3 research outputs found

    Network Traffic Threat Detection and Reporting System Validation through UML

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    In today’s digital world, computer network security experts struggle to manage security issues effectively. Reporting the network data in graphical form helps the expert to take decision in more effective and efficient way. Visualizing the network traffic seamlessly is a big challenge but an integrated network traffic visualization approach can resolve such issues effectively. The work presented here focuses on structural, behavioral and architectural modeling of an Integrated Network Traffic Visualization System (INTVS) and validating  it through unified modeling language. The adopted modeling can accommodate the analysis and designing of INTVS effectively, which is demonstrated in this study. Keywords:  Network traffic visualization, Network Security, INTVS framework,  INTVS modeling

    Ontwerpruimte van de ICT-architectuur van het Smart Grid: een onderzoek naar de interactie rond het elektriciteitsnet

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    in deze scriptie wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek naar de vraag welke bijdrage geleverd kan worden aan een ICT-architectuurvisie. Daarbij wordt mn aandacht geschonken aan het Smart Grid

    Designing Resource Oriented Architecture in UML A Case Study on Smart Grid Home Area Network (HAN)

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