825 research outputs found

    Detecting Adversarial Examples via Neural Fingerprinting

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    Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which dramatically alter model output using small input changes. We propose Neural Fingerprinting, a simple, yet effective method to detect adversarial examples by verifying whether model behavior is consistent with a set of secret fingerprints, inspired by the use of biometric and cryptographic signatures. The benefits of our method are that 1) it is fast, 2) it is prohibitively expensive for an attacker to reverse-engineer which fingerprints were used, and 3) it does not assume knowledge of the adversary. In this work, we pose a formal framework to analyze fingerprints under various threat models, and characterize Neural Fingerprinting for linear models. For complex neural networks, we empirically demonstrate that Neural Fingerprinting significantly improves on state-of-the-art detection mechanisms by detecting the strongest known adversarial attacks with 98-100% AUC-ROC scores on the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and MiniImagenet (20 classes) datasets. In particular, the detection accuracy of Neural Fingerprinting generalizes well to unseen test-data under various black- and whitebox threat models, and is robust over a wide range of hyperparameters and choices of fingerprints

    Tracking Dataset IP Use in Deep Neural Networks

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    Training highly performant deep neural networks (DNNs) typically requires the collection of a massive dataset and the use of powerful computing resources. Therefore, unauthorized redistribution of private pre-trained DNNs may cause severe economic loss for model owners. For protecting the ownership of DNN models, DNN watermarking schemes have been proposed by embedding secret information in a DNN model and verifying its presence for model ownership. However, existing DNN watermarking schemes compromise the model utility and are vulnerable to watermark removal attacks because a model is modified with a watermark. Alternatively, a new approach dubbed DEEPJUDGE was introduced to measure the similarity between a suspect model and a victim model without modifying the victim model. However, DEEPJUDGE would only be designed to detect the case where a suspect model's architecture is the same as a victim model's. In this work, we propose a novel DNN fingerprinting technique dubbed DEEPTASTER to prevent a new attack scenario in which a victim's data is stolen to build a suspect model. DEEPTASTER can effectively detect such data theft attacks even when a suspect model's architecture differs from a victim model's. To achieve this goal, DEEPTASTER generates a few adversarial images with perturbations, transforms them into the Fourier frequency domain, and uses the transformed images to identify the dataset used in a suspect model. The intuition is that those adversarial images can be used to capture the characteristics of DNNs built on a specific dataset. We evaluated the detection accuracy of DEEPTASTER on three datasets with three model architectures under various attack scenarios, including transfer learning, pruning, fine-tuning, and data augmentation. Overall, DEEPTASTER achieves a balanced accuracy of 94.95%, which is significantly better than 61.11% achieved by DEEPJUDGE in the same settings

    A Stealthy and Robust Fingerprinting Scheme for Generative Models

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    This paper presents a novel fingerprinting methodology for the Intellectual Property protection of generative models. Prior solutions for discriminative models usually adopt adversarial examples as the fingerprints, which give anomalous inference behaviors and prediction results. Hence, these methods are not stealthy and can be easily recognized by the adversary. Our approach leverages the invisible backdoor technique to overcome the above limitation. Specifically, we design verification samples, whose model outputs look normal but can trigger a backdoor classifier to make abnormal predictions. We propose a new backdoor embedding approach with Unique-Triplet Loss and fine-grained categorization to enhance the effectiveness of our fingerprints. Extensive evaluations show that this solution can outperform other strategies with higher robustness, uniqueness and stealthiness for various GAN models

    Blacklight: Defending Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

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    The vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to adversarial examples is well documented. Under the strong white-box threat model, where attackers have full access to DNN internals, recent work has produced continual advancements in defenses, often followed by more powerful attacks that break them. Meanwhile, research on the more realistic black-box threat model has focused almost entirely on reducing the query-cost of attacks, making them increasingly practical for ML models already deployed today. This paper proposes and evaluates Blacklight, a new defense against black-box adversarial attacks. Blacklight targets a key property of black-box attacks: to compute adversarial examples, they produce sequences of highly similar images while trying to minimize the distance from some initial benign input. To detect an attack, Blacklight computes for each query image a compact set of one-way hash values that form a probabilistic fingerprint. Variants of an image produce nearly identical fingerprints, and fingerprint generation is robust against manipulation. We evaluate Blacklight on 5 state-of-the-art black-box attacks, across a variety of models and classification tasks. While the most efficient attacks take thousands or tens of thousands of queries to complete, Blacklight identifies them all, often after only a handful of queries. Blacklight is also robust against several powerful countermeasures, including an optimal black-box attack that approximates white-box attacks in efficiency. Finally, Blacklight significantly outperforms the only known alternative in both detection coverage of attack queries and resistance against persistent attackers
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