1 research outputs found

    A multiple perspectives review of knowledge management literature

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    This paper reviews articles on knowledge management (KM) research published in journals within the disciplines of Information Systems (IS), Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT), Business & Management, and Sociology.Multiple Perspectives Theory (Mitroff and Linstone, 1993) was used as a theoretical framework to classify KM research into three perspectives, namely technical, organizational and personal perspectives.The multiple perspective classification of KM research is then used to analyze articles which discuss research issues related to KM.The review found that the most dominant perspective adopted mainly by researchers is the organizational (O) perspective.The O perspective is adopted mainly by researchers within the social science, and business & management disciplines.KM articles within the O perspective mainly discuss the organization’s capability to manage knowledge as a resource for competitive advantage.The technical (T) perspective of KM research is mainly adopted by researchers within the CS, IT, and IS disciplines. The T perspective of KM research discusses the technology that can be used to support KM process in an organization. Very few articles approach KM from a personal (P) perspective, which discusses attitudes and behavior of KM stakeholders