to find bleeding-edge papers and where to publish their own articles. We propose to answer these questions by looking at the influence between communities, e.g. conferences or journals. The influential conferences are those which papers are heavily cited by other conferences, i.e. they are visible, significant and inspiring. For the task of finding such influential places-to-publish, we introduce a Running Influence model that aims to discover pairwise influence between communities and evaluate the overall influence of each considered community. We have taken into consideration time aspects such as intensity of papers citations over time and difference of conferences starting years. The community influence analysis is tested on real-world data of Computer Science conferences