5 research outputs found

    Probabilistic thinking in mathematicstraining teachers: an approach from random games

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    El propósito del presente artículo es identificar y describir las habilidades asociadas al pensamiento probabilístico adquiridas por el profesorado en matemática en formación en las asignaturas de estadística cuando dan respuesta a juegos estocásticos. Para tal efecto se hizo uso de un enfoque cualitativo, en base a un análisis de contenido. Como técnica de captura de información se aplicó un instrumento de dos juegos no determinísticos adaptados al contexto chileno en las cuales los participantes debían dar respuesta a tres preguntas abiertas. Los 34 participantes fueron seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico del tipo intencionado. Entre los principales hallazgos se destacan que el profesorado en formación manifiesta escasa capacidad para conjeturar, como así también el transito entre la probabilidad intuitiva a la frecuencial, asimismo no representan gráficamente ni argumentan acerca del comportamiento de fenómenos aleatorios afín de lograr un aprendizaje colaborativo y de retroalimentación entre pares. En cambio, se evidencia el uso de tecnología en las simulaciones, acorde a lo explicitado en el currículo escolar. En conclusión, los profesores en formación de pedagogía en matemática presentan un escaso desarrollo en las habilidades asociadas al pensamiento probabilístico para describir y justificar el comportamiento de fenómenos estocásticos.The purpose of this article is to identify and describe the skills associated withprobabilistic thinking acquired by mathematics teachers in training in statistics subjects when they respond to stochastic games. For this purpose, a qualitative approach was used, based on a content analysis. As an information capture technique, an instrument of two non-deterministic games adapted to the Chilean context was applied, in which the participants had to answer three open questions. The 34 participants were selected by means of a non-probabilistic sampling of the intentional type. Among the main findings, it stands out that the teachers in training show little capacity to conjecture, as well as the transit between the intuitive probability to the frequency, likewise they do not graphically represent or argue about the behavior of random phenomena in order to achieve collaborative learning and peer feedback. Instead, the use of technology in the simulations is evident, according to what is explicit in the school curriculum. In conclusion, teachers in mathematics pedagogy training have little development in the skills associated with probabilistic thinking to describe and justify the behavior of stochastic phenomen

    Designing a powerful learning environment to promote durable conceptual change

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    Designing a powerful learning environment to promote durable conceptual change

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term effectiveness of a three-dimensional (3D) computer modeling supported predict–observe–explain (POE) strategy on pre-service science teachers' understanding of lunar concepts. Thirty-three preservice teachers participated in the study. A questionnaire was used to assess participants' understanding of the phases of the Moon and eclipses before, after, and 22 months after the instruction. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants before and after the instruction. The results demonstrated that few participants had a scientific understanding about the targeted lunar concepts before the instruction. However, the majority of the participants had a scientific understanding after the instruction indicating that the instructional intervention was quite effective in facilitating conceptual change. The results also demonstrated that twenty-two months after the instruction most participants maintained their scientific conceptual understanding suggesting that the powerful learning environment designed for this study was effective in promoting a durable conceptual change

    Kesan perisian realiti berperantara berasaskan pendekatan inkuiri dalam pembelajaran sains

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of Augmented Reality (AR) software integrated with POE Inquiry based approach and Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning design principles toward spatial visualization ability and achievement in science. This study also investigates student interaction with the AR system and their corresponding correlations to spatial visualization ability and achievement in science. A pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest research design was employed with 34 grade 5 elementary school students as respondents, which consists of students with high spatial visualization abilities (KVST) and low spatial visualization abilities (KVSR). The findings revealed that learning through the AR software was effective to enhance students’ spatial visualization ability and achievement in science. The results of the t test analysis of students’ pre- and posttest scores on both tests demonstrate significant improvements in their mental rotation test (t = 19.795, p < 0.05) and achievement in science (t = 24.801, p < 0.05). Moreover, the findings also suggest that there exists a significant difference between the KVST and KVSR groups in terms of spatial visualization ability (t = 6.592, p < 0.05) and achievement in science (t = 2.419, p < 0.05), before and after the treatment session. The results of the content analysis towards student interaction with the AR software demonstrates that turning the AR markers, inspecting the AR elements and commenting on the AR elements are recorded the highest number of interactions compared to others. Results from a Spearman correlation analysis show that there are nine interactions that have significant correlations with spatial visualization ability and achievement in science among the KVST and KVSR students, with the correlation direction of each relationship is positive. Finally, a framework for KVST and KVSR students in learning through the AR software was developed through data mining analysis using a decision tree technique. This framework recommends a series of guidelines that can further enhance students’ spatial visualization ability and achievement in science through the application of AR in learning